• WSShane Sargent

    WSShane Sargent


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    • in reply to: Access 2000 Password #520048

      Or you might try implementing Workgroup level security. Access database passwords are ridiculously easy to crack, a DOS based program and 30 seconds is all that’s needed, but a Workgroup implementation should be much more secure.


    • in reply to: Removing All Spaces from a query result #519599


      cpod already provided a function for you that’ll do the trick, and well. Thought I’d give you this to boot as I’ve been able to use it to great effect; feed the function the string you want it to search, what you want it to search the string for, and what you want it to be replaced with. As I’ve just used it myself, it’s not particularly well commented, sorry.

      Function ChangeStr(strOrig As String, strOldChar As String, strNewChar As String _
      , intMatchCase As Integer) As Variant
      ‘This substitutes one character or char string with another as
      ‘designated in the calling function, from KB Q210372
      ‘intMatchCase defaults to 0 which means case insensitive; set to 1 for case
      ‘sensitive comparison against strOldChar
      Dim Temp As String
      Dim Pos As Integer

      Temp = “”

      If IsNull(strOrig) Then
      ChangeStr = Null
      Exit Function
      End If

      If strOldChar = “” Or strOrig = “” Then
      ChangeStr = strOrig
      Exit Function
      End If

      Pos = InStr(1, strOrig, strOldChar, intMatchCase)
      While Pos > 0
      Temp = Temp & Mid$(strOrig, 1, Pos – 1) & strNewChar
      strOrig = Right$(strOrig, Len(strOrig) – Pos – Len(strOldChar) + 1)
      Pos = InStr(1, strOrig, strOldChar, intMatchCase)
      ChangeStr = Temp & strOrig

      End Function

    • in reply to: Include fields in Report Text box #519203


      I think that the offending bit is the brackets around your Trim statement and the “=” within:

      =”I,” & [=Trim([FirstName] & ” ” & [MiddleName] & ” ” & [LastName] ) ]

      Try the following:

      =”I,” & Trim([FirstName] & ” ” & [MiddleName] & ” ” & [LastName]) & “hereby authorize Woodys Lounge to be the best lounge on the planet any time after” & [DateAfter] & “.” & “My King of the world Number is” & [KingofworldNumber] & “.”

      If that doesn’t do the trick, you might try trimming each of the pieces of the full name seperately, i.e. Trim([FirstName]) & ” ” & Trim([MiddleName]), yadda. Lemme know if this works out…

    • in reply to: Include fields in Report Text box #519196


      You can set the Control Source of the text box to be:

      =”I, ” & [CONSUMER NAME] & “, hereby authorize Woody’s Lounge… ”

      This should do the trick!

    • in reply to: Matching Via Code #519065


      I’m not quite sure what data you want to move in there, but see if the DAY( ) function applied against the Cows date gets you closer to where you wanna be.

    • in reply to: .LDB Bummer #518848

      Yup, it works; Win98 machine with Office 97 SR2 with references set to the ADO 2.0, 2.1, or 2.5 libraries – take yer pick!


    • in reply to: .LDB Bummer #518828


      Erp! It makes use of ADO’s schema recordsets, so I’d guess no in 0ffice 97. Unless perhaps you set a reference to the ADO 2.x library? Dunno..but I have an unsuspecting user with ’97SR2 that I’ll go pester and see if that does do the trick!


    • in reply to: .LDB Bummer #518820

      Though I’m guessing the corruption issue is seperate from multiple users accessing the .MDB at the same time, here is a function stolen wholesale from Susan Sales Harkins writing in the Nov. 2000 issue of Inside MS Access published by Element K. It looks to see what devices have a user lock in the .LDB file. It will return, in order, if called from the immediate window: the COMPUTER_NAME, the LOGIN_NAME, a CONNECTED flag (-1 = true), and a SUSPECTED_STATE flag (-1 = true, null = false).

      When you call the function from your PC, your name will show up as having a lock record in the .LDB. If yours is the only name, nobody else is in the db. So, you could examine the resulting recordset’s count property, if it’s >1, somebody else is connected, and you can raise that big, red flag! Judging by your ability to create great icons, I’m guessing it’d be a handsome flag at that!

      HTH, and here’s the code from Ms. Harkins.

      Global Const JET_SCHEMA_USERROSTER = _

      Sub ReturnUserRoster()
      Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
      Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
      cnn.Open “Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;” & _
      “Data Source=Your path and file name here;”
      Set rst = cnn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific _
      Debug.Print rst.GetString
      Set rst = Nothing
      Set cnn = Nothing
      End Sub

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