AskWoody LoungerHow about Learning Web Design by Jennifer Niederst?
Then check out http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com[/url%5D Learning good web design by looking at bad web design.(There are also two books on the subject: Web Pages That Suck and Son of Web Pages That Suck)
Top 15 Webmaster Mistakes –http://anet.net/support/hosting/15mistakes.html%5B/url%5D(Although, I don’t agree with them all.)
Bad Design Features – http://www.ratz.com/featuresbad.html%5B/url%5D
Oh well, you asked about books and I gave you books and web sites.
AskWoody LoungerWuts that one that Woody has in WOW, http://www.cheaperoffice.com[/url%5D? I’m willing to bet that MS isn’t selling it anymore. Maybe Ebay?
AskWoody LoungerThanks for the tip. I’m not willing to go that far. Don’t have the tools and don’t have the time. I just thought if some copy got placed in another folder, I could retrieve it.
Sometimes people need to learn the hard way.
AskWoody LoungerI don’t believe that the file format in Office XP is any different than Office 2000 or Office 97. Access is the exception. In theory, you should be able to save a document or workbook in Office XP and someone using Office 2000 or Office 97 should be able to open it and use it. Granted it’s always better to be working in the same version of Office that those you exchange file with use, but if you can’t get Office 2000, Office XP should work.
AskWoody LoungerVB & VBA In A Nutshell is great! I read it nearly cover to cover.
It’s helped with anything VB/VBA related which includes Office VBA. It made me aware of many functions that I wouldn’t have known about before. I wouldn’t recommend it to someone just learning, but someone who’s gotten their feet wet with VB/VBA should get it to expand their knowledge.
I wouldn’t slam Steve Roman’s book too much either. Once you have an understanding of the VB language, getting exposure to the object models is half the battle. His book exposes you to the object model.
Surprisingly, the Office 2000 Programmer’s Guide has proven helpful too. I might not go into great detail, but it tries to cover the major objects in each of the office apps.
AskWoody LoungerShort of writing a macro, I haven’t found an easy way to do this.
Anyone know of an easy way to do this?
AskWoody LoungerI’ll put in another vote for HTML tidy. It really cleans up the MS bloated HTML that is generated by MS aps.
AskWoody LoungerI really like A List Apart. After preaching about how wonderful XHTML & CSS were, they followed through on converting their web site to XHTML & CSS. There’s even an article on the journey to XHTML & CSS. Granted, there was some pain and comprimises involved, but the end result appears to be worth it.
AskWoody Lounger“At work I HAVE TO USE Netscape 4.7 not even 4.79, but 4.7. It’s corp standard and I have no choice in the matter”
You might want to contact your I.T. dept and discuss it with them. Backed with some justification might help the case. Maybe it’s time to change the corp standard.
“There are still users that only use Lynx browser (a text only browser) because they work on Unix boxes.”
I suspect that XHTML/HTML & CSS renders better than tables & HTML with images using Lynx. The content is mostly seperate from the presentation using XHTML/HTML & CSS, so it should be easier to read on Lynx. There are other browsers available for Unix boxes too. If you are worried about Lynx browsers, you should be more concerned about those with vision disabilities. Table heavy web pages don’t help them any.
We need to stop bending over backward for those few who aren’t using at least 5.0 browsers. Some guy with pointy ears once said, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.”
——————————————————————————–Which goes COMPLETELY against the original intent of the ‘Net. IMHO, this is one of the reasons the ‘Net isn’t what it once was. (no offence intended, just my personal viewpoint)”
The original intent of the internet was poisoned by the “tag wars” between MS and Netscape. It’s time to get back on track and clean up the pollution and use browsers that follow the standards and design web pages that follow those standards.
AskWoody LoungerTake a look at http://www.alistapart.com/stories/tohell/%5B/url%5D. In a nutshell, it says, now that the newer browsers support web standards, it’s time for web designers to start coding to those web standards and get those running non-standards compliant browsers to upgrade sooner.
Although I’m still getting my feet wet with CSS, I suspect that you would still have enough control to scale to different screen sizes. (Percentage of browser window… that sort of thing.)
“P.S. The original 90K report was probably generated by Word, which is notorious for including a ton of ambiguous code. I’ll bet you could present the same report with tables (done by hand) and still come in under the 20K mark.”
I would agree that it’d probably come in around the 20K mark. Most MS apps that generate HTML, generate bloated HTML. As I mentioned, I was striving for a table-less layout since tables are technically for tabular data.
I’ll admit that comprimises need to be made, but we need to evolve to using the newer technologies. We need to stop bending over backward for those few who aren’t using at least 5.0 browsers. Some guy with pointy ears once said, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.”
AskWoody LoungerI don’t think there’s a way to do what you propose. I think you might want to do it another way. Maybe have the program write/read to another document that contains the elements of the combobox, or maybe write the elements to the current document but “hidden” somehow.
AskWoody LoungerI’ve always heard good things about Dreamweaver. Does it do XHTML?
AskWoody LoungerSeptember 6, 2002 at 3:50 pm in reply to: How do you clean up bloated workbooks? (Excel 2000 SP1a) #614691Thanks for the quick reply. It’s now 6.2MB instead of 10MB.
Am I correct in assuming when someone formats an entire column, it bloats it by putting formatting information to the 65536th row even though there’s really nothing in the cells?
I’ve seen workbooks bloat to 20MB, 30MB. Then the user wonders why their workbook explodes, takes an eon to fire up, and is generally sluggish, never mind the 15 other apps they have going at the same time.
AskWoody LoungerI haven’t used Web Matrix, but I’ve read some comments on it. It sounds good at first, but many of the comments I’ve run across say that it’s pretty difficult to use because it doesn’t have intellisense. The .NET Framework contains something to the tune of 6000 objects. WIthout intellisense, it’s pretty difficult to refer to the correct object and their properties if you don’t know them.
AskWoody LoungerI only have one thing to say…
Obi-Wan FSO said…
“use the FileSystemObject, Luke”
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