• WStmorken



    Viewing 8 replies - 31 through 38 (of 38 total)
    • in reply to: Snapshot (A2k) #568881

      Why did MS think it necessary to make yet another format for this sort of thing. Practically everyone has Acrobat already, so why couldn’t MS just go with that? Are they really so greedy that they have to make everything work only in their own format? Just bugs me that they are so arrogant towards users.

    • in reply to: Why does this work? (Acc2K) #568685

      Thanks, I get it now.

    • in reply to: Can I Do This in Report? ( A2k (9.0.4402) SR-1) #568642

      This can be done more elegantly by including the “thru” in a package with the end date:

      =[Forms]![frmCriteriaHP]![txtDateType].[Caption] & ” ” & [Forms]![frmCriteriaHP]![txtStartDate].[Caption] & (” Thru ” + [Forms]![frmCriteriaHP]![txtEndDate].[Caption])

      Now the “thru” won’t print unless the end date is entered.

    • in reply to: What is this table? MSysCeCtblDxCode (Acc2000) #561298

      These MSys… tables are showing up in my backend database. They were never there before a few months ago. Again, only some of my original tables have MSys table represetnatives. I can see that Access may have these “in the background” but I am wondering why they are showing up where I can see them. Mainly, they are cluttering up my database window. Could it be I set some obscure setting that makes these show up? And why are not all the tables represented?

    • in reply to: What is this table? MSysCeCtblDxCode (Acc2000) #561110

      Thanks, but why are these all of a sudden showing up in my database window ?- they were never there before.

    • in reply to: Relationships links in a split database (Access 2000) #561055

      Thanks. That answers that. I did try using the splitter several times and each time it shows the relationships on both front and back ends. I don’t ususally use the splitter and just do it manually. From now on, however, I’ll be sure to change any relationships in the backend rather than the front end.

    • in reply to: Continous Forms Problem (Access XP) #543161

      Sounds to me like you will have to settle for continous main form with all the details showing. Maybe a datasheet would be better for this. Just bring everything together with a query and sort by client and year. Then everything for each client will be together in order. You could use a popup form to enter new payment info for a client and then requery the main form to show the new entry (you can even go right back to the records you were looking at).

    • in reply to: Form ? (access 97) #543156

      You could use DLookups or recordset code to update the other database. DLookups are easier, but may be slower.

    Viewing 8 replies - 31 through 38 (of 38 total)