• WSsjtmiller



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 67 total)
    • in reply to: Sluggish behavior (W2K 9.0.3821 SR-1) #581191

      Another issue might be if you have “Allow row to break across pages” checked. With this attribute checked, Word will slow down considerably when having to constantly manage row breaking.

      Also, borders and shading can slow performance.

      I believe this is somehow a 2000 issue, though I can’t find my reference to that.

      One solution would be to split the table, do your edits in a smaller portion and then simply delete the paragraph mark splitting the table and rejoin.

      Hope this helps!

      SJ Miller

      The Technet article is http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?…b;EN-US;q220353%5B/url%5D

    • in reply to: Spell Check in Fields (Word 2000) #581399

      Unfortunately, Word does not perform a spell check in fields.

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: How to make a Tent Card (Word 97) #581192

      Please see the TechNet article Q211358 for information on the tent card.

      Can’t help with the code!

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Different Page Lengths for Different PC’s (2000) #580012

      A document can print differently on two different laser printers! Factor in a laser and an ink jet — it doesn’t surprise me there’s a printing difference. I have documents that when I send to an inkjet user, they see an entirely different pagination in the document than I do.

      I strongly suspect that it’s a printer issue not a document issue.

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Direct font attribute (Word 97, 2000, 2002) #579944


      It’s not a language problem. If you select the entire document and apply a language, this direct font is still there. It’s not part of the style either.

      The only way I could figure out to get rid of it was to save the document to Word 6 and then open it again. And it was indeed gone.

      It was interesting that it “revealed” itself in different ways in the different versions of Word.


      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Word for Law Office (Word 2002) #577871

      There are, of course, companies devoted to legal pleadings. The main ones are Legal MacPac and Softwise.

      You could check out their websites at http://www.legalmacpac.com and http://www.softwise.net.

      Hope this helps.

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Document Margin Problem (Word 2002) #574159

      Check to see that the Vertical Alignment under Page Setup > Layout is set for Top.

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Compare Docs (Word 2002) #572422


      Here’s the bad news:

      According to “Word 2002 for Law Firms” by Payne Consulting, p. 487:

      “With the introduction of Markup balloons, Word 2002 no longer offers an option for how deleted text is displayed. In Print Layout or Web Layout views, deleted text appears in Markup balloons. In Normal or Outline views, it is shown with strikethrough formatting.”

      Even though this isn’t the solution you want….

      sj miller

    • in reply to: Compare Docs (Word 2002) #572390

      Is it showing the deletions as red strikethrough and insertions as red underline?

      I’m presuming you’ve checked the settings from Tools > Options > Track Changes.

      sj miller

    • in reply to: Compare Docs (Word 2002) #571956

      With your revised document on the screen, go to Tools > Compare and Merge Documents, select your original document. You probably want to check the box for Legal Blacklining (the compare formatting check box can be nice), and then click on Compare.

      You can turn off the balloons if you don’t want them. If you send the resulting document to someone without Word 2002, the balloons will not be present in the document when they open it.

      Hope that helps.

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Word 97 Problem (97) #571955

      It may be a long shot, but try looking at the column layout settings — it should be set for one column, but the margins may be set in an unusual manner.

      Hope this helps.

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Using Word 97 and XP in the same home (Word 97) #571370

      Hyperlinks added

      An article on the Microsystems web site (http://www.microsystems.com/publications.htm#2002%5B/url%5D) might be useful reading.

      Hope this helps.

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Page X of Y Woes in Word (Word 2000) #571369

      Hyperlinks added

      This is a known problem in Word 2000. See the Microsoft KnowledgeBase article can be found at http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/ar…s/Q189/1/75.ASP%5B/url%5D.

      Hope this helps.

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Jason tabs (Word 2000 SR1a) #569735

      And thus the name, Jason, tab. The .25″ tab is set by Word and every time you visit numbering, the tab set at .25 returns.

      I would suggest that if you are using a “simple” numbering scheme, you use a List Number style, not Body text. It won’t solve the Jason tab problem, but is more along the lines of what Word is expecting.

      You might want to check out the articles related to numbering at http://www.microsystems.com/publications.htm

      They are quite useful.

      Hope this helps.

      SJ Miller

    • in reply to: Default Language (Word 2K, SR1) #569170

      Have you set the language to English (UK) in your default template (I’m assuming normal.dot)?

      Hope that helps.

      SJ Miller

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 67 total)