• WSrrdavis



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 160 total)
    • in reply to: OneNote typing not smooth #1526453

      Thanks for the response, but that really doesn’t answer the issue–downgrading just to make an app work properly indicates that the app needs to be repaired. AND…I no longer have the media the downgrade. Is anyone else having such a problem?

    • in reply to: Outlook is invisible except in Safe Mode #1410989

      Oh well, it was worth a shot.
      Does outlook work in Safe Mode?

      Did you try an Office Repair install?


      Yes, the program seems to work fine in Safe Mode, but as stated, after disabling all my addins, the problem still remains. I’m using Outlook 2010, so I don’t have any .dat files to worry about. And no error messages are displayed, either in the event viewer or on the screen itself. This is the strangest thing.

    • in reply to: Outlook is invisible except in Safe Mode #1410960

      Yes, I have rebooted (many times) and I have repaired Office. Behavior remains.

    • in reply to: Outlook is invisible except in Safe Mode #1410933

      Thank you for your reply. Actually, I am connected to an Exchange Server and have an OST file. I have renamed my old OST file, forcing Outlook to create a new file. I have also created a separate profile, in case it was my profile that went bad. Neither of these things have resolved the issue.

    • in reply to: Linking Image in HTML file #1226664

      Wow, I forgot all about using a field code! I use to be quite the Word guru in my circles, but apparently not anymore. The old adage “Use it or lose it” applies here. Thanks for the help.

    • in reply to: Loop (Excel 2002 (xp) SP2) #881312

      Now that I’ve finally had some time to get back to this project and look/experiement with it further, I think I’ve ruled out the xlsheet variable being the problem–as far as I can tell. It is tripping up on the Selection word. Legare, I agree with you that I don’t have to select a range in order to work with it. However, with some of the manipulation I am doing it is difficult to avoid it completely. But you are right, my example code could (should?) have been written more succinctly.

      I have been “Watching” the xlsheet (and related) variables and they appear to be set correctly throughout the running of the code. However, the second time through the loop I’ve created, I get the With block variable not set, as I reported. I’ve determined that Excel is somehow not “Selecting” the range. See the graphic. Selection is set to Nothing, even though the .Range(“A2”).Select line was already processed. Is there a reason why .Select would not, uh, select. Surely you can you have a With… statement nesting inside another With… statement. This is the case here.

      Again, thanks for your responses, Rory and Legare. Any other sugguestions.

    • in reply to: Loop (Excel 2002 (xp) SP2) #881313

      Now that I’ve finally had some time to get back to this project and look/experiement with it further, I think I’ve ruled out the xlsheet variable being the problem–as far as I can tell. It is tripping up on the Selection word. Legare, I agree with you that I don’t have to select a range in order to work with it. However, with some of the manipulation I am doing it is difficult to avoid it completely. But you are right, my example code could (should?) have been written more succinctly.

      I have been “Watching” the xlsheet (and related) variables and they appear to be set correctly throughout the running of the code. However, the second time through the loop I’ve created, I get the With block variable not set, as I reported. I’ve determined that Excel is somehow not “Selecting” the range. See the graphic. Selection is set to Nothing, even though the .Range(“A2”).Select line was already processed. Is there a reason why .Select would not, uh, select. Surely you can you have a With… statement nesting inside another With… statement. This is the case here.

      Again, thanks for your responses, Rory and Legare. Any other sugguestions.

    • in reply to: Page Position (Word 2002) #880694

      Hans, you usually have the information I need. Thanks again. bow

    • in reply to: Automation Error (Excel 2002 (xp) SP2) #880553


      Thanks for the response. I was aware that an error cut the procedure short, but I thought that if there was an error handler in that procedure, it handled the error instead of sending it back tot he call procedure. I don’t think this is what happened, however. I tried what you recommended–that is, put a breakpoint after the point where the procedure just took off. The breakpoint stopped the procedure from running and I could continue processing line by line. (I then figured out that it was erroring as some later point, which has not been corrected.) However, I am still stumped by the fact that it just takes off at this one point. I had another project do the same thing, but I never follow up on it.

      As a test, I moved the breakpoint you recommended down in the procedure by a few lines and found that once the code takes off, the other lines do process, just not line by line. I know how to get around this now, but I’m just wondering if anyone knew why it was happening like that.

    • in reply to: Automation Error (Excel 2002 (xp) SP2) #880554


      Thanks for the response. I was aware that an error cut the procedure short, but I thought that if there was an error handler in that procedure, it handled the error instead of sending it back tot he call procedure. I don’t think this is what happened, however. I tried what you recommended–that is, put a breakpoint after the point where the procedure just took off. The breakpoint stopped the procedure from running and I could continue processing line by line. (I then figured out that it was erroring as some later point, which has not been corrected.) However, I am still stumped by the fact that it just takes off at this one point. I had another project do the same thing, but I never follow up on it.

      As a test, I moved the breakpoint you recommended down in the procedure by a few lines and found that once the code takes off, the other lines do process, just not line by line. I know how to get around this now, but I’m just wondering if anyone knew why it was happening like that.

    • in reply to: Loop (Excel 2002 (xp) SP2) #880533

      Legare and Rory–

      Thanks for your responses. First, xlsheet is defined as a worksheet object variable as follows: [indent]

      Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
      Set xlbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
      Set xlsheet = xlbook.ActiveSheet

      [/indent] I have been able to work around the With… problem by getting rid of all my With… statements. I have begun to add them back one at a time, but that should not have been a problem. I’m sure this has significantly affected my running time, however.

    • in reply to: Loop (Excel 2002 (xp) SP2) #880534

      Legare and Rory–

      Thanks for your responses. First, xlsheet is defined as a worksheet object variable as follows: [indent]

      Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
      Set xlbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
      Set xlsheet = xlbook.ActiveSheet

      [/indent] I have been able to work around the With… problem by getting rid of all my With… statements. I have begun to add them back one at a time, but that should not have been a problem. I’m sure this has significantly affected my running time, however.

    • in reply to: Reference to a doc (Word 2002) #874877

      Again, thanks for your time.

      All of my code is in the same Access .mdb module. I have “Watched” my variables as I have stepped through the procedure. As soon as I exit one procedure and return to another, the references on the watched variables turn to “out of context”.

      Although I still have some testing to do, I think I’ve found a workaround to this problem by saving the doc prior to the end of the procedure and then using the Set doc = Documents.Open method to open it back up once I need it again. There’s got to be a cleaner way to do that, but I think it works.

    • in reply to: Reference to a doc (Word 2002) #874878

      Again, thanks for your time.

      All of my code is in the same Access .mdb module. I have “Watched” my variables as I have stepped through the procedure. As soon as I exit one procedure and return to another, the references on the watched variables turn to “out of context”.

      Although I still have some testing to do, I think I’ve found a workaround to this problem by saving the doc prior to the end of the procedure and then using the Set doc = Documents.Open method to open it back up once I need it again. There’s got to be a cleaner way to do that, but I think it works.

    • in reply to: Reference to a doc (Word 2002) #874832

      Thanks for the response. I really appreciate your time.

      You are right about declaring a variable as Public in the declarations section of the module makes the variable available throughout the module. I had done this when declaring my Wrd and doc variables. However, the references to the objects are broken once I leave that module. I’m assume that simple values persist, but references to objects do not. Here is generally what happens:

      Procedure 1 calls Procedure 2. Procedure 2 sets Wrd and doc to their objects and transfers content to those objects. Procedure 2 then ends and control is returned back to Procedure 1. I would have thought that the reference would have persisted back to Procedure 1. This is not the case.

      I even changed the code around so that the references were set in Proc 1 and the processing using those references occur in Proc 2. Either way, I lose the references when moving between procedures.

      Does anyone have any other ideas?

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 160 total)