• WSVBNerd



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    • in reply to: V1 vs V2 #517717

      I did a little more research. Image Ready is now part of PhotoShop. I also read a review of several Web graphic software packages. PhotoShop, Fireworks, and PhotoImpact scored the bast. Paint Shop Pro was lacking. Although I may evaluate it myself.

      I think I had read that PhotoDraw was not going to be part of the next Office suite. I didn’t hear that it was going to be discontinued. Is this part of the shot in the arm MS gave Corel?

      Thanks for the tips.


    • in reply to: How many nest If Else can I have? #516867

      *** Geoff W URL reference corrected ***

      There’s an excellent article about constructing your boolean logic at http://www.devx.com/upload/free/features/v…0200/cs0200.asp

      Also, I find myself doing a lot of testing for the negative, then exiting the sub or function if it passes.

      If sometest() = False _
         Exit Function
      End If

      I find this easier than putting huge blocks of code within an if-then statement.

      My $.02.


    • in reply to: How many nest If Else can I have? #516884

      I believe you can improve the readability of long routines by using the Exit statement. It can save having to wrap the entire routine with an If-Then statement.

      I guess we can agree to disagree on the use of the Exit statement.

      The only time you should use a GOTO statement is in an error handler. i.e. On Error Goto Super_Duper_Error. Not every error can be handled using in-line error handling.


    • in reply to: How does one handle rollovers when doing subtracti #516869

      Won’t the DateAdd function do this correctly?


    • in reply to: Code: Standards #516006

      Thanks for the clarification.

    • in reply to: VBScript reference #515895

      There’s also VBScript in a Nutshell by Paul Lomax published by O’Reilly.

      I’m recently reading a book published by Wrox about the WSH that goes into great detail about the capabilities of the WSH.

      I’ve been able to do some neat things using WSH & VBScript.


    • in reply to: Javascript vs VBScript? #515893

      It really depends. Is browser compatability an issue?(It doesn’t sound like it.) Have you programmed in the VBA language before? Have you programmed in C before?

      If your doing client-side scripting AND your only browser is IE AND you have a VBA language background, then IMHO VBScript will be the way to go. VBScript is essentially a subset of the VBA language, so it’s easy to get up and running if you already know the VBA language.

      If you have a C programming background, Javascript will probably be easier to learn as it very C like but simpler and it works in both NS and IE for client-side scripting.

      I believe there’s plenty of resources on both.


    • in reply to: Code: Standards #515891

      I’m not sure of the name, but it’s at the following link

      It uses the 3 character prefix for variables and controls.(strFirstName, intAge, …)

      The other variable naming convention I’ve seen uses a single character prefix.(sFirstName, iAge, …) I’m not sure, but I think this one is called Hungarian.

      I’d be interested in seeing the one you use.

      I guess the real point is to make sure your team sticks to one convention. It’s not good to have that rouge programmer using his own style while his/her peers stick to something else.


    • in reply to: FileDateTime(pathname) #515843

      I’d be willing to bet that in future versions of the VBA language, things like the DIR$ function will be dropped for the more OO FileSystemObject. Just looking at the code, I’d say that the FileExists method is clearer than Dir.

      There’s lots of redundant functions/statements in the VBA language that could use some cleaning up. There must be three or four ways to convert something to a string. Strangely enough, I’ve heard that VB.NET still carries many of these redundancies. Oh, for those of you who think that they don’t need to pay attention to VB.NET, think again. Office.NET will use the same language as VB.NET. Office XP won’t, but Office.NET(the version after XP) will.

      BTW, the FileSystemObject also has a DateLastModified property which appears to do the same as the FileDateTime function.

      Well, I’ve babbled on enough.

      Mike “Someday I’ll create a sig and a neat pic.”

    • in reply to: Code: Standards #515698

      In addition to the original suggestions, I’d also suggest the following…

      Try to program using dispatch mode. One sub or function does the dispatching. It calls nearly all the other subs or functions. Try to avoid one routine that calls another routine and that routine calls another routine and so on and so on.

      When commenting your code, put less on what your code is doing and more on WHY you’re doing it.

      Stick to a variable naming convention.

      If I think of any more, I’ll post ’em.


    • in reply to: FileDateTime(pathname) #515693

      To find out if a file exists, use the FileSystemObject’s FileExists method. You’ll need to set a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime.(Tools References…)

      Dim oFSO as FileSystemObject
      Set oFSO = New FileSystemObject

      If oFSO.FileExists(Fullpath & filename) = True _
      ‘ File Exists!
      ‘ File doesn’t exist.
      End If

      Set oFSO = Nothing

      I can highly recommend VB & VBA In A Nutshell by Paul Lomax published by O’Reilly. It’s an excellent reference to the VBA language.


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