• WSPaulK



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    • in reply to: Not In List #525328

      Great! I had been mislead to believe they were interchangeable. Thanks for the correction.

      Your code was very enlightening as well. I particularly like your commenting style. It makes for very readable code.

      Should this line:

      strSQL = BuildInsertSQL(ctl, NewData)


      strSQL = BuildInsertSQL(ctl, strTbl, NewData)

      or have I missed something again?

    • in reply to: Help with BackColor #525185

      Glad to hear you got it all sorted out! grin

    • in reply to: Help with BackColor #525183

      What is the name of the control on your report? If it is the same as the underlying field then try changing the name of the control to some thing different and then change your code accordingly.

    • in reply to: Help with BackColor #525177

      Only other thing I can think of is what Rory suggested – the back style….my experiments with your code are working.

    • in reply to: Help with BackColor #525171

      When you say “it doesn’t work” what results are you getting exactly?

    • in reply to: Help with BackColor #525164

      One thing I notice is that you have quotes around some values in your if…then statements but not around others. is the value in docstatus text?

    • in reply to: Using Combo Boxes to generate Reports #525163

      This could be done a couple of ways. I’d first try a parameter query which would reference the control values on your popup form in the criteria row or where clause of the queries on which your reports are based. Once the form is created use the expression builder to get the correct syntax for referring to the form controls in your queries. As for the date range you can use the Between…And expression in the criteria row or where clause as well.

      Select * From tblWorkFlow
      Where [FacilityID] = [Forms]![FromName]![FormControlName] AND [ProductionDate] Between [Forms]![FormName]![Date1ControlName] And [Forms]![FormName]![Date2ControlName]

      As for opening the selected report in the click event of your “OK” button use the openform method and substitute the control name for the report name argument:

      DoCmd.OpenReport Me.ControlName

    • in reply to: frustrated #525153

      Is the id field the primary key for the employee table? You should be able to use the lookup wizard in the second table to create a link between the two tables with the primary key field hidden. Here’s how the properties should look for your lookup field in the lookup tab:

      Display Control=Combo Box
      Row Source Type=Table/Query
      Row Source=Your SQL Statement
      Bound Column=2 or whichever one is the ID
      Column Count=2
      Column Heads=No
      Column Widths=1″;0″

      Default the rest

    • in reply to: Help with VB code #525129

      I prefer to use the enabled property of controls rather than the visible property. Since the company option is the default selection set the enabled property of the individual controls to false. Then in the after update event of the option group use an if…then or select case statement to set the properties of the appropriate controls. Something like this:

      Const conCompany as Integer = 1
      Const conIndividual as Integer = 2

      Select Case optAddressType ‘ Name of your option group
      Case conCompany
      Me.txtIndividualFirstName.Enabled = False
      Me.txtcompanyName.Enabled = True
      Case conIndividual
      Me.txtIndividualFirstName.Enabled = True
      Me.txtcompanyName.Enabled = False
      End Select

      You will also need a similar statement in the form’s current event in which case you might want to put the const statements in the form module declarations section.

    • in reply to: Not In List #525121

      The point I was trying to make was that after you prompt the user to confirm they want to add a member to the list it is not required that you open a form since the only variable data you are storing is the vendor name, which is contained in the NewData argument. The rest is an autonumber and the date which can be handled in the Default Value property of the field in table design. Below is a modified version of your original notinlist event. Please post back with any questions.

      Private Sub VendorID_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
      Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
      Dim db As DAO.DATABASE
      Dim strMsg as String

      On Local Error GoTo ErrorHandler

      strMsg = “This vendor ” & NewData & ” is not in the list. Do you want to add it?”
      If MsgBox(strMsg, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, “New Vendor”)= vbYes Then
      Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(“YourTableName”)
      With rst
      !VendorName = NewData
      End With
      Response = acDataErrAdded
      Response = acDataErrContinue
      End If

      Set dbs = Nothing
      Set rst = Nothing
      Exit Sub

      Select Case Err
      Case Else
      strMsg = “Error Information…” & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
      strMsg = strMsg & “Sub: VendorID_NotInList” & vbCrLf
      strMsg = strMsg & “Description: ” & Err.Description & vbCrLf
      strMsg = strMsg & “Error #: ” & Format$(Err.Number) & vbCrLf
      MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation, “VendorID_NotInList”
      Response = acDataErrContinue
      Resume ExitProc
      End Select

      End Sub

      You will need to open the vendor table in design mode and set the Default Value of the date field to Date(). This will set this field to the system date of the pc when a new record is added.

      If you prefer to use the form make sure the form is bound to the vendor table or a query based on the vendor table.

    • in reply to: Not In List #525132

      Though I’m not as familiar with ADO I believe it is just a matter of changing the type of objects (db,rst) from DAO to ADO. One thing I left out was to destroy the objects at the end of the procedure. I’ll try and modify the post to reflect this oversight on my part.

    • in reply to: Import Word fields into Access #1782998

      I’ve had to import Word documents before but usually from tables in Word. The technique usually involved using the find and replace feature of Word to place some delimiting character between fields and records. Then saving the doc as text and importing into Excel or Access. You might be able to use a similar technique if your docs have a repeating structure of some kind.

    • in reply to: Query Progression Bar #525042

      If you want to just display the built in progress bar for your query go back into the startup options and check the box next to Display Status Bar.

    • in reply to: Not In List #525005

      If I understand you correctly you are storing the vendor name and date the record is created plus an autonumber for the vendorID? If this is so you really don’t need the form at all. You could open the vendor table through dao or ado and use the addnew method to create a new record setting the vendor name field to the NewData argument and the Date field to Date(). The atonumber ID field should update automatically when you use the update method. Then set the response argument to acDataErrAdded. This lets Access know a new item has been added to the combobox’s underlying recordset and to requery the list. If this isn’t happening double check the row source of your combobox. Good luck!!

    • in reply to: difference between text and memo data types #525001

      The only other difference between text and memo besides the maximum number of characters that can be stored in each – text=255, memo=64k – is that you cannot index or sort a memo field. Depending on the maximum length in your description field you could try splitting it into two text fields and then concatenate them for queries and reports. This can present its own problems however.

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