• WSShane Sargent

    WSShane Sargent


    Viewing 15 replies - 181 through 195 (of 248 total)
    • in reply to: Viewing Access without Access #529860

      Sounds like you’re stuck with having to ask the powers that be to pony up the cash for a Developer’s edition of Office. Act quickly before you can’t find a retail version for Office 2000!

    • in reply to: convert squares to line breaks? #529859


      Head on up to the Knowledge Base search page, and look for KB article Q210372 – Imported Excel Carriage Returns become Square Boxes. This will give you a solution that you can implement as long as you’re generally familiar with coding and queries. If you have trouble, just post back! Good luck!

    • in reply to: Number Records in Report #529560


      I’m glad you got a quick resolution; check this post from Charlotte with a link to a great sample db from Microsoft that addresses this issue and a host of other functionality that you might not know you need yet!

    • in reply to: Autonumbering #1784511

      …and then you’re doing a nightly repair and compact on the db, right?

    • in reply to: Database to Server problems #529535


      Glad you got everything working; someday soon I may ping you with Macromedia questions! For now, I prefer a good stout. cheers

    • in reply to: Database to Server problems #529467

      That KB article gives me the impression that once you install one of the umpteen versions of MDAC, you should be all set. Best of luck!

    • in reply to: Color Coding Dates #529465

      Are you displaying the information in a form or in a report?

    • in reply to: Problemas con funcion #1784454

      Perdone mi espa

    • in reply to: Database to Server problems #529318


      Happy to help if I can; goodness knows I’ve taken enough out of the Lounge! grin

      If you open Windows Explorer and surf to the WINNT folder, right-click on it and choose Properties. Click on the Security tab and you’re almost home. On the Security tab is a list of users that currently have permissions of some sort set on the WINNT folder; when you click on one of the users, their permission level is shown below. It sounds like you need to give the local group named Everyone read and write permissions on the WINNT folder; as an aside, I’d check with your network admin if you have one to be sure he/she is hip with that level of access being granted on such an important directory.

      See if that does the trick for you, and post back with your results. Good luck!

    • in reply to: Database to Server problems #529221


      The folks in Redmond have this to say:

      This is by design. The error occurs because the permissions in the Winnt folder are too restrictive.

      Give the local Everyone group at least Add and Read permissions on the Winnt folder.

      Note: If you are editing in a subweb and using the Global.asa file in the root Web, the author’s user account, as well as any anonymous account in use, must have at least browse access explicitly specified on the root Web.

      The Jet Database Engine writes temporary files to the Winnt folder as the account accessing the Web. In the case of Authoring, the account is the logged on user, and in the case of browsing, it is the Iusr_machinename account.

    • in reply to: IIS4 – installing ASP #529188


      I’ve only config’d IIS 5.0, so bear with me! You should have the engine that process active server page scripts if you have installed IIS 4; it is asp.dll and can usually be found in C:WINNTSystem32inetsrv.

      Launch the Management Console and make sure you’ve enabled scripts to run in the virtual directory you’re putting your ASP files in. Remember that you have to address ASP pages via http for them to work; that is, if your virtual dir is named Develop and you have Test.asp, you must address it with http://ServerName/Develop/Test.asp ,but just opening it with a File -> Open in IE won’t do the trick.

      Here’s hoping this gets you heading down the right path! Post back if you’re still having troubles.

    • in reply to: Export to Excel #1784402

      You can link to an Excel worksheet and append into it via an append query in Access.

    • in reply to: New worksheet for change in value #529121


      The resulting code from that macro does look like it’ll get me started down the right path. Thanks for the post!

    • in reply to: New worksheet for change in value #529120

      Yes and yes! That’s an excellent tip; thanks! cheers

      I’ve done a Paste Special -> As Values with the resulting sheets so the user doesn’t get the live pivot table out of synch with the name of the sheet. I think that I’m still going to poke at the VBA to see if I can come up with a function to do it without pivot tables, but your post surely saved me a punch of cutting and pasting in the meantime! Thanks again!

    • in reply to: New worksheet for change in value #529114

      Thanks for the quick reply! My first pass at it was to make a pivot table with the build as the page, but they find the concept of choosing a build from a combo-box confusing doh. I’m not sure I understand the 2d bit about the splitting the info into seperate sheets using “show all pages”..

    Viewing 15 replies - 181 through 195 (of 248 total)