• WSShane Sargent

    WSShane Sargent


    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 248 total)
    • in reply to: mail lag time #813758

      Any commonality between the users that are seeing the lag time? Anything that seperates them from users who don’t see the lag time? Say, version of Outlook running on the client, method of connectivity, membership in distribution or security groups?

    • in reply to: mail lag time #813759

      Any commonality between the users that are seeing the lag time? Anything that seperates them from users who don’t see the lag time? Say, version of Outlook running on the client, method of connectivity, membership in distribution or security groups?

    • in reply to: using a string as a saved file name (Access 2000) #810830


      DoCmd.OutputTo acTable, strTableName, “HTML(*.html)”, “F:CenterExportLogsstrTableName.html, False, “””


      Try: DoCmd.OutputTo acTable, strTableName, “HTML(*.html)”, “F:CenterExportLogs ” & strTableName & “.html , False, “”

    • in reply to: using a string as a saved file name (Access 2000) #810831


      DoCmd.OutputTo acTable, strTableName, “HTML(*.html)”, “F:CenterExportLogsstrTableName.html, False, “””


      Try: DoCmd.OutputTo acTable, strTableName, “HTML(*.html)”, “F:CenterExportLogs ” & strTableName & “.html , False, “”

    • in reply to: Can’t change reference to msquery source (XP) #808282

      Ah, the beauty of the Search function! My situation was similar, but for multiple MSQuery query tables on multiple worksheets. I surrounded the code from Hans with the below and it worked wonderfully — cheers! cheers

      Dim strOldPath As String
      Dim strNewPath As String
      strOldPath = "C:Excel"
      strNewPath = "C:Databases"
      Dim wSht As Worksheet
      Dim allwShts As Sheets
      Set allwShts = Worksheets
      Dim strName As String
      'Loop through each worksheet
      For Each wSht In allwShts
          For Each QueryTable In ActiveSheet.QueryTables
              strName = QueryTable.Name
              With ActiveSheet.QueryTables(strName)
                  .CommandText = Replace(.CommandText, strOldPath, strNewPath)
                  .Connection = Replace(.Connection, strOldPath, strNewPath)
              End With
              MsgBox strName & "Complete"
      Next wSht
      MsgBox "Every MSQuery has been changed.", vbInformation
    • in reply to: Can’t change reference to msquery source (XP) #808281

      Ah, the beauty of the Search function! My situation was similar, but for multiple MSQuery query tables on multiple worksheets. I surrounded the code from Hans with the below and it worked wonderfully — cheers! cheers

      Dim strOldPath As String
      Dim strNewPath As String
      strOldPath = "C:Excel"
      strNewPath = "C:Databases"
      Dim wSht As Worksheet
      Dim allwShts As Sheets
      Set allwShts = Worksheets
      Dim strName As String
      'Loop through each worksheet
      For Each wSht In allwShts
          For Each QueryTable In ActiveSheet.QueryTables
              strName = QueryTable.Name
              With ActiveSheet.QueryTables(strName)
                  .CommandText = Replace(.CommandText, strOldPath, strNewPath)
                  .Connection = Replace(.Connection, strOldPath, strNewPath)
              End With
              MsgBox strName & "Complete"
      Next wSht
      MsgBox "Every MSQuery has been changed.", vbInformation
    • in reply to: Last 5 records (Access 2K) #807511

      Assuming you have a time/date stamp, transaction# and customer# in the transaction table, base a new query on the transaction table and bring down the fields in the order that I listed them, making sure the time/date stamp is the furtherst to the left. Sort descending by date/time stamp. Add criteria so you select transactions for the customer you wish. Right click in the top pane of the query designer and chose Properties. You’ll see a Top Values property you can set — enter the number 5 to get the last five transactions.

    • in reply to: Last 5 records (Access 2K) #807512

      Assuming you have a time/date stamp, transaction# and customer# in the transaction table, base a new query on the transaction table and bring down the fields in the order that I listed them, making sure the time/date stamp is the furtherst to the left. Sort descending by date/time stamp. Add criteria so you select transactions for the customer you wish. Right click in the top pane of the query designer and chose Properties. You’ll see a Top Values property you can set — enter the number 5 to get the last five transactions.

    • in reply to: Logging ‘Badmail’ Exchange 2000 #807245

      Straight away, let me say that my Exchange knowledge is pretty shallow. After the unexpected “retirement” of our network admin, we ran into the same trouble. I would hope that the period for which bad mail is kept, or the choice not to keep bad mail at all would be a user configurable option in Exchange; a consultant told us it wasn’t and that our only choice was to delete the Bad Mail folder and create a new one. I wrote this batch file (!!) that does just that; we use Scheduled Tasks to kick it off each morning at 2 AM. Best of luck!

      REM Purpose: To remove the BadMail file in Exchange
      REM          which tends to get filled with files in 
      REM          accordance with MS KB# 324958.
      REM Created By: Shane Sargent
      REM Created On: 01/23/2004
      REM Modified By:
      REM Modifed On:
      REM Modified Comment:
      REM @echo off
      REM *** Change directory to correct spot ***
      chdir /d C:Program FilesExchsrvrMailrootvsi 1
      REM *** Rename old BadMail directory ***
      rename BadMail BadMail_Old
      REM *** Create new BadMail directory ***
      mkdir BadMail
      REM *** Delete contents of, and old BadMail directory;
      REM do it in quiet mode and don't ask permission to delete the folder. ***
      rmdir /s /q BadMail_old

      Edit — link to Knowledge Base article: KB 324958

    • in reply to: Logging ‘Badmail’ Exchange 2000 #807246

      Straight away, let me say that my Exchange knowledge is pretty shallow. After the unexpected “retirement” of our network admin, we ran into the same trouble. I would hope that the period for which bad mail is kept, or the choice not to keep bad mail at all would be a user configurable option in Exchange; a consultant told us it wasn’t and that our only choice was to delete the Bad Mail folder and create a new one. I wrote this batch file (!!) that does just that; we use Scheduled Tasks to kick it off each morning at 2 AM. Best of luck!

      REM Purpose: To remove the BadMail file in Exchange
      REM          which tends to get filled with files in 
      REM          accordance with MS KB# 324958.
      REM Created By: Shane Sargent
      REM Created On: 01/23/2004
      REM Modified By:
      REM Modifed On:
      REM Modified Comment:
      REM @echo off
      REM *** Change directory to correct spot ***
      chdir /d C:Program FilesExchsrvrMailrootvsi 1
      REM *** Rename old BadMail directory ***
      rename BadMail BadMail_Old
      REM *** Create new BadMail directory ***
      mkdir BadMail
      REM *** Delete contents of, and old BadMail directory;
      REM do it in quiet mode and don't ask permission to delete the folder. ***
      rmdir /s /q BadMail_old

      Edit — link to Knowledge Base article: KB 324958

    • in reply to: upsizing querys and iif (Access 2000 sp3) #803538

      Mmmmm…bananas! The trick is to embed the WHEN…ELSE statement withing the CASE statement. OK, let’s make a fake table to play with. Run this SQL script to make a table named Product that has 3 fields (an identity field named ID, and two fields to hold text values named Color and Durability):

      CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Product] (
      	[ID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
      	[Color] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
      	[Durability] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL 
      ) ON [PRIMARY]

      Populate the new table. In the first record, make Color be “Yellow” and Durability be “Fragile”. Now populate a few more records; go with: Yellow/Durable, Green/Fragile, and Green/Durable.

      If the Access query looks like:

      SELECT *, IIF([Color] = "Yellow" AND [Durability] = "Fragile", "Banana", "Not Banana")
        AS WhatIsIt
      FROM Product

      then the SQL Server query looks like this:

      SELECT *, 
          WHEN P.Color = 'Yellow' AND P.Durability = 'Fragile' THEN
            'Not Banana'
      AS WhatIsIt
      FROM Product P
    • in reply to: upsizing querys and iif (Access 2000 sp3) #803539

      Mmmmm…bananas! The trick is to embed the WHEN…ELSE statement withing the CASE statement. OK, let’s make a fake table to play with. Run this SQL script to make a table named Product that has 3 fields (an identity field named ID, and two fields to hold text values named Color and Durability):

      CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Product] (
      	[ID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
      	[Color] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
      	[Durability] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL 
      ) ON [PRIMARY]

      Populate the new table. In the first record, make Color be “Yellow” and Durability be “Fragile”. Now populate a few more records; go with: Yellow/Durable, Green/Fragile, and Green/Durable.

      If the Access query looks like:

      SELECT *, IIF([Color] = "Yellow" AND [Durability] = "Fragile", "Banana", "Not Banana")
        AS WhatIsIt
      FROM Product

      then the SQL Server query looks like this:

      SELECT *, 
          WHEN P.Color = 'Yellow' AND P.Durability = 'Fragile' THEN
            'Not Banana'
      AS WhatIsIt
      FROM Product P
    • in reply to: Working with large amount of data… (97 SR2) #802826

      Without knowing the data structure of the large table or the types of queries you’re running against it, it’s a bit tough to say, so I’ll speak in generalities.

      (1) Judicious use of indexes may speed the queries, though will increase the size of the Access database.
      (2) Splitting the large data table into multiple smaller tables may help out. It may violate some basic relational design theory, but, often performance counts more than theory.
      (3) Examine the way you apply criteria in your queries to squeeze out some performance gains. For example, if you’re applying criteria to a numeric field with IN(3, 25, 36) you should put the value that occurs most often in the first position; same principle applies to immediate if (IIF) statements.

      Or after those considerations you may just elect to upsize to SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 or MySQL. Best of luck!

    • in reply to: Working with large amount of data… (97 SR2) #802827

      Without knowing the data structure of the large table or the types of queries you’re running against it, it’s a bit tough to say, so I’ll speak in generalities.

      (1) Judicious use of indexes may speed the queries, though will increase the size of the Access database.
      (2) Splitting the large data table into multiple smaller tables may help out. It may violate some basic relational design theory, but, often performance counts more than theory.
      (3) Examine the way you apply criteria in your queries to squeeze out some performance gains. For example, if you’re applying criteria to a numeric field with IN(3, 25, 36) you should put the value that occurs most often in the first position; same principle applies to immediate if (IIF) statements.

      Or after those considerations you may just elect to upsize to SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 or MySQL. Best of luck!

    • in reply to: Looking for: Access reports to auto-bookmarked PDF #739865

      I do have a full version of Adobe, and nope, no dice.

      Once the PDF is created, I can manually add bookmarks for where the value in the header section changes, or split the big PDF into multiple PDFs, but I have to believe that some person more clever than I has automated that process and is willing to make a reasonable profit for their efforts.

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 248 total)