AskWoody LoungerMaybe my description wasn’t clear. If you need to do something until you get to the end of the document, this is a good way to do that.
AskWoody LoungerPerfect! Just what I needed. Thanks!!
AskWoody LoungerJanuary 1, 2014 at 9:56 am in reply to: Conditional Format based on adjacent cells being equal #1432163Actually, I just found a solution that works for the second method using “EXACT”:
Is it possible to do that with conditional formatting? I tried but could not get that to work.
AskWoody LoungerJanuary 1, 2014 at 9:45 am in reply to: Conditional Format based on adjacent cells being equal #1432158That worked well for the most part. Thanks!! The only downside I found is that this is not case-sensitive. For example, it shows “KM” and “Km” as identical. I still learned a lot, and appreciate the help with this!!
I also tried a different method. In an empty column to the right, I put the following formula:
Then I filter the TRUEs.
However, this does not appear to be case-sensitive either.
Any ideas on how to make at least one of these methods case-sensitive or provide another method that is?
AskWoody LoungerJune 20, 2012 at 6:04 am in reply to: Decoding HTML Encoding of Foreign Language Text in a Spreadsheet #1337197As best I can tell, I do have the Arabic language pack, and this is not a font issue. I need to convert the HTML encoding to Arabic script, just as happened automatically when I tried my first post in this thread. I just need for that to happen within Excel.
AskWoody LoungerJune 19, 2012 at 9:49 am in reply to: Decoding HTML Encoding of Foreign Language Text in a Spreadsheet #1337087Forgive me for reposting, but I tried in 2 different browsers (Firefox 13, and IE9), and could not get the “Edit Post” feature to work. This is what I was going to edit my post to say: As many do, our company translated our GUI and messages into many foreign languages. I am responsible for editing (the English) and managing translation of these. I recently asked for a dump of all the GUI labels/messages, which they provided in a CSV file. I could easly open this in Excel, and it worked great for most languages. However, for some languages, I just saw text like “#1593;#1585;#1590; #1575;” which I am told is HTML encoding for the language (in this case Arabic). I know Excel can show Arabic script, but how do I convert this encoding to the actual script? Thanks in advance for your help!! (p.s. the funny thing is the first time I pasted some code in above, it actually automatically made it into the script. I removed the “&” from the above in hopes of it staying similar to what I currently see.)
AskWoody LoungerAndrew,
That was a great find!!A couple of things:
1. I could not find any way to control the amount of space between the first consecutive heading and its corresponding bottom border. The settings in the Borders window seem to only apply to the last consecutive item.
2. I did find another workaround that just so happens to work for me (although it likely does not work for others). For some strange reason, the borders appear for contiguous items if the thickness of the border differs from one item to the next. For me the most often occurrence would be a Heading 2 followed by a Heading 3. We recently made changes so that Heading 2 uses a bottom border of 1.5 pt and Heading 3 uses a bottom border of 1.0 pt. We made similar differences in our other headings. This fixed the problem for us.Thanks again!!
Troy -
AskWoody LoungerPerfect! Thanks!!
AskWoody LoungerUnfortunately, the uninitiated may add paragraphs with other styles, so I know I cannot do much to prevent these styles from being added. However, I would like to keep these styles from automatically being added to the Styles list when I have selected that list to only show “Recommended Styles”. They seem to be put there automatically.
The Styles Gallery is preferred for the reason you stated in that styles from paragraphs copied in are not automatically added to the Gallery. However, the size of the blocks in the Gallery is too small to show most of our style names. The right side of the style name is being cut off. If we shorten the style names, they become too cryptic to be useful.
Thus, I need one of the following solutions:
1. A way to truly lock down the styles list to not add any style names for paragraphs copied in from other documents.
2. A way to make the blocks in the Styles Gallery bigger so we can see the entire style name without clicking on the block.
3. A third alternative I am not thinking of.Thanks!!
Troy -
AskWoody LoungerOK. Here is a stripped down version of the document, but it still shows the error. Look at the Heading 3 and the corresponding TOC 3 entry.
Troy -
AskWoody LoungerYep. That is why when I pressed CTRL+SPACE it reset to look right. Any other ideas?
Troy -
AskWoody LoungerI never changed the default settings in the normal table style and still experienced problems. I think I did change the normal paragraph style. The behavior I have seen seems to be in line with what Andrew shared above. Table styles are a great idea, but they need to get rid of this 11pt/12pt glitch that Andrew mentioned.
Troy -
AskWoody LoungerGood call on the table styles!! I must admit that while this solved my issue, it raised a lot of questions on table styles:
1. You said “Table styles don’t have to control the font size and by default they usually don’t.” I have tried a couple of different ways to create table styles. This includes, right-clicking an existing table style, and clicking “New Table Style” and on the style panes, clicking the New Style button. In both cases it automatically populated the size box and I could not clear it.
2. Why is it that the setting affects the font to some styles and not others? I have other styles that use Arial that appear in 9pt as they should despite the fact that the table style has the font Times New Roman 10 pt. I tried changing the font to a font I was not using (in case the size only affected situations where the font specified was used), but that did not seem to have any affect.Thanks!!
Troy -
AskWoody LoungerYes, I tried CTRL+SPACE. No effect. I have attached a dotx file. Let me know your thoughts.
AskWoody LoungerPam,
If you are talking about a Quick Table, yes, I used that, but I don’t know how to create these accept by adding an existing table. An existing table has paragraph styles applied to it.By the way, I tried to create a table from scratch and apply these paragraph styles and I had the same result. Thus I don’t think this is the problem.
Any other ideas?
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