• WSRichJ



    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 60 total)
    • in reply to: Find and display a record (2003) #1027572

      Hi Preston,

      This is exactly what I need to do, but when I get the Combo Box (or List Box) Wizard, the third option is not shown? I do see the first two options, however. Why would I not have that third option available? Is there a switch I need to turn on?

      See attachment screen capture.

      We recently upgraded from Office 2000 to Office 2003. Are there Access 2003 features that we didn’t get installed?

      Thanks so much, and,

    • in reply to: Free/Busy Indications (2003) #1027415

      Hi Hans,

      That’s what I had anticipated. It would be nice, though, for a way to indicate without having to build a recurring appointment that we’re not available at those times.


    • in reply to: Determine Month of Class Attended (2003/2003) #1020077

      Dear Dean,

      At the moment I the maximum number of different class dates would be four columns. So, I will try your suggestion.

      You are absolutely correct about moving to a database (Access or Oracle), which is what I really should have done in the first place. Then I could run appropriate queries on the data.

      I’ll let you know how your formula suggestion worked.

      Thanks so much,

    • in reply to: New From Existing Document (2003) #1015271

      Dear Hans,

      That’s perfect. Thank you so very much.

      I gather, though, that this would work in Word 97+, since it is simply a MACRO, and doesn’t depend upon the Word 2003 New Document task pane. Am I correct in my assumption?

      Again, thanks for you swift and useful support here.


    • in reply to: Count IF (03) #1013697

      G’Day Y’all,

      I have a related question:
      I need to count the number of times where in two different columns when any text is in column A and the corresponding cell in column B is blank. I need to ignore occurrences of column A blank and column B blank; and ignore occurrences of column A contains any text and column B any contains text .

      Best regards,

    • in reply to: Disappearing Slide Annotation (2003) #1013545

      Dear Hans,

      Yes, I realize that annotation feature has been around forever.

      What’s new to these folks is that you can choose to keep or discard your annotations. That’s what I wanted to demonstrate!

      Thanks so much,

    • in reply to: Keyboard Shortcuts in Menus (2003) #1012380

      Dear Hans,

      Yes, that finally worked! I thought I had done exactly that, but perhaps not! I did have to exit Outlook 2003, then relaunch it to see the shortcuts in the menus.

      These ‘puters, THEY always do what we tell them, and not what we want them to do! compute

      I do wonder question, however, how I managed to turn them off, or did Outlook 2003 get a little sick?

      Best regards, and thanks so much, smile

    • in reply to: Seach/Replace Help (2k/2003) #1011617

      Dear Hans,

      But, of course! I knew you’d think of such an easy way! bingo

      Thanks so much for pointing me in that direction! It was exactly what the doctor needed! It worked perfectly!


    • in reply to: Custom Add-In Problem on Network Servers (Excel 20 #1008890

      Dear Hans,

      Hans said:
      Have you tried clicking the Browse… button? You only need to locate the .xla once, thereafter it will be listed in the Add-ins dialog itself.

      Okay, so I made an assumption. I expected that Excel would copy from the directory C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficeLibraryAddIns to the directory C:Documents and SettingsusernameApplication DataMicrosoftAddIns
      That’s why I didn’t browse to it..

      As you suggested, I simply browsed to the directory C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficeLibraryAddIns, selected sheetinfo.xla. Excel acknowledged the add-in, left it in this directory, and away we went! Voila! It works like perfectly.

      Now I’l have to try this with other users on the network.

      Again, you are a genius, Hans, and a very great help.

      Best regards,

    • in reply to: Custom Add-In Problem on Network Servers (Excel 20 #1008842

      Dear Hans,

      Thanks so much for your reply. I did really think I was going bonkers!

      I do like your suggestion about:

      C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficeLibrary

      I saved sheetinfo.xla in the above library and opened Excel, selected Tools | Add Ins, but SheetInfo add-in is not available for selection. I tried creating a folder in that directory, AddIns. That didn’t work either. I haven’t tired rebooting yet. So that brings up this question.

      Question: In Excel (or Office) is there a setting only IT tech’s with admin rights can tell Excel where to find user-defined/custom add-ins?

      If so, perhaps I can negotiate with IT management to change the current setting that hooks into the user profile to your suggested more generic location. We do not have “roving” profiles on our Novell network.

      Best regards,

    • in reply to: Macro: Message Format Mod’s (Outlook (2000)) #1008206

      Dear Hans,

      As usual, you’ve come to the rescue! Thanks so much.

      What I thought would be a simple task is confusing to me now.

      I thought the macros would be run when an email message is open, rather than in a folder list view. If so, where do I save the macro VBA?

      Thanks so much,

    • in reply to: Saving Received Messages as HTML (OL2K) #1006930

      Dear Hans,

      Thanks for your clarification.

      My question seems to still remain, though, that I can’t find anyway in MS Outlook 2000 to do a “Save as” and select HTML type file on any received email message, regardless of file format in that message. For those received in HTML format, I can “Save as” HTML.

      I am hoping someone can shed more light on my question.

      Thanks so much,

    • in reply to: Saving Received Messages as HTML (OL2K) #1006635

      I’m not sure what you mean by “Outlook” editor, and how do you start using it?

      Thanks, Rich

    • in reply to: Saving Received Messages as HTML (OL2K) #1006561


      Thanks, but I don’t get that menu choice all the time. Only when the incoming message is already an HTML formatted message. I don’t see the Edit | Edit Message command in Outlook 2000 with any other formatted messages.


    • in reply to: Derive New Lists from Existing List (Excel 2000) #1002169

      Thanks LindaR,

      Yes, immediately after clicking the ole “post” button, I re-examined column A forumulas. Thanks LindaR.

      Okay, Rory, you’re on, to help us out understand your approach.


    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 60 total)