• WSusasma



    Viewing 7 replies - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)
    • in reply to: Trouble Installing KB2955164 #1460124

      Just a shot in the dark, but DISM may help.
      Please run the following DISM commands to see if there’s any problems with the system (from an elevated (Run as administrator) Command Prompt). Press Enter after each one:

      Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
      Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
      Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

      FYI – I have repaired systems using the last command even though problems weren’t found with the first 2 – so I suggest running them all.

      From this article: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh824869.aspx

      You can also run sfc.exe /scannow from an elevated (Run as administrator) Command Prompt to check for further corruption.

    • I misread the WUT comment as it had fixed things. Didn’t know if you’d tried it again.
      Also, I’ve got eye problems so I occasionally miss things.

      I wonder about your Windows Updates problems and think that there might be a more complicated issue here.
      I’ve had good luck with Windows Updates troubleshooting here: http://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-update/

    • in reply to: Free e-books from Microsoft #1458914

      Sweet! Thank you!

    • Run the Windows Update troubleshooter: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/open-the-windows-update-troubleshooter
      Plenty of other suggestions after this, but the troubleshooter takes care of most problems.

      Just thought of this – check the log to see if the update was otherwise installed. If it was, then the pending entries won’t be able to install.

    • I think your analysis of the error/startup process is correct.

      The communication app error is common – but I don’t know of fixes for it (I haven’t researched it).

      The Microsoft-Windows-Dxp-TaskRingtone/Analytic error is common. I used this post to fix it on systems at work: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-system/microsoft-windows-dxptaskringtoneanalytic-the/5f2dd93d-c9cc-40a8-b331-e4710e19a50d

      hmmm I found the relevant registry key in regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWINEVTChannelsMicrosoft-Windows-DxpTaskRingtone/Analytic

      not sure if I should delete it? can it be repaired?

      It appears that this particular event log has been deprecated in Windows 8.1 (and Server 2012 R2). I can confirm that deleting this registry key does fix the issue, but I exported the key first just in case.

      If you can’t live with this (the OneDrive problem), I’d suggest uninstalling the app (then reinstall it if you’d like) or a Refresh of the OS.
      You may lose some apps during the Refresh, but they should be fairly easy to re-install (I’m not real familiar w/Windows apps either).

    • As an example, suppose that your system isn’t able to connect to OneDrive immediately upon booting.
      Then the system initializes, and it’s able to connect.

      In this scenario, you’ll see OneDrive errors around boot time, but the errors will disappear afterwards.
      What you won’t see is the Information entry that OneDrive was successfully connected to.

      Also, it can error out continually, but if it resets properly it will still connect (until the next time that it errors out).

      Please follow the instructions here (even though you’re not reporting BSOD’s): http://www.sysnative.com/forums/bsod-crashes-kernel-debugging/68-blue-screen-death-bsod-posting-instructions-windows-8-7-vista.html
      Also, Please do the following:
      – open Event Viewer (run eventvwr.msc from the “Run” dialog))
      – expand the Custom Views category (left click on the > next to the words “Custom Views”)
      – right click on Administrative Events
      – select “Save all Events in Custom View as…”
      – save the file as Admin.evtx
      – zip up the file (right click on it, select “Send to”, select “Compressed (zipped) folder”)
      – upload it with your next post (if it’s too big, then upload it to a free file-hosting service and post a link here).

      These reports will help us to see what WER has to say about the problem, and for us to see if there’s any other related errors in the Event Viewer (and may help us to spot any patterns in the failures).

    • in reply to: Number of queer things happen this week #1458695

      Just my 2¢:

      1) Get ALL available Windows Updates
      2) Get ALL available updates from the computer manufacturer
      3) Get ALL available updates for any other devices that are installed (especially the keyboard!)
      4) Get ALL available updates for any programs that are installed

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