• WSrernst



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    • So you’re saying Notepad is _removed_ and a store app installed with the update?  That mean we can UNINSTALL it?  Not likely…  🙂  That sucks, time to start using one of the many, freebie, superior freebies.  It was just so convenient to check or create simple text files on just about any machine.

      Another stick for the update is the removal of the delay options for updates that the Pro version offered in the past.  With Microsoft’s reputation for rolling out very buggy updates, including blue screens that were UNRECOVERABLE at all, I hardly think this is a good idea.  Better would be to allow the delays in all versions, Home, Pro, whatever.

    • It would be interesting to have you format the drives with different formats and see if the overhead/used(where are you getting the used number from, Explorer?) changes. I don’t even know if you can format such a big drive with FAT32/eFAT(?) but you could try formatting under Linux’s EXT2,3 and 4 for curiosity.

    • in reply to: Coming changes to the Windows Secrets newsletter #1546468

      I wonder just how many lifetime subscribers there are (were?) to WS. For all the bad feeling this is producing, it might be wise of the new owners to just grandfather them in.

    • in reply to: Coming changes to the Windows Secrets newsletter #1545680

      Wouldn’t it be more correct to say that Penton acquired WS with all its rights AND obligations? You can’t just take the rights and walk away from the obligations.

      Depends on the sale contract, I guess, but typically the obligations are taken on by default, but that can be eliminated via contract. If they don’t honor it for lifetime, you can sue the original owners as they’re not providing the lifetime (lifetime of whom, you or the newsletter/company?) you paid for so you should get a significant portion of what you paid back. I’m not a lawyer, but I’d think a percentage based on what you paid, how long ago and estimate time you will live.

    • in reply to: Coming changes to the Windows Secrets newsletter #1545613

      What will happen to the links in previous emails? Since they’re redirected from the windowssecrets website to the actual link, I’m afraid all those links will no longer work.

    • in reply to: Doing work while doing your civic duty #1532698

      In northern Illinois, where I live (Will County), cell phones, computers, tablets, etc. are specifically banned from the courthouse! This is because witnesses were being photographed by spectators and then later threatened! Everyone entering the courthouse (including prospective jurors), is searched and enters through a metal detector. There are no on site storage facilities, so you have to leave your tech products at home or in your car.

      I don’t know the courthouse there, but that’s a bit overboard if the court is a separate room or rooms than the building itself.

      As I’ve mentioned above, here in San Diego, you can bring in tablet, smartphone, tablet, and there’s wifi provided as well.

      I suspect that if/when you’re on a jury, you’d not be allowed to bring any recording devices in but don’t know for sure as it’s been a LONG time since I’ve been on a jury.

    • in reply to: Doing work while doing your civic duty #1523390

      In California, when I’ve been called for jury duty, you can not only come ON the day specified, but can come in any time(maybe two weeks?) AHEAD of that day and time, without notification.

      Postponing can be done simply and easily, but not indefinitely, so you can plan when to go in.

      Usually, they won’t schedule anyone for a longer than 2 week trial without warning and a way to opt out.

      Very slick for a government run entity.

      RE: unsecured public wifi, I know this is a Windows forum, but there used to be a free utility for Macs to use vpn (via home computer?). Haven’t found a simple, free or low cost (no subscription stuff) one for Windows, but if there is one I missed, hopefully someone will chime in.

    • in reply to: Are system/Registry cleaners worthwhile? #1515733

      Strongly supportive of Malwarebytes and CCleaner (But, only for the Cleaner part not, the Registry part). And, btw, you can disable anything of CCleaner @ Startup.

      And I’ll throw SpywareBlaster in, too.

      Just to be clear, you’re supportive of SpywareBlaster, or against it?

    • in reply to: Are system/Registry cleaners worthwhile? #1515416

      I’d love to have seen the results of the freshly tried cleaners on the system BEFORE uninstalling the software via control panel.

    • in reply to: Upgrading Windows: An ever-more-complex decision #1507318

      Shouldn’t that have been, “If you (DO) like user configurability, don’t …

      Oops, you’re right, tablets and Macs have lots less configurability than current Windows, and I hope Windows 10 won’t go that route or I too, will move to a Mac.

    • in reply to: Upgrading Windows: An ever-more-complex decision #1507314

      Here is an example of how complicated MS has made my life in W8. Now they appear to want to make the following not even possible in W10: … clipped…

      Yup, they seem to be moving more and more to Apple’s model of not allowing tweaking easily, which is what set Windows apart from Apple’s offerings. That, plus Windows generally supporting VERY old software (and to some extent hardware/newer hardware, see bottom for details if interested) whereas Apple generally doesn’t.

      One thing I miss is being able to run more than one settings window. So now I can’t have a power settings window open while I also have a windows update window open to keep an eye on update progression. Also hate that I can’t now make an icon/shortcut (or haven’t found a way) to a settings menu, as I used to always make one for windows update.

      re: hardware on Mac. Tried to put a USB 3.0 port card into an older Mac Pro running last version of OS X that supports the previous OS9 apps, 10.6.8, Snow Leopard. Physically installed fine, and only AFTER that found the driver/OS would ONLY work if upgraded to 10.7 or later. But friend has very expensive video editing software that needs OS9 support and does all she needs, so can’t upgrade. UGH.

    • in reply to: Upgrading Windows: An ever-more-complex decision #1507313

      Dang, meant to add that these issues should be sent via the built in feedback option in the Win 10 beta, vs. here if you really want MS to improve it.

    • in reply to: Upgrading Windows: An ever-more-complex decision #1507312

      My issues have not be update specific. In the latest 2 versions they have continued to remove features and possibly unknowingly or more frequently breaking what use to work (necessitating sometime steep learning curves or workarounds for previously simple steps) that have long been part of my power user practices.

      Remember, Win 10 is in BETA. Great to experiment with but NOT to be used in production, nor should you expect it to be entirely the same as the actual released version.

      If you don’t like user configurability, don’t go with ANY tablet (except, possibly, a Windows tablet, vs. IOS or Android), and don’t go Apple in general. Great products, but for average users.

    • in reply to: Upgrading Windows: An ever-more-complex decision #1506999

      I bought a W8.1 ASUS laptop that was very inconsistent when in wireless mode.

      Not sure what this has to do with Win 10 but I’d have returned the laptop ASAP if I ran into that problem.

    • in reply to: Upgrading Windows: An ever-more-complex decision #1506811

      Oh, regarding the free upgrade from W7/8, is this an ISO, or ??? So suppose I upgrade a machine, and the drive dies. Instead of restoring an image backup, I decide I want a fresh/clean install (possibly to eliminate quirks from having the OS installed for several years)? How will I be able to do that? Will I have to reinstall the previous OS, install all updates, then do the W10 update again? VERY tedious, and suppose this happens after the free upgrade year, can I still bring it back to W10?

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