• WSrspruijt



    Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
    • in reply to: Help with webpage #1333087

      Have you considered http://captcha.net/ ? Depending on how confident you are at adding chunks of code to your guestbook page, this could be a robust solution to stopping spam-robots. At least this could help you in the right direction 😉

    • in reply to: Pub 2010…Drop Shadow Color…??? #1308014

      1. Enter some text into the text box, select the text and from the ‘Text Box Tools’ > ‘Format’ menu engage the ‘Shadow’ feature.
      2. If the text box does not have a background fill color, the font/text shadow color seems to default to light gray (I’m running on Win7, maybe it differs for Vista/XP).
      3. To change the font/text shadow color (you need to counter-intuitively) change the text box background fill color to the desired color (and if you do not want that text box background fill color to show behind your text, set the fill transparency to 100%).

      Unfortunately the placement and size of the font/text shadow does not seem to be configurable in Publisher 2010 for text box text.

    • in reply to: Dell Laptop sending video to Projector via VGA #1210565

      Hi Rolf, rather than reboot it’s usually a good idea to shutdown because it drops the power to the system and allows everything to start up afresh. The projector will likely be fine (just waiting for input but if the projector allows multiple inputs, try cycling through them, eg. VGA1, VGA2, etc) so the problem is either the VGA port on the laptop or the VGA cable. Since the cable works fine with another computer, it sounds like the port may be faulty. If a shutdown and fresh start does not enable ‘presentation mode’, check the display settings and you could try using a different cable. Failing that, try booting into Dell diagnostics (FN-Power) or press F12 at boot time and choose ‘Diagnostics’ from the choices menu. If an error shows and the system is still under warranty, get on the phone to Dell technical support and they will likely replace the motherboard.

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