• WSRichJ



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 60 total)
    • in reply to: Sorting on Multiple Headings (2007) #1116731

      Hi Hans,

      Yes, that’s an excellent suggestion and I’ve done that now. I am up and running. First really operational test will be on Monday, July 14, 2008!

      I was hoping XLS 2007 would be nice enough to remember my last sort selections!

      I had to put an a graphic in the worksheet, because I couldn’t find how in XLS 2007 to add a new “generic” button to the Quick Access Toolbar, then assign my macro to that button!

      Is there no one out there using XLSX 2007?

      Thanks and Cheers,

    • in reply to: Automate Email Address From Hyperlink Formatted Ce #1110899

      Hi Hans,

      Yes, after I asked you, I went to Office Online Excel 2007 Help & How-to and found out that you can do this in Excel 2007!

      Like you, I haven’t yet installed Excel 2007. Eventually, I’ll be forced to that, but until then…….!!!

      My client was thrilled with your solution, and will save them tons of time!

      Thanks and Cheers,

    • in reply to: Automate Email Address From Hyperlink Formatted Ce #1110884

      Hi Hans,

      Cheers, and thanks for your quick reply.

      I know I can create this macro in Excel 2003.

      Can I create a macro like this in Excel 2007?

      If so, how would I create the macro and run it?


    • in reply to: Hyperlink to Specific Excel Cell? (2K/03) #1067249

      Hi Hans,

      But, of course! Thanks so much, it’s like an HTML a tag href to an anchor! If you have a define Name in a Workbook, using the Name rather than a cell reference works as well.

      As always, you’re a great help, and met the training needs of my client exactly. I am assuming that works in a Word hyperlink in exactly the same way?

      Thanks and best regards,

    • in reply to: Mirror Margins & Printing (2003-SP2) #1064028

      Hi Hans,

      You are a genius, and I thank you for your insight! This was right on and very, very helpful.


    • in reply to: Generate Sequential Numbers in Table (2003 SP2) #1064027

      Hi Hans,

      This looks very promising. My user hasn’t yet tried to implement your suggestion in the database development, but is intending to incorporate your code.

      Thanks so much,

    • in reply to: Signature Line Spacing (2003) #1064026

      Hi John,

      Thanks so much, that did the trick! cool


    • in reply to: Template Displays Only Latin lower-case y diaeresi #1064025

      Hi Hans,

      Thanks so much. Although we tried that, neither the user and I have the Admin Permissions to execute that command (we being in a networked, controlled environment), we did find a work around that got the user going again!

      I copied all the templates to my PC, completed a “File | Save as” and now when copied back to the user, teh templates are all back to normal!


    • in reply to: Forecast Value for FY07 (XLS 2003 SP2) #1064023

      Hi everyone,

      I wanted thank all of you, your responses have helped us very greatly, and I really appreciate your help.


    • in reply to: Forecast Value for FY07 (XLS 2003 SP2) #1063067

      Hi Steve,

      Okay, I’ll call it…. exponential…



    • in reply to: Forecast Value for FY07 (XLS 2003 SP2) #1063064

      Hi Hans,


      Can you give me an example for my scenario?


    • in reply to: Forecast Value for FY07 (XLS 2003 SP2) #1063061

      Hi Steve,

      Yes, I’ve tried that, but what if it isn’t linear? For example: What if 2004 = 10?


    • Hi Marcus,

      Have you tried doing a CTRL-leftmouse-drag on the worksheet tab you want to copy?

      1. So you can see the two workbooks (source & destination) simultaneously, Choose Window | Arrange, then check either Vertical or Horizontal.
      2. While pressing the CTRL key down, hold your left mouse down on the source worksheet tab, and drag the tab to next to any worksheet tab in the destination workbook.
      3. Release your left mouse button, then the CTRL key.

      That makes a duplicate of the source worksheet in the destination workbook and leaves the orginial in your source workbook.


    • in reply to: Word Hyperlinks Converted to Acrobat 7 (Wd 2003) #1056793

      Hi Jefferson,

      Thanks for the thought, but we’ve tried that, and during the conversion, Adobe Acrobat ignores the “Target Frame” setting.

      The hyperlink comes over, but, hope against hope, it doesn’t keep the equivalent of target=”_blank” in HTML. brickwall

      We’ll keep working at it!

    • in reply to: VBA Copy Last 30 Days – Paste Elsewhere (2003-SP2) #1055499


      As always, you’re a genius. It meets my needs exactly.

      Can you explain “Range(“A3″).End(xlDown)”?

      Thanks so much,
      Your help was a great Birthday present (Mar. 10th).

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 60 total)