• WSstonecutter



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    • in reply to: Secunia and old Google Chrome versions #1217523

      Thanks. Uninstall and not reinstall seems like the easiest way to keep from running into this error.

      yup…I have queried Google several times about their poor installation – with no answer and no change in behaviour. I don’t use it at all on my Ubuntu box, and only use it on my windows machine if FF is lagging on a vulnerability (and chrome is currently secure of course).
      I usually just delete the offending directory, and then run jv16 powertools to clean up any registry errors. the process of saving profiles and un/re-installing is not worth the work with so many other browsers available (FF, Opera – even IE ). As the home-based tech support – with multiple users on multiple machines…it just isn’t worth my time.

    • in reply to: Ubuntu, lessons learned #1214194

      I am dual booting Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows 7…both work fine (except neither will print to the printer running off of an XP machine). I tried Ubuntu so that I would know what the Linux guys were on about as they slammed Windows. I like Windows 7…hated Vista; XP was Okay.
      I am not an IT pro…just a guy who likes playing with computers…and I found Ubuntu pretty easy. It seems a bit slower sometimes (primarily Internet, but that might not be the OS as I am having some Internet connectivity issues – in Ubuntu…but I have had these with windows too). I think what I like best is that it seems to be able to do everything windows can – differently, but as easily; and it is free. It also runs on old hardware a bit better.

      For those who found it hard, I would agree with one of the previous posters…it is more about what you know. Whenever I go into a computer store with Apple, I can never get them to do anything as easily as Windows or Ubuntu…yet Mac has this rep as being super user friendly. I think it is because the things I am used to, for getting things started, aren’t there. There is no , Start button or Right click…these are all just the little things that throw me…I would love to have use of one to see if I like it – but they’re too expensive to just try. What I really like is learning, and Ubuntu opened up a whole new area to learn in.

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