

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)
    • in reply to: Making Monopoly game on Excel spreadsheet #1514771

      Maud this is awesome! That’s just so wild. Thank you so much

      zeddy- I have been examining your code for the moving pieces. Can you explain why you chose to zigzag when moving. Was this to create an affect or was it a necessary step for the movement?

      Thanks for all your help

    • in reply to: Making Monopoly game on Excel spreadsheet #1514645

      zeddy, CCH

      Well that is mighty cool! Played with it for a while walking through the code using F8. I believe I have a good grasp. Very Nice. Thanks a bunch!

      I have already taken care of the setup, rules, deeds, money distribution, players and their tokens which is all part of the logic that I am near completing. They will display on what I am calling the slate. You can leave that part to me.

      Maudibe, would it be possible to duplicate your animation for the Community chest cards? After that, I should be good.

      Thank you both zeddy and Maud for your talent.


    • in reply to: Making Monopoly game on Excel spreadsheet #1514567

      Yeah……aint it cool!!!!

    • in reply to: Making Monopoly game on Excel spreadsheet #1514400

      Sorry for not responding sooner as I just got back from my vacation and what a treat I came back to!

      Thank you zeddy for the international selections. This is so clever. The game could be personalized to any situation. You set up your board very similar to the way I have so I am considering just using your board if you do not mind with some of your code as well as Maudibe’s Chance cards and rolling dice. My initial plans were to move the pieces to the different cells by the use of a table. Very interested on what you come up with on moving the tokens.

      Thanks Maudibe for your animations. The selection of the Chance cards with a finger cursor gives it a real sense of actually picking the card. I see you placed an invisible object on top. I am assuming because you can click it and have an action of some sort. I need to study this more.

      I have been working on the behind the scenes logic and forms that represent the deed cards. Very please with how it has developed so far. Now to integrate all this great stuff that you guys did.

      Thanks again,

    • in reply to: Making Monopoly game on Excel spreadsheet #1512956

      Is there anything you guys can’t do with visual basic?

      These animations are fantastic!!!! I have been working on the logic of the game but I will need time to digest your codes and integrate them. I am anticipating that I will be able to just branch to your routines. Hope you will not mind if I have some questions. Seems like things are more complicated then my early days of extended basic but I am figuring it out.

      With the dice rolling, movement of the pieces, and the animated display of cards, this project is becoming even more interesting. Keep it coming.


    • in reply to: help with time in excel #1512284

      try [h]:mm as the format using a colon instead of a period

    • in reply to: help with time in excel #1512216

      You are obviously entering a time of some sort different than what the cell is formatted for. Could you give an example of what you input and the result that shows for that input?


    • in reply to: Making Monopoly game on Excel spreadsheet #1512155

      This is perfect Maudibe! Thank you to you and zeddy for all your help. I will leave this post open because I know zeddy was working on something.

      Great Forum

    • in reply to: Making Monopoly game on Excel spreadsheet #1511732

      Hi a-mdb,

      I do not plan on making any profits or distribution of my project. The board was generated not from a picture but from my design and work of an Excel spreadsheet which was not copied from another’s efforts. The code behind it that will give it functionality will be the result of my authoring and the help I get from this forum.

      IMHO, this would not be a copyright infringement but I do not claim to be a patent lawyer.


    • in reply to: Making Monopoly game on Excel spreadsheet #1511695


      Here is my game board. I see the entire board at 90% and just the lower edge is missing at 100%. If I had a preference, the dice would come in from the lower left and rest somewhere in the center of the board.

      Now if a dice happens to accidently go off the table, we’ll just have to roll again.



    • in reply to: Making Monopoly game on Excel spreadsheet #1511669

      You are a comedian Zeddy :rolleyes:

      The screen looks just like a Monopoly Board. I have a 4:3 aspect ration screen and it fits perfectly in that view.


    • in reply to: Making Monopoly game on Excel spreadsheet #1511553

      To answer your question Jeremy, I couldn’t get that specific code to run. It was stated to be VB but one of the few that was described as “Rolling dice with movement”.

      Thank you zeddy for your sample. It is the nicest one that I found that uses VBA. I would like the dice to move across the board if possible as if someone was throwing them. Could yours be adapted?

    • in reply to: Making Monopoly game on Excel spreadsheet #1511418

      Good Morning Paul,

      This is one of many I pasted into the module window and tried to run.

      Public Function RollDice(value As String) As Integer
              ' setup working variables to make things easier
              Dim tmp As String = ""
              Dim modType As String = ""
              Dim numberOfDice As Integer = 0
              Dim numberOfSidesPerDice As Integer = 0
              Dim modifier As Integer = 0
              ' First we check to see if there is a "d" in the string
              If value.Contains("d") = True Then
                  ' There is so first we need to get the value infront of the d
                  tmp = Field(value, "d"c, 1).Trim
                  ' and convert it to an integer if it's a number, errors are silently
                  ' ignored for now. 
                  If Integer.TryParse(tmp, numberOfDice) = False Then
                      numberOfDice = 0
                  End If
                  ' Now look at the value after the d
                  tmp = Field(value, "d"c, 2).Trim
                  ' does it contain a + or a -?
                  If tmp.Contains("+") = True Then
                      modType = "+"
                  End If
                  If tmp.Contains("-") = True Then
                      modType = "-"
                  End If
                  ' if does not contain a + or a -, then there is no modifer
                  If modType = "" Then
                      ' and we take the right side of the d as the number of sides
                      ' of the dice
                      If Integer.TryParse(tmp, numberOfSidesPerDice) = False Then
                          numberOfSidesPerDice = 0
                      End If
                      ' there is a + or a - so we need to extract the number on the left
                      ' side of the +/-
                      Dim bit As String = Field(tmp, CChar(modType), 1).Trim
                      If Integer.TryParse(bit, numberOfSidesPerDice) = False Then
                          numberOfSidesPerDice = 0
                      End If
                      ' now we take the right side of the +/- and set that to the modifier
                      bit = Field(tmp, CChar(modType), 2).Trim
                      If Integer.TryParse(bit, modifier) = False Then
                          modifier = 0
                      End If
                  End If
                  ' Ah so there is no d so we assume it's not a forumlar, just a number
                  numberOfDice = 0
                  numberOfSidesPerDice = 0
                  If Integer.TryParse(value, 0) = True Then
                      modifier = 0
                      modifier = 0
                  End If
              End If
              ' Now comes time to roll the dice
              Dim lp As Integer
              Dim total As Integer = 0
              ' Set up a random object randomised by the syystem date and time
              Dim objRandom As New System.Random(CType(System.DateTime.Now.Ticks Mod System.Int32.MaxValue, Integer))
              ' loop through the number of dice
              For lp = 1 To numberOfDice
                  ' add each roll to the total
                  total = total + CInt(objRandom.Next(numberOfSidesPerDice) + 1)
              ' now modify the total if needed
              If modType = "+" Then
                  total += modifier
              ElseIf modType = "-" Then
                  total -= modifier
              End If
              ' we have the results of the dice roll
              Return total
          End Function
          ' Using the delimiter to split the string into chunks, return the pos chunk
          ' e.g. Field("1d6+1","d",2) would return "6+1"
          Public Function Field(ByVal sourceString As String, ByVal delimiter As Char, ByVal pos As Integer) As String
              Dim parts() As String = sourceString.Split(delimiter)
              If pos > parts.Length Then
                  Return ""
                  Return parts(pos - 1)
              End If
          End Function

      It seems that most descriptions of the graphics is stationary dice with flipping faces that eventually stop at some combination of numbers

      Thanks Brian

    • in reply to: Importing file names and listing #1509909


      This can be a very valuable tool for me. If I move the image window to the center of the screen, it will stay there if I click additional files. If I close the viewer, it will reopen in the top left. Is there a way to control where the viewer opens? One last question, can this be modified for .pdf files?


    • in reply to: Animated Bar Chart #1497849


      Unbelievable! That is sooooo…. cool. I am sorry that I was not clear but it is the averages of the categories that I am charting. Even though the first chart with the 49 rows is awesome, the second chart is what I am looking for. I am certainly not on your level with visual basic but I was able to run the animate3 procedure from the anmate2 procedure. Now the categories will roll from left to right then “dance” with the equalizer effect as you described. I also took note of your Pause function and plan to use it in a Worksheet Activate procedure to start the animation several seconds after the chart sheet is activated. I see many applications for using that in the future.

      Thanks again, you are a Wizard.

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)