• WSVBNerd



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 131 total)
    • in reply to: VB/VBA Language Feature (VBA Office 2003) #1046786

      Thanks everyone.

      The Instr solution looks like it will work. I’ll need to give it a good comment to explain what it’s doing.

    • in reply to: Send e-mail without security alert? (Access 2003/O #1023078

      Thanks for the code. Does it require IIS(with CDONTS) running on the machine the code is on to work?

    • in reply to: Send e-mail without security alert? (Access 2003/O #1022995

      Thanks for the links. dizzy nuts Wow, this is crazy. The duct tape we need to use to get this to work.

    • in reply to: Prevent autorunning (2000/2003 SP2) #1022011

      Actually I’m not too sure. I double click on the mdb file and it starts running something.

      I just tried holding down shift and that worked! Thanks. I thought there was something simple. Thanks for the quick reply!


    • (Edited by HansV to make URL clickable – see Help 19)

      You might look at jmail http://www.dimac.net[/url%5D
      It makes it really easy to send e-mail without the hassle of mapi controls or other cumbersome means.

    • in reply to: MS-DOS Text with Layout (2003 SP2) #1007477

      Thanks! I just installed it. It works as expected with a little security warning, but we can live with that. thumbup

    • in reply to: Office keeps asking for CD (2000 SP1a or SP3) #883893

      I hadn’t heard of this before. I’ll try that too.


    • in reply to: Office keeps asking for CD (2000 SP1a or SP3) #883894

      I hadn’t heard of this before. I’ll try that too.


    • in reply to: Office keeps asking for CD (2000 SP1a or SP3) #883853

      I’m pretty sure it was installed with Run All From Computer. There shouldn’t be multiple versions of Office.
      We’ll try putting the install files on the PC and see if that cures it.


    • in reply to: Office keeps asking for CD (2000 SP1a or SP3) #883854

      I’m pretty sure it was installed with Run All From Computer. There shouldn’t be multiple versions of Office.
      We’ll try putting the install files on the PC and see if that cures it.


    • in reply to: Cut and Paste (2000) #752330


      The friend contacted me to let me know that he figured it out. It had to do with hidden cells/columns. doh I think he was pasting and only seeing 15, the other 5 were being pasted into hidden cells/columns.

      Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post.

    • in reply to: Cut and Paste (2000) #752331


      The friend contacted me to let me know that he figured it out. It had to do with hidden cells/columns. doh I think he was pasting and only seeing 15, the other 5 were being pasted into hidden cells/columns.

      Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post.

    • in reply to: Mass rename of macro buttons (2000 SP1a) #703097

      Thanks! I’ll have him run this macro on a copy of his workbook.

    • in reply to: What do you code for? #671071


      I wouldn’t categorize Opera and Mozilla as “off kilter” browsers. They follow web standards better than most browsers. BTW, Netscape uses Mozilla’s engine. IMO, the best approach is to code to web standards and back off when you need to. Use, XHTML Transitional & CSS1. The major browsers are converging on the standards.(Web Developers have been screaming at them for years!) It’s turning into a battle of the extra features. If you code as close as you can to the standards, you won’t have to worry about when the next versions of the major browsers come out or if different browsers become the major browsers. Also, it is possible that your users won’t be using a traditional browser(PDA’s, Cell Phones, VR Googles, R2 units with holographic projectors smile…). Coding to the standards is supposed to make it easier for these “other” browsers to view your web site, or at least make it easier for you to come up with versions that will work in those formats.


    • in reply to: What do you code for? #671047


      There was a great link here to a site that explains how to stop using tables for layout, but it depends on DIVs working…


      That would be this article. ..


      I don’t know about Netscape 6, but it works pretty good in IE5+ and Mozilla.

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 131 total)