• WSsjtmiller



    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 67 total)
    • in reply to: Confirm Text Deletion (2000) #556535

      Go to Tools > Options > General. The last box — Navigation Keys for WordPerfect users is probably checked. Uncheck it.

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Footer on 2-column page (2000) #556515

      Depending on how many pages, you could use a section break for each page and then you would have a new footer for each page. You would have to make sure Different First Page is UNchecked.

      SJ Miller

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: cent symbol (2K/XP) #556513

      The keystroke is Ctrl + /,C

      Under Insert > Symbol, it’s normal text /Basic Latin-1

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Footer on 2-column page (2000) #556472

      If it’s an odd/even footer, then you would use the odd/even feature under Page Setup. Are you hoping to get a footer for each column? If that’s it, you might try a table, but I can’t imagine how the page numbering would work.

      If you could post a document with specifics, I’d be happy to look at it.


    • in reply to: Formula in word? (Office 2000) #556465

      try this TechNet article:



    • in reply to: Password Protected Documents (2000) #556223

      Well, I tried the “Recover Text from any file” and received garbage for a document. I was able to read my name and the version of Word, but I would be unable to “salvage” anything meaningful.


    • in reply to: Help!!! Page Numbering Multiple Sections (Word 2000) #1793373

      Presuming that your numbering starts at 1 and continues consecutively through to the end, the section breaks shouldn’t cause any problems. Having said that — is section one set for Different First Page? (under Page Setup, the Layout tab) If so, that attribute may have continued throughout the document. If your page 1 doesn’t have a number, you’ll have to go to the second section and check that different first page is NOT checked. You will also want to turn off Continue from Previous section in the footer for section 2. It should be ok to have it on for section 2 on, since the page numbers will be “continuous”.

      Hope this helps.


    • in reply to: AutoText file location (Word2000) #1793357

      Formatted autocorrect entries are indeed stored in the normal.dot.


    • in reply to: Section break with header (Word 2000) #552932

      If you can post the document, I’ll be happy to take a look at it.


    • in reply to: Word 2001 General (Office 2001) #1789596

      I am assuming you are referring to the Mac Office 2001. I have been sucessfully using documents from my Mac and my PC on each other for years.

      The following Technet article might be helpful:


      Hope this helps.


    • in reply to: Font size (XP 2002) #549289

      I was able to change the font to 10.5. What number/decimal were you trying and were you going to the drop-down box on the toolbar or were you going to Format > Font?


    • in reply to: Autotext (2000) #548609

      Have you thought about another template that would act as a global template that has the autotext entries in it? You would still have to copy them in once. Then the trick will be to store any new autotext entries you want to share in “that” template (since Word looks to normal.dot by default).


    • in reply to: Other User’s Folders (Outlook 2000 SR1) #548601

      If it’s a personal folder, you can right click on it, and select “Close Personal Folders”.

      Hope that helps.


    • in reply to: Problem with a Courier New 10 pt font (Word 2000 SR-1) #548100


      I didn’t have a problem with printing it on an HP 4000. You might want to make sure you are using the most recent printer driver.

      Also, you should redefine the Normal to be Courier New (instead of Times New Roman) along with the appropriate font size (10 or 12).

      Hope this helps.


    • in reply to: Word Deletion Confirmation (Word2k, Win2k SP2) #547331

      It sounds like they have turned on Navigation keys for WordPerfect. Go to Tools > Options > General, and see if the last item is checked. If so, uncheck it.

      Hope this helps.


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