• WSRhiannon



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)
    • in reply to: profiles (Netscape 6.2) #560060

      Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had tried finding this in help, but had spent half an hour to 45 min. with no luck in coming up with it….


    • in reply to: global font change? (2000 SR 1) #542328

      I want to change all fonts; folders, mail, everything! The ruler is on display properties under settings where you can set a font size. I changed the ruler here to 74% which lets an inch actually display as an inch long. It had been set to large fonts, which came up at 125% which gave me a ruler whose inch equalled about an inch and a half. Because of this I have been running Word docs at 75% just to see the entire page width, and also to get an idea of actual size something will be when I make signs, etc. Unfortunately this has made all my fonts show up at 74%, which is unreadable in the default 8 pt. Tahoma. I want everything to be 12 pt. CG Omega in Outlook. While I can change individual views, I am having to do it for each folder, and then for each type of view in that folder. With define views you have to change fonts in 7 places per folder, and it each of those 7, 3 times in other settings and a minimum of 5 in automatic formatting. Multiply this by 20 or so folders and it is going to take hours to do!

      I want to just tell outlook to use a different default than 8pt. to begin with.

    • in reply to: Mail message fonts #542287

      I just saw your message in trying to fix my fonts in outlook and I have one idea on how this may have happened in the first place. On my compter if I change the font size for my desktop in my screen settings it affects outlook. It seems to be attached to the icon font size, however I also did it just recently by changing a ruler to display inches correctly, which fixed a problem in Word, but has really played havoc with my Outlook fonts!

    • in reply to: windows explorer shifts partly offscreen #535217

      cauldronOkay, the computer gods are smiling on me today — I downloaded a bunch of updates from Windows so I would have the latest patches, ran scan which came up “okay,” got to thinking about trying to kill out a program called twofer, which puts up side by side explorer screens (unmaximized and they where working fine), since I hardly ever use it, and also got to thinking of trying to reinstall explorer off our network. In the process of trying to find explorer on the network, I instead managed, rather accidently, to reinstall twofer instead. And low and behold, explorer is suddenly okay!

    • in reply to: windows explorer shifts partly offscreen #534994

      only explorer, nothing else

    • in reply to: Word Templates, decimal point & number lock #512673

      I tried starting it from the run box, and that made no difference.

      The keyboard assignment with numlock off places “delete” in the box, and underneath says “currently assigned to: editclear”

    • in reply to: Word Templates, decimal point & number lock #512545

      Here is what I typed:

      …………………………………. .456.456.

      Here is what Word thinks I typed:

      ……………….. 456456

      And here is what the macro recorded:

      Sub TEST()

      ‘ TEST Macro
      ‘ Macro recorded 01/31/01 by Barbara McCormack-Dunfee

      Selection.TypeText Text:=”……………….. 456456″
      End Sub

      I don’t think this got us anywhere, but it was a good try…

    • in reply to: Word Templates, decimal point & number lock #512450

      well…and now you have it twice….

    • in reply to: Word Templates, decimal point & number lock #512449

      oops…. forgot to attach it before I posted….

    • in reply to: Word Templates, decimal point & number lock #512444

      oops…. forgot to attach it before I posted….

    • in reply to: Word Templates, decimal point & number lock #512441

      When I first posted it, I tried opening it to see if it was really there, and instead of opening it in Word, it tried to open it as (I think) an HTML file. I know I got a line of gibberish, followed by a lot of black space….

      I will try attaching it again and we’ll see if your machine likes this one better.

    • in reply to: Word Templates, decimal point & number lock #512279

      I don’t know why this is happening, however when I first posted the attachment, it did the same thing. Today I can open it. ??!!!??!!?

      Maybe due to a web problem, rather than the document itself?

    • in reply to: Word Templates, decimal point & number lock #512278

      Yes — I even went back and checked to make sure. Ack!

    • in reply to: Word Templates, decimal point & number lock #512071

      Oops — spoke to soon…. If it is the first thing I type in a cell, I get the decimal point on the first linte, but if I type anything ahead of it, I don’t get it until the second push. It beeps on the first if that is any help.

    • in reply to: Word Templates, decimal point & number lock #512068

      The WordPerfect options fixed it! — I think I may have turned them on myself, as when I started with this computer I was far more familiar with WP than with Word.

      You are a God! Happy Happy, Joy joy!

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)