• WSThomasW



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 364 total)
    • in reply to: Combo Box Auto Expand (Access 2000) #1085504

      Thank you so much, Hans – this worked like a charm.


    • in reply to: Combo Box Auto Expand (Access 2000) #1084464

      I have an OnChange Event that populates other fields on the subform dependent on the combo box entry.
      This use to perform properly, but maybe I should attach that code to another event for the combo box? Which one would you recommend?
      There is not an OnTimer Event for the subform or parent form.

      Thanks for your reply, Hans.
      Thomas W

    • in reply to: Lost History by Date (IE v 6.0 ) #748636

      Oh my, I do not understand what type of programs you are referring to, but I waited as Dave suggested and so far History has remained for the set number of days (7). I am on Windows 98 and the only programs I intentionally use to check/clean are Norton AntiVirus 2002 for viruses and LavaSoft Adaware 6.0 for “spyware”. I have run these since and it has not impacted the History. Could I be running Windows cleaning programs, registry cleaning programs or a Win tweaker without realising it?

      I understand I must sound quite dense, sorry – this just isn’t what I know.
      Thanks for you help.

    • in reply to: Lost History by Date (IE v 6.0 ) #748637

      Oh my, I do not understand what type of programs you are referring to, but I waited as Dave suggested and so far History has remained for the set number of days (7). I am on Windows 98 and the only programs I intentionally use to check/clean are Norton AntiVirus 2002 for viruses and LavaSoft Adaware 6.0 for “spyware”. I have run these since and it has not impacted the History. Could I be running Windows cleaning programs, registry cleaning programs or a Win tweaker without realising it?

      I understand I must sound quite dense, sorry – this just isn’t what I know.
      Thanks for you help.

    • in reply to: Lost History by Date (IE v 6.0 ) #748634

      I waited and waited, just to be sure, and so far it is sticking.
      Thank you for helping me.

    • in reply to: Lost History by Date (IE v 6.0 ) #748635

      I waited and waited, just to be sure, and so far it is sticking.
      Thank you for helping me.

    • in reply to: Lost History by Date (IE v 6.0 ) #738544

      Thank you for your reply, Dave. I certainly did not knowingly delete them anytime today, but I will do as you suggest and wait a few days to see if the history items list again by date. I’ll let you know, hoping for more help if the history isn’t there.

    • in reply to: Lost History by Date (IE v 6.0 ) #738545

      Thank you for your reply, Dave. I certainly did not knowingly delete them anytime today, but I will do as you suggest and wait a few days to see if the history items list again by date. I’ll let you know, hoping for more help if the history isn’t there.

    • in reply to: Lost History by Date (IE v 6.0 ) #738542

      Thank you for your response, but I do not use McAfee. I am running Norton AntiVirus 2002.

    • in reply to: Lost History by Date (IE v 6.0 ) #738543

      Thank you for your response, but I do not use McAfee. I am running Norton AntiVirus 2002.

    • in reply to: Headings for Snaking Columns (Access 2000) #661052

      Now that the project is delivered and the pressure is off, I have to admit that I do not understand why this works.
      Can you please explain it to me?

    • in reply to: Headings for Snaking Columns (Access 2000) #655571

      Thank you Peter and Hans – finally snaking column headings that only print when the column has data!
      I need to thank both of you, but I don’t want to clutter up the lounge, so hopefully you will both see this.
      I worked through all the samples and got the desired results with the =1 Group Header and Repeat =Yes property.
      I sincerely appreciate your efforts on this.

    • in reply to: Headings for Snaking Columns (Access 2000) #655382

      Thank you for your reply. After following your directions the column headings do print for only the left hand column. However, the Force New Page Before Section setting on the Detail Header is causing a new page for every detail record. I needed the page to fill and the columns to snake, not a new page for each record.

      I’m still lost on this and I would appreciate an example.

    • in reply to: column from 1 column box filling another (97 sr2) #621946

      To place the county in a textbox on the form, on an Event (I used OnExit for an example) of the Town combobox, place the following code:

      Private Sub Town_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
          If Not IsNull(Me![Town]) Then
              Me![County] = Me![Town].Column(1)
              MsgBox ("Please select a Town from the dropdown box")
          End If
      End Sub

      The example uses Town as the name of the combobox and County as the name of the textbox. You will need to change them to your own names. HTH

    • in reply to: Bar Code Font (A2000 SR1) #621600

      What isn’t working properly for you – scanning it into the database? Are you using a start/stop character?

      Many years ago one of my clients bought barcode fonts and scanners from Azalea Software. I used their Code39 SmallMedium-Regular at font size 14 with an asterisk start/stop character. It works in all the barcode applications that I have, but it wasn’t free. I remember that I needed to increase the font size for the scanner to work properly.

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 364 total)