• WSThomasW



    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 364 total)
    • in reply to: Bar Code Font (A2000 SR1) #621190

      It is attached as an Access97, so you will need to convert it. The process is to open frmMain, which has a Timer event and scan the Employee’s barcoded ID card. In the morning, it clocks employees in and in the afternoon, it clocks employees out. The subform will change depending on the time of day (either frmClockIn or frmClockOut). In the morning, it writes a tblTime record with a ClockInTime; in the afternoon it updates the proper record with a ClockOutTime. Their barcode reader sends a tab character at the end of the EmployeeID scan, so if you are typing in an EmployeeID, press tab to complete the process. You have be very quick because of the Timer Interval. This works for the scanner, but is tough for typing, so just change the timer interval until you start scanning. The code behind the forms checks for a valid EmployeeID and also checks for a few other errors the employees typically make. HTH

    • in reply to: Bar Code Font (A2000 SR1) #620988

      I have been trying to pull it apart to get only the TimeClock functionality on the form, but I have been unsuccessful. Clocking In and Out of this application checks for open Work Orders and assigns Work Orders, so I need a bit more time. Just didn’t want you to think I forgot about you.

    • in reply to: Bar Code Font (A2000 SR1) #620829

      I’m sorry Dave, but client confidentiality prohibits me from doing that. The application is very environment specific, so removing the confidential portions would leave very little to look at. However, I would be happy to answer any questions or provide non-client specific code or assistance. Let me know what would be helpful to you.

    • in reply to: Find a specifc record in a list box (2002) #620587

      Glad that worked for you, but I’m not able to visualize what you are describing this time. Are you referring to a listbox on the edit form that was synchronized? What is the purpose of that listbox if you are all ready on the correct record?

    • in reply to: Find a specifc record in a list box (2002) #620506

      I think that I understand what you want to do. I use the following code to open a second form to the record specified by the key on the first form:

      Private Sub cmdGoToSource_Click()
      'Source Picklist: open frmSourceEdit for record
      On Error GoTo Err_cmdGoToSource_Click
          Dim stDocName As String
          Dim stLinkCriteria As String
          stDocName = "frmSourceEdit"
          stLinkCriteria = "[SourceID]=" & Me![SourceID]
          DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
          Exit Sub
          MsgBox Err.Description
          Resume Exit_cmdGoToSource_Click
      End Sub

      You will need to change the FormName to your Edit form, the cmdName to your CommandButton and the stLinkCriteria statement to your key and ListboxName (maybe with a column number, depending on what fields are in that Listbox.

    • in reply to: Bar Code Font (A2000 SR1) #620459

      Are you trying to track Employee Clock in and Clock out Times? If so, I have a TimeClock application that would be similar, however it holds a bit more information. For the portion that you are addressing, it has two tables Employee (Key is EmployeeID) and Time(Key is EmployeeID and WorkDate). The relationship is one to many. I used the BarCode font to issue Employee tags with their EmployeeID barcoded. They clock in and out by swiping their tag and the application stamps their Time record with the current Date and Time when they Clock in and Clock out. I would suggest using an EmployeeID, if possible, for the key instead of an AutoNumber and keeping all other Employee specific information, like Operative text (is this their name?) in the Employee table. It is better normalized and makes it much more efficient to do Time Reporting. HTH

    • in reply to: Inventory Locator (2000/SR1) #620220

      I have a StockIn/StockOut application that may be similar, but I do not count the quantity in a particular location. I count the quantity per product (because they really need to know how much of a product is on-hand) and list it’s location. For each Location, I keep an Available flag that gets set to No (when the location is used) and Yes (when the location is empty), so that they know which locations are available to stock incoming product.

      I think the constructs need to be specific to the process in the warehouse. If they stock more than one type of product in a location, then the design should model that. It may be easier if one product = one location, but is that a process they can work with?

    • in reply to: Switchboard (97 no SR loaded) #619951

      If you create the switchboard with the Switchboard Manager (Tools/Add-Ins/Switchboard Manager), then in Tools/StartUp list that Switchboard form under Display Form/Page, when the database opens the Switchboard will open. Buttons on it will open objects as you defined in the Switchboard Manager.

    • in reply to: Form and Page Header (2002) #619865

      You place the company letterhead in the Report design if you want it to print on the report. If you want it to print once, on the first page of the report, put it in the Report Header section. If you want it to print on every page of the report, put it in the Page Header section.

    • in reply to: Paramater Query (2002(XP)) #618722

      If you mean the parameter window that is the standard result of a parameter query – no, not that I am aware of. To do this, use a dialog form instead. Make an unbound dropdown box on the form and use the value chosen in that box in the criteria row of the parameter query. As in: [Forms]![YourDialogForm]![YourDropdownBox]

    • in reply to: Number Of records (2002(XP)) #618548

      I have not done this before, but I did find Record Navigation Sample. It sounds as if it may contain the functionality you are looking for.

    • in reply to: Number Of records (2002(XP)) #618510

      I’m not clear on your pop-up reference’s effect, but in general:
      On the form, place an unbound textbox with the following Control Source: =Count([Your key field])
      That will display the number of records in the source that the form is based on.

    • in reply to: Basic Field question (Access 2000) #617826

      That field is probably the key and the table design requires a value in this field to create a new record. I would not recommend changing the field properties on that field. A key is an integral part of a database design and there could potentially be many other relationships and objects that depend on it. Maybe you could explain why you want it to be blank so that we could help you find another method to accomplish what you are trying to do.

    • in reply to: Query Question (97) #617545

      Assuming there are no values <0, in an empty column of the QBE grid place the following:
      YourNew Field: IIf([Value1]=0,0,1)
      You can replace YourNew Field with a more descriptive name.

    • in reply to: ‘count’ function on report (2K) #617543

      I would think that the result would be 1. Is your fieldname and the report textbox name exactly the same? If not, try using the name of the report textbox in the Contol Source formula I posted earlier. Does that help?

    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 364 total)