• WSSupport4John



    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 1,624 total)
    • in reply to: What is the current versin of Microsoft Access 2010 #1343697

      Thanks for the info

      Looks like this is the last Service Pack was Release Date: 6/27/2011
      Service Pack 1 for Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 (KB2460011) 64-bit Edition

      What should the version numbers be in a fully updated Access/Office?

      Microsoft Access 2010 (14.0.????.????) SP1 MSO (14.0.????.????)

    • in reply to: Outlook Email Body Font Size Problem on Send and Reply #1309453

      Thanks for the feedback

      Mail Format Message Format, is HTML

      System restore is not an option at this point

      Anyone else with suggestions?


      My Zoom some how got to 20%, put it back to 100%, all is OK, Microsoft Support had the following fix:

      font is small when forwarding or replying to emails

        [*]The problem is rarely the font that is assigned for replies – its almost always the zoom setting. Hold Ctrl and scroll your mouse wheel to change it or look for the zoom button or command on the toolbar or ribbon. Screenshot for Outlook 2007/2010:http://slipstick.me/jing/zoom.png
        [*] ETA: try the View menu in Outlook 2003 and older – Zoom should be at the bottom.
    • in reply to: Outlook font size #1309439

      Kim, Did you ever get this resolved?, if so what did you do to fix the font size?

      I have same problem and I check my setting without success

      Tools, Option, Mail Format, Signatures & Stationary, Personal Stationary, New & Replat Font is set at:

      Font: +Body
      Size: 10

      Any ideas how to correct body of email font size?



    • in reply to: The a2k to 2007 Re-installation Delay #1302723

      I have Microsoft Access 2007 (12.0.6535.5005) SP2 MSO (12.0.6562.5003)

      Does this mean Service Pack 1 mentioned below is installed?

      Service Pack 1 also addressed the tedious delay each time you switch to Access 2007 after using another version. The reinstallation delay is now 20 seconds, rather than the 3 – 5 minute delay.

    • in reply to: Moving from A2k to Access 2007 (12.0.6562.5005) SP2 #1301481


    • in reply to: Moving from A2k to Access 2007 (12.0.6562.5005) SP2 #1301368


      Hi Mark

      No problems at the moment. But have stumbled across the following two problems:


      This worked in 2000-2003, but errored in 2007
      Form, Event On Dbl Click =[lngIDJump]

      This worked in 2000-2003 & 2007
      Form, Event On Dbl Click =lngIDJump()

      Function lngIDJump() ‘ this is fired when user double clicks in any field

      Call lngID_DblClick(False)

      End Function


      This worked in 2000-2003, but errored in 2007
      Public Function OpenReportToLastToFirstPagePreview2k(strRpt As String)

      Dim strPages As String
      Dim intLen As Integer
      Dim n As Integer

      DoCmd.OpenReport strRpt, acViewPreview
      ‘ Determine number of pages:
      strPages = CStr(Reports(strRpt).Pages)
      ‘ Specify Zoom percentage:
      DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFitToWindow
      DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, strRpt
      ‘ Use SendKeys to select Navigation box Page number:

      SendKeys “{F5}”, True ‘select navigation box page number

      SendKeys strPages, True ‘last page number
      SendKeys “{ENTER}”, True ‘go last page

      ‘Pause 1 second, then go back to Page 1:
      Sleep 1000
      DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, strRpt

      SendKeys “{F5}”, True

      SendKeys “1”, True
      SendKeys “{ENTER}”, True
      SendKeys “%vzz” ‘ Alt v = Menu, z=Zoom, z = 100%

      End Function

      This worked in 2007

      Public Function OpenReportToLastToFirstPagePreview2007(strRpt As String)

      Dim strPages As String
      Dim intLen As Integer
      Dim n As Integer

      DoCmd.OpenReport strRpt, acViewPreview
      ‘ Determine number of pages:
      strPages = CStr(Reports(strRpt).Pages) ‘ save last page number
      ‘ Specify Zoom percentage:
      DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFitToWindow
      DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, strRpt

      ‘Use SendKeys to select Navigation box Page number:

      SendKeys “%{F5}”, True ‘select navigation box page number
      SendKeys strPages, True ‘last page number
      SendKeys “{ENTER}”, True ‘go last page

      ‘Pause 2 second, then go back to Page 1:
      Sleep 2000
      DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, strRpt

      SendKeys “%{F5}”, True ‘select navigation box page number
      SendKeys “{BACKSPACE}”, True ’41 – clears 41 from box number
      SendKeys “{BACKSPACE}”, True ‘821 – clears 821 from box number, if over 9 checks
      SendKeys “{BACKSPACE}”, True ‘1251 – clears 1251 from box number if over 99 checks
      SendKeys “%{F5}”, True ‘select navigation box page number

      SendKeys “1”, True ‘set to page 1
      SendKeys “{ENTER}”, True ‘go to page 1

      SendKeys “%vzz” ‘ Alt v = Menu, z=Zoom, z = 100%

      End Function

    • Thanks for the help

      When printing a 4 page report I was ending up with 41 in the box number
      When printing a 82 page report I was ending up with 821 in the box number
      When printing a 125 page report I was ending up with 1251 in the box number

      So I added the backapace commands to clear the box before sending the 1

      Is there a better way to accomplish this?

      Thanks, John

      ‘My final code that seems to work for the time being
      Public Function OpenReportToLastToFirstPagePreview2007(strRpt As String)

      Dim strPages As String
      Dim intLen As Integer
      Dim n As Integer

      DoCmd.OpenReport strRpt, acViewPreview
      ‘ Determine number of pages:
      strPages = CStr(Reports(strRpt).Pages) ‘ save last page number
      ‘ Specify Zoom percentage:
      DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdFitToWindow
      DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, strRpt

      ‘Use SendKeys to select Navigation box Page number:

      SendKeys “%{F5}”, True ‘select navigation box page number
      SendKeys strPages, True ‘last page number
      SendKeys “{ENTER}”, True ‘go last page

      ‘Pause 2 second, then go back to Page 1:
      Sleep 2000
      DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, strRpt

      SendKeys “%{F5}”, True ‘select navigation box page number
      SendKeys “{BACKSPACE}”, True ’41 – clears 41 from box number
      SendKeys “{BACKSPACE}”, True ‘821 – clears 821 from box number, if over 9 checks
      SendKeys “{BACKSPACE}”, True ‘1251 – clears 1251 from box number if over 99 checks

      SendKeys “%{F5}”, True ‘select navigation box page number
      SendKeys “1”, True ‘set to page 1
      SendKeys “{ENTER}”, True ‘go to page 1

      SendKeys “%vzz” ‘ Alt v = Menu, z=Zoom, z = 100%

      End Function

    • in reply to: VBS Set Options 2007 #1221164

      Thanks for the information.

      Following is the code I used, however was not ableto automatically in code on startup In Trust Center Tab, click MacroSettings button, Click Enable all macros

      Has anybody been able to Enable all macros viacode in startup?

      Thanks, John


      IfGetVersion = “12.0” Then

      Application.SetOption (“Auto Compact”), True

      Application.SetOption “Default File Format”, 9 ‘=Access 2000, 10-2002, 11=2003, 12=2007

      ChangeProperty “Overlapping Windows”, DB_Boolean, False ‘True

      ChangeProperty “AllowFullMenus”, DB_Boolean, True ‘False

      ChangeProperty “AllowShortcutMenus”, DB_Boolean, True

      ChangeProperty”StartupShortcutMenuBar”, DB_Text, “(default)”

      ChangeProperty “AllowBuiltinToolbars”, DB_Boolean, False ‘True


    • in reply to: zip code database (2002) #1147350

      Don’t know where this came from.

      This might help you decide.


    • Additional information to supplement HansV response:

      Is it safe to run Access 2003 and 2007 at the same time?


    • Is there another way of doing the equivalent of the following in code?

      CommandBars(“Menu Bar”). _
      Controls(“Tools”). _
      Controls(“Database Utilities”). _
      Controls(“Compact and Repair Database…”). _

      Tbanks, John

    • I’m using Custom Menu Bar and running 2007 in what they call legacy mode which eliminates Ribbons and uses the Menu Bar File, Edit, View, Tools… as

      per http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/access/HA100365441033.aspx%5B/url%5D which I thank your for.

      All the other menu option seem OK


    • in reply to: 2003 to 2007 Conversion (2007 / 2003) #1146935

      Hi Tom

      Thanks for the update, it was very helpful and confirms things that i have stumbled on.

      When you get a chance could you review post 757756

      Access 2007 Opening FE.mdb the first time? (A2007 (12.0.6334.5000) SP1 Jet 4.0 SP-8)

      Specifically – When I open the Access 2000 FE.mdb the first time with Access 2007 it taks 7 minutes to open

      If you have something to contribute please do it on post 757756

      Thanks, John

    • That make sense

      In my case the the compile is not automatic, I have to manually compile after opening in a2k7, Is this normal?

      Thanks for you help,


    • Access 2007 Opening Access 2000 mdb For The First Time?

      When a compiled, compacted Access 2000 FE.mdb is opened with Access 2007 for the first what happens exactly?

      Does it get converted to a 2007 format? Are there any websites available that describes what happens in this process?

      Thanks, John

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