• WStcarrie



    Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 63 total)
    • in reply to: Reports (Access 2000) #834105

      Perfect! Thank you so much.
      Have a Safe Holiday,

    • in reply to: Reports (Access 2000) #834106

      Perfect! Thank you so much.
      Have a Safe Holiday,

    • in reply to: Invalid Argument (Access 2000) #812290

      Thank you for your prompt reply. I’m an access rookie. I’m waiting to hear back from our IT guy. He’s the one that was kind enough to type out an explanation of the issues we were running into. He must have gotten tied up in meetings though.

      I’m out of the office on Friday but hopefully, I’ll hear back from him and I’ll send you his reply on Monday. (I emailed your response to him earlier today)

      I know that he tried to link with the ODBC Database() as the file type. I can’t remember the errors that he got on that but he wasn’t able to do it. I may not have had enough security or something.

      Again, I appreciate your help. Sorry it dropped after that but I don’t know that much about the AS400.

    • in reply to: Invalid Argument (Access 2000) #812291

      Thank you for your prompt reply. I’m an access rookie. I’m waiting to hear back from our IT guy. He’s the one that was kind enough to type out an explanation of the issues we were running into. He must have gotten tied up in meetings though.

      I’m out of the office on Friday but hopefully, I’ll hear back from him and I’ll send you his reply on Monday. (I emailed your response to him earlier today)

      I know that he tried to link with the ODBC Database() as the file type. I can’t remember the errors that he got on that but he wasn’t able to do it. I may not have had enough security or something.

      Again, I appreciate your help. Sorry it dropped after that but I don’t know that much about the AS400.

    • in reply to: Too Many Rows to Output (Access 2000) #666373

      Thank you Hans. I’ll take your recommendations down to the help desk.
      I appreciate the assistance,

    • in reply to: Too Many Rows to Output (Access 2000) #666371

      I double checked myself and it says Disk Free Space 6.17GB. It’s a company network drive.

      I appreciate the advise and I’ll ask them to install the updates today.
      Thank you for your help,

    • in reply to: Too Many Rows to Output (Access 2000) #666363

      I asked the help desk about that and they said that I have 6.17GB with no limit restrictions. I’m only trying to paste between 17,000 and 23,000 records so this is so frustrating.

      I was having a lot of trouble with my Access database about a month ago. I believe you helped me with it. I run a shared database with 10 users and we were locking up. It turned out that I was opening it every morning to update it but I was opening it from a desk top icon. It was recommended that I open it directly through Access to do the update. Someone also recommended that I get the SR1 update to fix the problem.

      I don’t know if they loaded the the SR1 update wrong or if there was another piece to the puzzle but it was horrible! We ended up with more locking than ever. So, they gave me a different PC and loaded everything on from scratch. (Access 2000 Professional.) They left all of the updated off though. I guess there’s SR1, 2, 3 and 3update.

      I don’t know what has changed but I’ve been coping and pasting these same reports for about a year now. They gave me Windows 2000 vs Windows 98. Would that make a difference?

    • in reply to: Too Many Rows to Output (Access 2000) #666083

      I normally run the query, highlight the rows that I want – copy and then paste into Excel.

    • in reply to: Too Many Rows to Output (Access 2000) #666017

      Excel 2000.

      Do you know where I would go to limit the output format so I can check it?

    • in reply to: Currently Locked Can Not Update (Access 2000) #656781

      Good Morning Wendall,
      You’ve been a big help. I’ve sent the Service Release information to the helpdesk so hopefully, this will be cleared up soon. I’ve been the one going in every morning! I import information from the AS400 to update the database and I’ve been doing it through a shortcut on my desktop. Woops!

      It is a single database put on the shared drive.
      Thanks again,

    • in reply to: Currently Locked Can Not Update (Access 2000) #656778

      Triplets! Aren’t you blessed. I have my hands full with one.

      I can’t thank you enough for your assistance. I’ll open it the correct way from now on. I’ve been importing files into the database every morning so I’ve been the one locking us up. I’ve been using a shortcut.

    • in reply to: Currently Locked Can Not Update (Access 2000) #656607

      They are using forms. I have it set to record level locking.

      I need to go and pick up my son so just skimmed the 133601 information. I have set up short cuts on each of their desktops though. Is that the problem?

      Should I take away the record level locking? I wasn’t sure what the solution was for the short cut issue. How can that be resolved? I really don’t want them to go directly into the N drive.

    • in reply to: Group By (Access2000) #650375

      My boss just came by, he told me to thank you too!!!

      Thanks again.

    • in reply to: Group By (Access2000) #650373

      Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

      THANK YOU!

    • in reply to: Group By (Access2000) #650340

      Thank you for your patience, I’m a rookie here. Each shop has a member number and if it’s part of a group there is also a parent number listed. In access, I’ve combined the sales to show the same total for each shop in the group. Combined Sales: IIf([Rank]![PARENT]>0,[QryParentYES_CombineSales]![SumOfSumOfEXTENDEDPR],Null)

      This is an example of what I have to do in excel because I can’t figure it out in access. I’m manually going through 20,000 records and deleting all but one shop in each group.

      MEMBER SHOP Combined Sales PARENT
      59-5579AA FLOWERS BY CINDY $59,958.84 82
      09-0118AA BOCA FLOWER SHOP $59,958.84 82
      09-0910AA BUNING THE FLORIST $59,958.84 82
      09-4318AA BUNING THE FLORIST $59,958.84 82
      09-3146AA EXOTIC GARDENS $59,958.84 82

      They only want to see one shop for each group. They don’t care which shop it is either. I wasn’t able to do a Group By because they all have different member numbers and as in this example, different shop names.

      There must be a better way but go easy on me, I’m pretty new at this.
      :- )

    Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 63 total)