• WSpieterse



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 4,615 total)
    • in reply to: Executing Custom Ribbon Controls #1229105

      In your VB6 project (assuming that is where you are building the COM addin in), you use code like this in the XLConnect designer:

      Private Function IRibbonExtensibility_GetCustomUI(ByVal RibbonID As String) As String
          IRibbonExtensibility_GetCustomUI = "" & _
                      "" & _
                          "" & _
                              "" & _
                                  "" & _
                                      "" & _
                                  "" & _
                              "" & _
                          "" & _
                      "" & _
      End Function
      Public Function About(Control As Object)
          Dim fAbout As frmAbout
          Set fAbout = New frmAbout
          fAbout.Show vbModal
          Set fAbout = Nothing
      End Function
    • in reply to: VBA7 and common controls #1228250

      I expect so. Best to read the license agreement.

    • in reply to: VBA7 and common controls #1228001

      One way to have both versions is by installing one of them inside a virtual machine.

      Your summary seems to be correct.

      The “common” controls however, should already be on your system, as they are part of windows, not of .NET as far as I know. Don’t know what win64 has to offer with that respect.

    • in reply to: VBA7 and common controls #1227920

      If they say to look for alternatives, they mean look for the 64 bit counterparts of the control you need if you’re using Office 64 bit.

      The only place you can look for them is by using the more controls button. That button will make Office go scrambling through your registry to see which controls your system has available to you.

      Note however, that that does not mean other systems with the same Office version will also have these controls. It also means that 32 bit versions of Office will not be able to use your 64 bit version of the controls.

      I’d advise not to use external controls unless you really have to, this avoids a lot of trouble should your file have to be distributed.

      If you want a trouble free file, I usually advise to stick with the form controls. They port best to other versions.

    • in reply to: VBA7 and common controls #1227718

      If any, they should be available through the More Controls… button on the insert control dropdown in the ribbon.

    • in reply to: Problem with eval #1227579

      Array(arg1,arg2,arg3,…) is a VBA function and eval cannot handle VBA functions or methods. It can do the regular math operations however.

    • in reply to: web query problem #1227502

      As you saw, in order for a web query to work, the page must be “ready” when Excel tries to read it.

    • in reply to: web query problem #1227473

      Is the javascript done on the client? I suspect those might be blocked for “security” reasons.

    • in reply to: Excel templates won't open properly #1226765

      On the offending machines, click start, run and enter this:

      “c:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficeExcel.exe” /regserver

      (quotes mandatory, change path if needed). That usually fixes problems like these.

    • in reply to: Run 3 Excel versions #1226636

      Another option (but some more work) is to download the free Virtual PC from Microsoft and set up a virtual machine (VM). You need a valid Windows CD for this however, because that is what you have to install on the VM. Then you can install any Office version you like to keep “clean” on the VM.

    • in reply to: Run 3 Excel versions #1226470

      I run 2002 and 2003 next to each other without problems. I used to run 97, 2000, 2002 and 2003 without noticable trouble too.
      There are some quirks though. Maybe more, but I’ve only heard of these:
      – I experienced problems with custom chart templates (did not work at all)
      – I’ve heard people having trouble with the Help system (not for me, maybe tied to me not having 2007 on the same system)
      – You can only install ONE version of Outlook
      – For Word and Access, each time you start a different version, Office wants to run a lengthy installer process. This can be overcome by changing some registry entries.

    • in reply to: Code to download FTP files #1226360

      Using the routine to download a file is very easy:

      Sub Foo()
          'Some code
          DownloadFile "CompleteURL2FIleGoesHere", "CompletePathToStoreFileGoesHere"
          'Other Code
      End Sub
    • in reply to: Code to download FTP files #1226056

      I have some sample code to download a file. See this page:


      Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" _
          Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, _
          ByVal szURL As String, ByVal szFileName As String, _
          ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long
      Private Sub DownloadFile(strWebFilename As String, strSaveFileName As String)
          ' Download the file.
          URLDownloadToFile 0, strWebFilename, strSaveFileName, 0, 0
      End Sub
    • in reply to: Problems with macro #1224252

      The code as such is OK, so something else is going on here.
      Maybe the worksheet in question is protected?
      What if you try to hide the row manually?

    • in reply to: Problems with macro #1224112

      Do you get an error? If so, which and on what line of the code?

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 4,615 total)