WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerCheck out the SQL statement for the query, and see if the statement begins:
If it doesn’t, either make the edit directly in the SQL, or go back to design view for the query, right-click in the grey area above the grid, and choose Properties. Change the Unique Records property to Yes. Of course, make a backup on the table before you actually run the delete, and post back whether this resolves the issue.
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerFirst, I know nothing about Oracle security, so grab a salt shaker. When you go to other PC’s to access the network based query, are you prompted to log in at the first PC you’re at? And do you sign into the other PC’s as yourself, or make the user slide over and pretend to be them as far as your Oracle server is concerned?
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerDo you have the option to Debug when you get the error message? If so, choose to and see what line of code has been highlighted as the offending bit. Post back…
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerThanks to you both for your input!
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerThe label is going to have to round at some point, but you have control as to the number of places to the right of the decimal that you’d like it to perform that at. So, if you want to see 3 significant places to the right of the decimal, perhaps you want to specify 4 in the formatting so you get 3 unrounded places. Seems a bit kludgy now that I’ve put it on paper, but it’s all I have!
Best of luck!
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerDrk:
Sorry, no good answer for VBA modules and objects in Excel, but thought I’d mention this for future reference. It’s an Access add-in authored by Rick Fisher that performs a fantastic Find and Replace through all objects in an Access db including modules. Best of luck!
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerOof! Phil, I agree with the other posters: if this company is that short sited, it may be best to look elsewhere.Certainly not preaching to you, it sounds like you’re already in the choir, but the question your company has to ask itself is: is it worth extra-budgetary consideration? And I think the math they have to do is proper facilities and staff vs. lost revenue, opportunity costs, and damage to reputation due to x-amount of downtime.
For what it’s worth, though, we keep our server room (servers, all the telcom equipment) at between 20 and 23 Celsius (68-73 F for everyone still not on the metric scale), and between 55 and 60 for relative humidity. Not that you’re not already aware of it, but your situation sounds like too much equipment in too small of a space without adequate facilities. Best of luck!!
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerNot sure if this in on point, but I’ve noticed that when I have a CD in, the system has to spin it up to get the volume name to display in the drop box of drive letters, and that greatly impacts the speed.
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody Lounger -
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerOne other quick note on MS ODE 2000: with the introduction of data access pages in Access 2000, MS decided that all installs of an Access run-time application would need to have an IE 5.0 install. This greatly impacts the size of the install package – 150MB or so no matter how small your actual app is. MS has rethought that position (what with the general yuckiness of data access pages) and has a patch available so you can create a runtime install without including an IE install; you trim off about 75MB, but still have one whopper of a package you have to schlep about your network.
BTW, if anyone knows of a way to reduce the size of install packages, I’d love to know about it!!
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerJason:
1st, commiseration. Normalizing names approaches the worst thing you’ll have to do with data – we’ll leave the worst thing unnamed!
As far as the title goes, I have this suggestion. Make a lookup table that has all of the possible titles: “Mr.”, “Mr”, “Mssr”, etc. In a query, pull all the data before the first space in the unnormalized name. Match that against the lookup, table; if it matches, you can write it to a Title field in a resulting table, if it doesn’t, you don’t. No matter how you go about this, there’s bound to be some exceptions that may need manual attention. That’s why they make Credit Managers and A/R staff!
(I love that little guy!)
I also saw this add-in featured in the Dec. 2000 issue of Element K’s Inside MS Acces. I’ve not tried it, but you might want to give it a look.
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerBecause you have Excel2000, I’m going to assume you have the same version of Access, and because you were able to import the Oracle table, I’m going to assume that you’ve got the ODBC drivers figured out.
So, in the tables collection of your Access database, click on the ‘New’ button, choose to ‘Link’ a table. From the ‘Files of Type:’ drop-box, choose ‘ODBC Databases ()’, and find your Oracle table that you were able to import. Now that you have the table linked, you should be able to run queries against it as though it were a local table physically located in your Access db. The great part about linking a table vs. importing, is that each time you run a query on the linked table, you get the most up-to-data data out of the table.
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerWithout more specific information (what houses your data? AS/400, SQL Server, Oracle, several hyper-intelligent monkeys), it’s hard to say much intelligently, so here’s the unintelligent bits.
MS Access uses the Jet data engine rather than MS Query to pull data from a source. The trick will be to make Access aware of the data source (probably by linking to it using the wizards in Access), then running a query against the data source. Post back more specifics, and I’m sure someone can help.
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerRoberta:
I don’t know of a way to build an equation like that into the construct of a table, nor am I sure you’d really want to. You can use an update query to set the balance field = to [AmtDue]-[AmtPaid], but for my money, I’d calculate that bit of information on the fly in your queries, forms and reports.
WSShane Sargent
AskWoody LoungerBrent:
Once you choose to open the report, are you closing the form, then re-opening it after the report is closed? If so, you might try simply setting the visble property of the form to False when you open the report, then set the form’s visible property back to True when the report is closed; this should maintain the focus on the tab you want.
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