AskWoody LoungerI found part of my problem, and it sort of works. The variable name was defined with as strCurrentDocument, but the ‘str’ prefix was missing when it was used. I had to put this code into a macro called AutoOpen. But from an intranet page, I get an error that says: Add method or property is not available because this document is in another application. Does someone know what’s required to make this work from a web page?
AskWoody LoungerThat sounds like what I want, Karen, to base a new document on the template and close the template, but it gave me a blank new document. In file|new, when you base a document on a template, you get the text that was in the template. Can you or someone tell me what’s missing that would give me everything that I’d get via file | new? This is an urgent need at the moment, and I was very excited to see this solution. I hope someone can help make it work.
AskWoody LoungerYou’re not talking about file|new, are you? You don’t see subfolders there after the first level.
AskWoody LoungerThis isn’t really a reply, except to say if I were KT I’d still be crying at the unformat everything options. It’s way difficult to take a now-unformatted document that was full of formatting like tables and bulleted or numbered lists and then try to figure out what the original formatting was. You have to go through page by page with a printout of the original document in front of you, and even then, I hope to never have to put a large table back together.
I’d be trying to provide a conversion toolbar with some number of macros that would fix up the major problem areas, and let the users copy in the formatting. I’d want (as a user, I’m speaking) to be able to copy in at least whole chapters, then have a macro go through the document and stop at every style that isn’t in some approved style list and have the user change the style to an approved one. Maybe a macro could correct the numbering restart? Another one could reset the tabbing? I don’t even know if what I want is possible, but if any of you provide it, I’m certainly going to save it.
AskWoody LoungerIf you insert the page number reference via Insert Cross-reference, does it work OK, or is that already how you’re inserting them? Are the page numbers done using heading numbers as the chapter numbers, using the regular page numbering that comes with Word?
AskWoody LoungerI’m just going to describe one way to deal with the paging, picture positioning, and page reference. I don’t understand where you mean the columns to be, so I’m not including that in my reply.
At the end of the text before the picture, insert a section break, next page.
On the new page, insert your picture. Right click the picture, format picture, on the position tab, untick float over text. With the picture not selected, insert a bookmark, hidden. You have to name it.
Insert a section break on that page, next page.
Back on the first page, where you want the page number that the picture is on, insert field, pageref; under options, select the bookmark name.
AskWoody LoungerHere are two ideas:
1. Use the form fields. Protect the document. On exit from the second field, run a macro to update all the fields and unprotect the document. Make sure the user never reprotects the document.
2. Use ASK fields. Use REF fields wherever the values go in the document. These don’t trigger a macro, however, as far as I know, so you’ll have to get the user to print preview to update the fields, or click a button that runs an update macro, or ignore them until the document is printed. -
AskWoody LoungerThanks for posting that. I just wrote LoungeAdmin about having screwed up this thread – KT had sent a reply with that reference, and then sent a link to the same note, and then when I posted my reply, the earlier replies went missing.
AskWoody LoungerI don’t know if what we used to do is something totally inadvisable or not, so FWIW:
We used heading levels 7 – 9 for three appendix levels, that look like
Appendix A
We have them look like that in the TOC, and the page numbers are A-1 through A-whatever, B-1 etc. We set up the heading7 style to say Appendix A. , and the heading8 style to have the A.1. In the page numbers, when the appendices start, you have to redefine the page numbers, to tell it that the chapter number starts with style heading7.We stopped using the prefix when some posting suggested that it was just a lot of extra work, and since the format is not that important for our documents, it finally got through to me that we could stop fiddling with those things if we didn’t use them.
AskWoody LoungerI’m no VBA expert, but I probably got these from someone else. I’m attaching the macro that replaces the default text with what was just entered, one of the macros that goes to the next field, and the safe form lock, which someone else just posted recently.
Sub DefaultTextReplace()
‘ DefaultTextReplace Macro
‘ Macro created 99/04/28 by wcutler’
Dim vNewDefault As Variant
Dim vCurrentFormField As Variant‘(get the current variable name)
vCurrentFormField = ActiveDocument.Range.Bookmarks(Selection.BookmarkID).Name
‘MsgBox vCurrentFormField
vNewDefault = ActiveDocument.FormFields(vCurrentFormField).ResultActiveDocument.FormFields(vCurrentFormField).TextInput.Default = vNewDefault
End Sub
Sub GoToOnSitePara()
‘ GoToOnSitePara Macro
‘ Macro created 99/04/13 by wcutler
End Sub
Sub SafeFormLock()
‘ SafeFormLock Macro
‘ Macro created 99/04/14 by wcutler
If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType = wdNoProtection Then
ActiveDocument.Protect Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, _
Password:=””, _
End IfEnd Sub
AskWoody LoungerI understand you to be asking if you can show the location in the document where the fill-in field code is going to be used, so people understand better what’s being requested, and I don’t know how to do that. What I’ve done is use form fields, with the document protected. People tab through the document from field to field, so the fields are shown in context when people are filling them in. If the tabbing doesn’t automatically go to the correct next place (I can’t remember exactly why, would it have been if there are some REF fields, which get filled in automatically, so no need to stop there), I have a macro run on exit to go to the next field. When the users finish the fields, they unprotect the document and do other changes.
The caveat is that you have to provide a button to re-protect the document, else if you go into tools|protect document, all the fields will be reset to their defaults. It’s a Word feature. I have a macro run on exit from the fields to change the default to what they just entered, but that doesn’t work for all the fields (no doubt because I’m understanding what I’m doing somewhat imperfectly).
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