• WSRuff_Hi



    Viewing 15 replies - 796 through 810 (of 828 total)
    • in reply to: Bold font with System generated Email (Outlook 2002 SP2) #686632

      I started to play with the .body and .HTMLbody items yesterday. I was thinking that I could just build the message part of the email as per normal (.body = .body & “blah blah blah”) and when I wanted to add a bold item, use the HTMLbody part (.HTMLbody = .HTMLbody & “bold blah blah blah“).

      It worked on a quick test that I did but I couldn’t get it to work if I swapped between the two. I really don’t want to code the whole silly email in HTML just to get bold comments.

    • in reply to: Bold font with System generated Email (Outlook 2002 SP2) #686631

      Yes, I had thought of flags – but will this work if I have ‘follow up’ emails spread over a number of folders and over a number of pst files?

    • in reply to: Weekend Treats #674839

      Re Q5

      I would have thought that all temperatures are the same, no matter what scale they are recorded on. Walk outside in a Nth American winter and you just know its cold! Doesn’t matter if its recorded in F or C (or absolute for that matter).

    • in reply to: Linked Header (Word 2000 SR-1) #666093

      Fantastic – worked like a dream!

      These memos will be a work of art any day now!

      Thanks a heap.

    • in reply to: Get rid of the Preview Pane (Outlook 2000 SR1) #659969

      Did it! Without the use of a macro too.

      One of jscher’s link was the kicker. I reset my views using the /cleanviews switch, then removed the preview pane (pain) from my default views (views, current view, define view, modify, other settings and unchecked the ‘show preview pane’.

      Thanks all – I can now create new folders without the preview pain being ‘on’ by default.

    • in reply to: Optional Save Sent Items (2000) #578773


      It wasn’t exactly what I wanted so I put in the following bit of code …

      Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
      Dim lsMessage As String
      lsMessage = "Do you want to keep a copy of this email?"
      Item.DeleteAfterSubmit = Not (MsgBox(lsMessage, vbYesNo) = vbYes)
      End Sub

      Thanks for your help.

    • in reply to: Recurring e-mail message (Outlook 2002 ) #577501

      Hi All,

      I’ve used a very similar method to create a recurring email where the bulk of the text was a constant but I wanted to add paragraphs at the end of the email that changed.

      To do this, I created a text file and typed in the additional paragraphs that I wanted to add. Then opened the text file and read the file in (cannot remember if it was one big string or lots of little ones that I concatenated together) using VB.

      Then assigned this string (the standard stuff plus the variable stuff from the text file) to the body of the email. Worked like a dream.

    • in reply to: Forms (VBA, Office 2000) #561603

      Hi Stuart,

      What about creating a variable that tells you were you are up to in the form population so you can skip the part of the code that has already been executed.

      Alternatively, instead of hiding the form, change the height and width to a smallish value and move it almost off the screen. If it doesn’t release control so that the user can close the preview, then change your now smaller form to include (visible) CLOSE button and use that to close the preview and resume.

    • in reply to: Distribution List (Outlook 2000) #551726

      Did it. I ended up using VBA to create a replica of the global distribution group in my own contact folder. I used the following code

      Private Sub mCCopyGlobalDistList()
      Dim lvOLApp As ThisOutlookSession
      Dim lvNameSpace As NameSpace
      Dim lvGAddressList As AddressList
      Dim lvGEntries As AddressEntries
      Dim lvGEntry As AddressEntry
      Dim lvMember As AddressEntry
      Dim lvPDistList As DistListItem

      Set lvOLApp = CreateObject(“Outlook.Application”)
      Set lvNameSpace = lvOLApp.GetNamespace(“MAPI”)
      Set lvGAddressList = lvNameSpace.AddressLists(“Global Address List”)
      Set lvGEntries = lvGAddressList.AddressEntries
      Set lvGEntry = lvGEntries(“Name of Global List Here”)

      Set lvPDistList = lvOLApp.CreateItem(olDistributionListItem)
      lvPDistList.Subject = “Your Version Name Here”

      For Each lvMember In lvGEntry.Members
      Set myTempItem = lvOLApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
      Set myRecipients = myTempItem.Recipients
      myRecipients.Add lvMember
      lvPDistList.AddMembers myRecipients


      Set myRecipients = Nothing
      Set myTempItem = Nothing
      Set lvPDistList = Nothing
      Set lvGEntry = Nothing
      Set lvGEntries = Nothing
      Set lvGAddressList = Nothing
      Set lvNameSpace = Nothing
      Set lvOLApp = Nothing
      End Sub

    • in reply to: Elapsed Time Function – Update #551467

      Yes, you are quite correct, it should be deciseconds, not milliseconds. With regards to timer, its a VB / VBA function that comes with the language. Do I have to describe it. Oh ok, here is what I lifted out of the help …

      Returns a Single representing the number of seconds elapsed since midnight.

    • in reply to: Elapsed Time Function – Update #550874

      Are you sure? I used format(time, “ss.ms”) and all it gave me was the number of seconds follows by a dot followed by the month number followed by the number of seconds again.

      Sort of like 33.1133.

      I put together the following which gives me hh:mm:ss.milliseconds and seems to work ok.

      Dim lrTimer As Double
      Dim lrCurrTime As Double
      Dim lrMilliseconds As Double
      lrTimer = Timer
      lrMilliseconds = lrTimer - Int(lrTimer)
      lrCurrTime = int(lrTimer) / (24& * 60& * 60&)
      msgbox Format(lrCurrTime, "hh:mm:ss") & _
             Format(lrMilliseconds, ".00 - ") & _
    • in reply to: Intermitant Error (Excel VBA) #549460

      How silly is this. There is a knowledge base article that discusses this issue and suggests a work around – basically close the workbook (saving changes) and then re-open it. It looks like MS are extending the concept of ‘fix all problems with a reboot’.

      The knowledge base article is here …


    • in reply to: Calculating time … (XL97) #548360

      I bet the “m” means months which means that the 01 is correct as the date is 01/01/1900

    • in reply to: Using Numbers in Code (VBA / VB) #547690

      Excellent. Thanks Andrew.

      How about when you reference or dimension an array. For example …

      dim lsArray(1% to 10%) as string
      lsArray(1%) = "Hello World!"

      as opposed to …

      dim lsArray(1 to 10) as string
      lsArray(1) = "Hello World!"
    • in reply to: Using Numbers in Code (VBA / VB) #547683

      hang on, hang on, hang on … shocked

      now that is just getting carried away. Who said that he didn’t declare his variables. He does, and he follows the naming convension too.

      However, he does put things like

      dim i as integer
      for i = 1% to 5%

      in his code instead of

      dim i as integer
      for i = 1 to 5

      Therefore, I was asking what the ‘%’s meant and wondering if there was any difference between the two.

    Viewing 15 replies - 796 through 810 (of 828 total)