• WSruthk



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    • (Edited by HansV to make URL clickable – see Help 19)

      How do I mark this RESOLVED… Are you ready for the answer?? It was a print driver… a BROTHER print driver. I search on the web again… and started reading a thread that looked similar to this… voice recognition is one of the big culprits too. But not for this person. It ended up being a print driver. So I dutifully deleted my printer from Printers and faxes and the !@##$%^W@$% hourglass disappeared!! So refreshing. Thanks for ALL of your help. Now I don’t know where I found it, but the search was for an “intermittent hourglass” and I did not have to pay for the answer. I refound the link: here.

      Thanks for everyone’s help!! This issue is now closed!! smile

    • When the hourglass shows up, the CPU usage only goes up to 18-22%. The Page File Usuage stays preetty steady at 386 MB.

      Under processes, when WINWORD.EXE shows up, it only shows about 2%. SMC.exe is contantly showing , but the System Idle Process only goes down to 83%.

    • I’ll check that again when I get to the office. I don’t think it is on, but… it might be. I’ll let you know.

    • You are so right. This sounds VERY familiar. I have had two suggestions. One to call the Help desk for the computer manufacturer. One person thought it may have something to do with partioned memory? And maybe the company, in their infinite wisdom has something that is checking all of my keystrokes. However, we have noticed that it only happens in Microsoft related products. The lag time is less, but is still there in WordPad, but there is no lag time in Notepad.

    • thanks. This was the first thing I did. No change in how Word is responding. Glad to hear someone else is feeling the Outlook pain. 🙂 Is there anything we can do to change it?

    • Well Outlook is, using Microsoft Exhange Server, but Word is running locally and has this problem even when open and idle.

    • I have tried that a while ago and gave up and now when others complained, I decided to try looking for an answer again. Nothing is hogging the CPU. And we may not be able to upgrade due to the tight security of updating software at work.

    • in reply to: AutoSave; Refresh? (2003 SP1) #990491

      I had not, but I did, and nothing worked. However I have two suspects… (I removed SnagIt, but that did not affect anything and I have not reinstalled it yet.) BUT I have two addins running that I do not know how to disable. I suspect Bluetooth (this is new for me). I even disabled Bluetooth and I still show this addin and I still get the same behavior. The other is a document manager addin. Here they are:

      1. Send to Bluetooth-BtOfficeAddin.BtOfficeIntegration.1
      2. Document Manager – Cognizance.MSOAddin

      Could one or both of these be the culprit?


    • in reply to: AutoSave; Refresh? (2003 SP1) #990433

      I’ll try to answer your questions:

      I used Office 2003 before. This is a fresh install on a new computer.

      I checked all interval Autorecovery Saves and even changed it to none.

      I turned off smart tags. I turned off some AutoCorrect as you type options, but this happens even when Word is idle. I tried turning everything off and it still does it. I think it is trying to go out to check for something, but what?

      I do not use WOPR. I am using all the same software as before. It is mistifying and irritating.

    • in reply to: Hidden text is turned on automatically (Word 2003/SP1) #966165

      That’s what I thought. We checked all of his settings. We opened Word and just opened the blank page. Everything is toggled off and hidden text was not checked in the Tools>Options>.

      However, I told him to do “Detect and Repair” and this seemed to have fixed this phantom problem. Thanks!

    • in reply to: ‘Word has insufficient memory’ creating PDF (2002) #857443

      Thanks so much Arianna. After reading a few posts from here, I had decided that it must be the undo buffer. I will check out the software you recommend. I do not know if my company is ready to upgrade to Acrobat 6., but since I am testing the XP world maybe they will let me use a trial version.

      I am so glad to finally find someone who has experienced what I am experiencing. I might try to contact Acrobat to let them know and maybe they will fix PDFMaker.dot??

      I have version 6 reader at home. I don’t like the new search either… bash

    • in reply to: ‘Word has insufficient memory’ creating PDF (2002) #857444

      Thanks so much Arianna. After reading a few posts from here, I had decided that it must be the undo buffer. I will check out the software you recommend. I do not know if my company is ready to upgrade to Acrobat 6., but since I am testing the XP world maybe they will let me use a trial version.

      I am so glad to finally find someone who has experienced what I am experiencing. I might try to contact Acrobat to let them know and maybe they will fix PDFMaker.dot??

      I have version 6 reader at home. I don’t like the new search either… bash

    • in reply to: ‘Word has insufficient memory’ creating PDF (2002) #856931

      Thanks for your speedy reply. I already created a macro to run from the dialog box, but I can’t get to it while PDFMaker is running. I am sure now, that that is my problem. I have hundreds of links and cross-referneces. If I turn those off, PDFMaker works fine.

      Any other ideas?

    • in reply to: ‘Word has insufficient memory’ creating PDF (2002) #856932

      Thanks for your speedy reply. I already created a macro to run from the dialog box, but I can’t get to it while PDFMaker is running. I am sure now, that that is my problem. I have hundreds of links and cross-referneces. If I turn those off, PDFMaker works fine.

      Any other ideas?

    • in reply to: Outline numbering .StartAt value (Word 2000) #742722

      THANKS PHIL!! That was it. Somewhere embedded in the code it was set to auto update. I added “ActiveDocument.UpdateStylesOnOpen = False” to the Private Sub Document_Open().


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