• WSyoyophil



    Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 71 total)
    • in reply to: dbl lookup + sum (2000) #832531

      Well I got lucky and found an old post and formula from Hans that put me on the right track and I solved my own problem. I am re-posting my fixed file in case someone could use the formula.

      Thanks to anyone who may have started working on my request.


    • in reply to: dbl lookup + sum (2000) #832532

      Well I got lucky and found an old post and formula from Hans that put me on the right track and I solved my own problem. I am re-posting my fixed file in case someone could use the formula.

      Thanks to anyone who may have started working on my request.


    • in reply to: Formula to show absent (2000) #830980

      Are you putting the word ABSENT in place of a grade? If you are then try this adjustment to Kieran’s formula. It will look for the work ABSENT first.

      =IF(OR(L7=”Absent”,N7=”Absent”,P7=”Absent”,R7=”Absent”,T7=”Absent”,),”Absent”,IF(OR(ISBLANK(L8),ISBLANK(N8),ISBLANK(P8),ISBLANK(R8),ISBLANK(T8)),”Absent”,IF(MIN(L8, N8, P8, R8, T8)<40,"FAIL","PASS")))


    • in reply to: Formula to show absent (2000) #830981

      Are you putting the word ABSENT in place of a grade? If you are then try this adjustment to Kieran’s formula. It will look for the work ABSENT first.

      =IF(OR(L7=”Absent”,N7=”Absent”,P7=”Absent”,R7=”Absent”,T7=”Absent”,),”Absent”,IF(OR(ISBLANK(L8),ISBLANK(N8),ISBLANK(P8),ISBLANK(R8),ISBLANK(T8)),”Absent”,IF(MIN(L8, N8, P8, R8, T8)<40,"FAIL","PASS")))


    • in reply to: Sum From Variable Range (2000) #829082

      Legare’s formula is fantastic but I think it needs to have some absolutes used or you may run into a few problems.


      just an observation.


    • in reply to: Sum From Variable Range (2000) #829083

      Legare’s formula is fantastic but I think it needs to have some absolutes used or you may run into a few problems.


      just an observation.


    • in reply to: Excel Formula (2000) #828621

      I added to Steve’s formula and I admit there is probably a shorter formula that might work but if placed in E3, it works. You can copy it down. If you copy it across you manually have to change the month in the date ranges and then copy down. Maybe someone can fix that glitch.



    • in reply to: Excel Formula (2000) #828624

      I added to Steve’s formula and I admit there is probably a shorter formula that might work but if placed in E3, it works. You can copy it down. If you copy it across you manually have to change the month in the date ranges and then copy down. Maybe someone can fix that glitch.



    • in reply to: checking data…in excel (2000) #822001

      Couldn’t you simply add conditional formatting which would highlight the new entry if it equals the cell to its left?

      Seems simple enough unless I am missing something here.


    • in reply to: Preventing Automatic Hyperlinks (XL 2000 SR1) #821993

      I encountered this same problem a while back and could not find any available setting to rectify this. I did discover though, that if you put a space before the entry in the cell, excel disregards it as a hyperlink.

      Thats the best I can do for you.

    • in reply to: Preventing Automatic Hyperlinks (XL 2000 SR1) #821994

      I encountered this same problem a while back and could not find any available setting to rectify this. I did discover though, that if you put a space before the entry in the cell, excel disregards it as a hyperlink.

      Thats the best I can do for you.

    • in reply to: Concatenate (Excel 97) #812402

      I took your spreadsheet and adjusted it a little. I reformatted your entries and added columns that you can hide. It works as needed but may not suit your needs if you have to stick with the entries as you presented.

      Hopefully seeing it is all the explanation you need if you wish to use the ideas and expand them into a larger spreadsheet.

    • in reply to: Concatenate (Excel 97) #812403

      I took your spreadsheet and adjusted it a little. I reformatted your entries and added columns that you can hide. It works as needed but may not suit your needs if you have to stick with the entries as you presented.

      Hopefully seeing it is all the explanation you need if you wish to use the ideas and expand them into a larger spreadsheet.

    • in reply to: Data Consolidation (Excel 2003) #809052

      This uses a hidden column for each FL worksheet and entry. The way I understand your problem, you are looking to add specific cells across all worksheets (in your example file FL1:FL2), but only if the corresponding Master sheet cell E13:E102 equals a 1 (Master sheet cell E13 is a 1 so add all results from sheet FL1). See if my spreadsheet would work for you.


    • in reply to: multi-sheet formula (2000) #801609


      Thanks for the clarification. The formula works as needed. Thanks for the little lesson.

      This board is fantastic.

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