• WStberndt



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 48 total)
    • in reply to: Multiple Orders (97/2K) #635869


      Northwind – the database – is available online here for Access 97.

      For Access 2000, try this link.



    • in reply to: Multiple Orders (97/2K) #635819


      Your options are many. So, for the time being, I’d suggest that you take a look at the Northwind database – a sample that comes with Access – and look at how the Orders form is put together. Remember to look at the table structure, including Relationships, as the table structure will determine how successful your db will be.

      Good Luck!


    • in reply to: Update Format for Phone Numbers (2000) #628158

      Val() gives you the numerical value of some text field, if any can be derived.

      Mid() lets you get text from the middle if a string value.



    • in reply to: Reference well nested ctl as query criteria (XP) #627790


      I think you need to use a bang operator ! after [Forms], at a minimum. The form with the well-nested control is open, I presume.

      After that, it depends on which option you’re choosing.



    • in reply to: how to strip +four from US Zip Codes (2000) #625402

      Try using the Left() function.

      Something like Left([MyPostalCode],5) will return the first five characters (counting from the left) of MyPostalCode.

      Change the name of the field to the one you’re using.



    • in reply to: Send E-mail (Access97, Win2K, OutlookXP) #623725


      You might check here for some code that appears to do what you want.

      As an alternative, you can check this page for more on the same issue. This post references the site mentioned above.

      Good Luck!


    • in reply to: Large Table Problem (Access 2000) #621951


      Charlotte posted a sample db that appears to do what you want. It’s available through this thread. See the sixth message.



    • in reply to: Tips’n’Tricks handout (A2K) #621275


      A most excellent set of guidelines! Thank you for sharing!

      If you’re still accepting comments, I offer a couple. Under Disk Space, you might want to include something about having enough disk space for both an original and a copy, for Backing Up. Though today’s hard drives are usually large enough to handle this, one does not know what someone may face in the future.

      Perhaps under Restore a Backup – If you copy a database from CD to hard drive, you may need to change the file’s Read Only property. The file will normally paste in Read Only mode. (Sure, it’s true for all file types copied from a CD to a hard drive, but might be worth noting. I believe there are ways to get around this, but none come to mind at the moment. Perhaps other Loungers can help on this.)

      Again, thanks for sharing!


    • in reply to: Rounding Numbers (Access 2000) #616664

      Here is a KB article that might help. This is another one to check out.

      These are for Access 2000, according to the Microsoft Knowledge Base.



    • in reply to: That darned ***asterisk*** !!! (All ) #616600


      It appears there is a way. Well, at least three ways. Please see the KB article here for more.



    • in reply to: Overflow Error (2000) #614726

      I’ve gotten that MsgBox when trying to calculate via division. Seems Access doesn’t want to divide by zero!

      So I used a very small number – like 1E-6 or smaller – to get around the problem.

      Anyway, if you’re using divison, that’s a possible culprit.



    • in reply to: Count after grouping (2k) #595601

      You can do this with two queries.

      Design a new query. Bring in the table you need. Add the SSN field to the output section. Click on the Totals button (Greek Sigma, or funny looking capital E). Save the query.

      Design another new query. Bring in the query you just saved as the record source. Add the SSN field to the output section. Click on the Totals button. Change Group By to Count. Run the query.

      This is one way to get the number of unique SSNs in your table.



    • in reply to: Disable the ByPass key (97) #595573

      It is. Jim Hare was nice enough to put together the site and contacted as many of us as he could.

      If Element K had given us some idea of what they planned, we could have had a better transition. Their loss.

      Hope to see you over there sometime, Joe, er, ah, Paul. smile


    • in reply to: Disable the ByPass key (97) #595527


      The link is here.

      If it’s inappropriate for posting, I’m sure one of the moderators will kindly remove it. smile


    • in reply to: Disable the ByPass key (97) #595526


      An excellent point! I guess this is more a technique to keep the honest guys honest.



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