AskWoody LoungerWell,
I tried some formatting combinations. Found that if I want to use the styles that I formatted and named in the tool bar to be blue and inserted them in to a previously formatted paragraph on the same line (paragraph) that the line formatting did indeed change within that line. At this point I see no way around the dilemma. I tried the technique in Word and found the styles to behave in the same way. I’ll keep experimenting. -
AskWoody LoungerDear Peter;
I will attempt to answer this question,providing we are both on the same page. If I understand correctly you would like to assign a text style to “Who is speaking:” and “What they are supposed to say”.
This can be done two ways.
1) Highlight a portion of the text that has the text style you want to change. Make the changes you want. Format text
On the Formatting toolbar, click the Style box. (This is the dropdown box that has “Normal” written in it) Press ENTER. You’ll get the Change Or Apply Style dialog box, click Change the style using the selection as an example. Click OK. IN the style box, highlight the word “Normal” and give your format a name, then, change font, colour, pt. size…and type away.
You will just have to change the dropdown box to the chosen formatting prior to typing each item.
2)The other way would be to already have typed your words in the style selected. In the formatting toolbar, click the style box and overtype the word “Normal” with your formatting name and when the “Create Style by Example” pops up, check to make sure all is in order (correct font, colour…)and click OK.
Hope this gives you the results you’re looking for. -
AskWoody LoungerIt does
AskWoody LoungerIf I understand correctly, you want to use this logo that you created and use it on multiple publications.
In the view menu, pull down “Go to Background” and place all your static items there, so that when you work in the forground, your logo, address, things that don’t change, remain untouched. Publisher also has the “save as template” option.
You can also save your logo as clipart by locking all the items in place, (lasso all item with mouse, you’ll see a puzzle piece and, click the lock) then right-clicking and copy the item into the favorites folder on the clipart disk. That way when you do create something new and are prompted to insert clipart, it will bring up the MS clipart dialog box and the favorites folder. -
AskWoody LoungerHey Sybil,
To ensure that you don’t run into the nonprinting area go to the Tools menu and run the Design Checker. That should help you. Are you running commercial print jobs with bleeds?
As for flexability–when trying to put together a tight layout, Pagemaker seemd to be more suited for that type of work. I do like Publisher for those who have little or no design background and need all the prompts that Publisher gives. Its easy to use out of the box. -
AskWoody LoungerI ran into this problem not long ago. I was putting a booklet together and working with someone else on the project. We ended up copying pages. I haven’t figured out a way to merge 2 files together yet. It would be a great feature.
AskWoody LoungerThanks for the information all. I had some exposure to Visio in a Systems Analysis class last term and found it a bit of a challenge. I hope to learn a bit more. Thanks for all the info so far. The links are very helpful.
AskWoody LoungerPublisher does not to support the advanced formatting properties when saving to 98. You find fonts replaced, modified graphics returned to their original state. The CMYK color values are converted to RGB values and a slew of other stuff too numerous to mention. The transition from 98 to 2000 has a lot of problems.
Does person on the other end recieving your file have all the Publisher fixes downloaded? I noticed that you have SR-1. There are some articles in the knowledge base that may help your recipient open the file. Check out the link.
Opening Pub2000 files in Pub98
Another workaround would be to create a PDF file until you have resolved the issue.Good Luck.
AskWoody LoungerI have no experiance with Picture It 2001. Is that a home publishing/scanning suite. This article pertains to Publisher and is from the MS Knowledge database.
Hope that it helps.
Publisher Article -
AskWoody LoungerHi,
It’s mainly a graphics program used to create webpages, logos and typeset newsletters, flyers, posters and other publications. Publisher has the Pantone color codes that you would need to send files to a commercial printer. It is similar to PageMaker. Just doesn’t have as much flexability.
I thought more about your problem. Publisher does have table capabilities that handle the spreadsheets. You could scan the Viso and Project pages and import them as jpegs. The Word and Powerpoint files are copy and paste with minor tweaks to the formatting. Just another thought. -
AskWoody LoungerHi,
I have used Publisher with Powerpoint, Word and Excel successfully. Unfortunately there are no import options, you can copy and paste without losing too much of the formatting. I have Visio and had no success using that technique at all. I have to store those drawings in a Visio file.
Hope that this helps a little. -
AskWoody LoungerDear Ian,
I am currently in the process of studying for the MCSE’s. While in school on a full time basis doesn’t leave time for a “job”. So I look for volunteer work to gain some experiance. I was hoping that the post would peak someones interest. I’m glad that it has. I’m sure that it will not all be smooth sailing. Most of my NT Server experience has been in the controlled lab school evirons. I’m not sure why NT 4 was chosen. I wasn’t in on that decision. I have heard mixed reviews about 2000. Not having any 2000 experience, I hesitate to comment at this point. I’m taking your advice. Thanks again and I’m sure you’ll be hearing from me.Patricia Claybaugh
AskWoody LoungerPublisher has a uninspired built in logos as well as a logo creation wizard. You’ll find that using the Personal Information command under the insert menu.
I have created a lot of logos or custom clipart using existing clipart and the draw toolbar. The design gallery designs can also be cropped, modified in unending ways. I prefer creating something from the draw toolbar and then adding wordart. once you have your images where you want them the whole thing can be lassoed and a puzzlepiece will appear. Click it to lock everything in place so that it can be moved as a complete object. I don’t use Photodraw much don’t have enough experience to comment on it.
Good Luck! -
AskWoody LoungerI have been using Publisher for 2 years to typeset weekly newsletters. I am also an former Kinko’s ops manager. I hope that this solution helps.
Most printers do not print to 11×17. Publisher will let you layout in that format using File/Page Setup/Custom Size. This allows you to work in your chosen page format. When it comes time to print, the page will print out on multiple sheets. You could then tape the sheets together and place them on a copier.
A better solution would be to create a PDF file to either email to Kinko’s or store on your Zip. Kinko’s will then Rip (Rip fees used to be $10.00) the file to a copier that handles 11×17. The trick to creating the PDF lies in having the correct printer driver. I have installed a HP Laserjet Postscript printer driver off my Win98 CD. Just got to Control Panel/Settings/Printers and install. When you are ready to print, select File/Print in Publisher and use the dropdown box to select your postscript printer and check the print to file box. You will se a dialog box, under file name, type in the name and change the .prn to .ps. For example NewsJan.ps. Chooses the Zip drive (on the bottom) and hit OK. When the file is complete, open up Adobe Acrobat Distiller (hope you have that program) and choose File/Open/NewsJan.ps. Distiller will than create the PDF which can be opened by anyone with Adobe Reader. Kinko’s can also readily work in this file format. Distiller is not a free download whereas Reader is. Check with Kinko’s, they might have a better way. Hope this helps.
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