• WSShane Sargent

    WSShane Sargent


    Viewing 15 replies - 196 through 210 (of 248 total)
    • in reply to: Working with Workdays #1784285

      Check out the VBA functions in the Access Web; they have a number of functions for dealing with work days, including one to count the number of workdays between two dates.

    • in reply to: Looking for records containing no data #528830

      If you’re determined to use that kind of a process, you could run a select query that looks for records with specified fields that are null, and report that number of records to the user, then run a delete query which expunges them from the table.

      Or, you might consider a design change in the form itself which warns the user that they have deleted useful data, say, in the OnCurrent event, and react to user choices there instead.

    • in reply to: Updating with ADODB.Recordset #528680

      Quoting from Beginning Access 2000 VBA, “…the EOF property is True if the current record pointer is placed immediately after the last record.”.

      Based on that definition, I’m not sure that I see the problem with your code; have you been able to resolve the issue w/ Charlotte’s advice?

    • in reply to: Updating with ADODB.Recordset #528511


      No handy reference immediately available to address where the EOF is, but can you print an identifying field to the immediate window for the record Access considers to be the records at the EOF?

    • in reply to: Importing Excel – Number as Text #528337

      Chiming in with my 2cents, if it’s a one time deal, I’ve found the easiest thing to do is insert a row directly under the column headings in the Excel file and fill the columns with the value “ZZZ” for that row; it forces Access to recognize the columns as text, and the record is easily recognized and deleted once it’s in Access.

      If anyone from Redmond is reading, though the functionality of Access guessing at the data type in an Excel import is handy, ultimate discretion should be with the user/developer.

    • in reply to: Automatically select field on click #528248

      If you’d rather not make a global change, via code you can set the SelStart property of the control upon entering it. For instance, upon entering a field, set the SelStart = 0, and the cursor starts blinking at position 0.

    • in reply to: Easy Flash creations #527847

      Thanks for the pointer – that’s a great ‘lil app! thumbup

    • in reply to: Grab Entire Site #527750

      In the full version of Adobe Acrobat, you have the ability to capture a web site and determine how many layers you drill down, whether you wish to stay in the same domain, etc. Also, it’ll keep links intact for the document it creates. Pretty useful sometimes for fairly static sites…

    • in reply to: If ststement problem #527698

      If your field names are “Department” and “Audit Type”, the following should work:

      Private Sub Audit_Type_AfterUpdate()
      If Me.Department = "BND" And Me.Audit_Type = "First Piece" Then
          MsgBox "Yup"
          MsgBox "Nope"
      End If
      End Sub
    • in reply to: delete query #527514


      In design view for the delete query you’ve constructed, when you right-click in the grey background and choose Properties, is the Unique Records property set to Yes? If not, set it to Yes and see if that makes a difference. Post back and let us know.

    • in reply to: Preventing duplicate names #527349

      You can set a mutli-field key, which should accomplish your design goal. In design view for the table, select both the first and last name fields, then hit the Key button. Walla!

      I do have to wonder, though, if you really want this. Might you have two people with the same first and last name but are two distinct people? Lots of John Smith’s running around in the anglo-world.

      Edited by Charlotte to remove excess space

    • in reply to: refresh parent form #1783755

      If I understand the construct, perhaps Me.Parent.Requery will do the trick.

    • in reply to: Preventing duplicate names #527406

      Oh. Yes, your 3 field combo key is a bit ineffective for what you’re trying to do, e.g. John Smith w/ ID#1 is NOT the same as John Smith w/ ID#2 if you’re using a ID-FirstName-LastName multi-field key.

      Perhaps the best route is a data checking routine along the lines of what Bart proposed in reponse to your initial post?

    • in reply to: Access Query #1783738

      >>Think we’ll survive…

      The conversion, or the euro itself? wink

    • in reply to: Preventing duplicate names #527375

      Odd that it accepted duped values after you established the combination key. If you try it and it doesn’t work out, post back and we can see what’s up. BTW, I’ve never known an honest-to-goodness John Smith! smile

    Viewing 15 replies - 196 through 210 (of 248 total)