• WSVBNerd



    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 131 total)
    • in reply to: Inefficient macro (Excel xp) #671033

      A little trick that also speeds up macros is

      At the beginning of your macro..
      Application.Screenupdating = False

      Then at the end of your macro…
      Application.Screenupdating = True

      Of course, if you have any interaction with the user, this won’t work. You’d need to hop in and out of the screen updating.

    • in reply to: Navigation ‘Lists’ #647637

      You might want to read up a little more. I’ve had no problems using a For Each loop with a dictionary object. With a dictionary object, you can return an array of all it’s keys using one method, or return all it’s members as an array, you can overwrite a member value, and I’ve read that it performs faster than a collection.

      Gotta go.

    • in reply to: Create folder (VBA – Excel XP) #647632

      You’ll need to set a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime. It’s possible that you’ll need to install the Windows Scripting Host, but it’s usually installed on most systems unless you specifically didn’t install it.

      Dim oFSO as Scripting.FileSystemObject

      Set oFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject

      If oFSO.FolderExists(“folderpath”) = True…

      I hope this helps.


    • in reply to: Create folder (VBA – Excel XP) #647583

      I believe the FileSystemObject has a FolderExists method/function.

    • in reply to: Navigation ‘Lists’ #647577

      If you like collections, I’d recommend the Dictionary object. It’s like a collection object on steroids. It’s part of the scripting runtime.

    • in reply to: Embedding Fonts #640076


      Unfortunately, you can’t have that much control when creating a web page. Makin’ web pages is a give and take. As Leif mentioned, many users have the function turned off in I.E. I don’t know if other browsers support this. I don’t know if there’s a standard. I really haven’t heard of it. Maybe someone else can pipe in on this. I wouldn’t be suprised if there are legal issues with this too. Who pays for the font? shrug
      If you really want more control over the presentation, mabye Adobe Acrobat, or as Leif mentioned, images.


    • in reply to: .NET & Office 11 (.NET/Office 11) #637855


      Is this any different than Office Developer in previous versions of Office? They charged extra for that. But that was additional utilities and tools. shrug hairout

      I’ll let Woody king sort this out.

      It’s not like I’ll be seeing this anytime soon. We’re still running Office 2000, and we didn’t pay the software assur-er-blackmail. There’s no plans of upgrading.


    • in reply to: Xupiter (IE 6 Sp1) #636292

      I’ve pretty much given up on Swiss cheese IE and switched to Mozilla. The only issue I’ve run into with Mozilla is downloading .RAR files. It’s probably some setting that I need to tweak.

    • in reply to: Specifications (Office 2000) #636049


      John Walkenbach’s web site has some interesting facts about Excel that I used in a Excel presentation.



    • in reply to: Where to find VB installation? (Office97/Windows 98SE) #631136


      Do they still sell VS6? I would have figured that you’d only be able to buy VS.NET now.

    • in reply to: In their own reality #631127


      This site is very good along with Woody’s E-mail-zines, but I’m looking for tech industry news and help for developers. This site is mainly focused on Microsoft Office and Windows. This is the first place I go for help with Office or Windows, or if I feel like offering help on those two subjects.

      For tech news, ZDNet has lost it for me.

      For help for developers, Builder.com is good, but some of the articles aren’t based in reality.

      Do you know of some good web site that offer tech news or help for developers?


    • in reply to: Missing floppy drive (Window XP pro) #630793


      First, I’ve heard that you’ll get better performance when you wipe your drive and install XP fresh instead of installing XP over 98.
      2nd, missing your floppy drive is a problem? smile I can’t remember the last time I used a floppy.
      You might check the bios.


    • in reply to: Read PDFs? #630789

      You’ll also need to have a lot of memory on your Palm. PDF documents chew it up.

    • in reply to: Using Frontpage on a network (2002) #628958

      “But from their point of view, if one could install it on two PC’s, why not twenty? Or two hundred?”

      There are ways of constructing software to detect if the software is in use and refuse to run if it is in use. Game developers are already doing this making sure the the same CD key isn’t in use. There are lots of options.


    • in reply to: Using Frontpage on a network (2002) #628441


      Those EULAs stink. The license should be treated like a book. If it’s not in use on one PC, then the other PC should be able to use it. Of course, then you wouldn’t have to buy two copies making M$ less $$$.


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