• WSPaul Lautman

    WSPaul Lautman


    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 212 total)
    • in reply to: Calling all cells (well addressing really) (2002 SP3) #1050395

      But did you see Rory’s one, no selecting, no looping!

    • in reply to: Calling all cells (well addressing really) (2002 SP3) #1050391

      You were just soooo close!

      it needs to be this:

      With Selection.Tables(1)
         .AutoFitBehavior wdAutoFitContent
         .AllowAutoFit = True
      End With

      otherwise all it does is work on the first table in the document instead of the current one.

    • in reply to: Calling all cells (well addressing really) (2002 SP3) #1050387

      Well sorta. My post did actually say “short of selecting the whole table” as normally in VBA you can achieve most things without selecting.

      This is quite similar to what I had, except I also had a bit to restore the original selection, and and you missed the preferred width setting for the table itself thus:

      Sub AutoFitTable()
          Set orig = Selection.Range
          With Selection.Tables(1)
              .AllowAutoFit = False
              .PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthAuto
              Selection.Cells.PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthAuto
              Selection.Columns.PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthAuto
          End With
      End Sub
    • in reply to: Missing property? (XP 2002 SP2) #1048225

      I’ve never really played around with table styles. I’ll take a look, thanks.

      However, very slow is relative. The macro does 10 tables in about a second which is quick enough for me.

    • in reply to: Missing property? (XP 2002 SP2) #1048066

      Yeah I got that,
      but this is the same table. All the other properties seemed to get passed OK, but that one did not.

    • in reply to: Missing property? (XP 2002 SP2) #1048061

      Thanks Hans,
      I still wonder why it was only that one property that was missing when it was failing.

    • in reply to: Adding Slide Title (2002 (SP3)) #1042058

      Wow, it’s as easy as that!

      I’ve been on this for an hour.

      Would would all of us loungers do without HansV?

      Thanks you sdo much once again Hans.

    • in reply to: Copying Excel data only to Word table (XP 2002 SP3) #1038074

      I had already tried that (well it was actually a 5 row table that I pasted below). The table and cell widths seemed to be correct, but the formatting was still as it had come from Excel (not too much of a problem), but the real problem with that method was that the table columns were offset from the original ones and I can’t sem to line ’em up again.

      Attached is a picture of what I ended up with.

    • in reply to: SaveAs emf (2002 SP3) #1006775

      Thanks for that.

      I can’t seem to see any difference when I change the scale factors. I tried changing them from 800, 600 to 8, 6 and the output file still appeard to be exactly the same.

      What difference should I expect to see?

    • in reply to: COUNTIF ” (2002 SP3) #1004237

      Thanks for all the replies guys.

      In this application the cells that I am interested in have a formula that return text or “”. Sad @#$!% that I am, I figured out whilst trying to get to sleep last night that =COUNTA(A:A,”?*”) should get me what I need for this. However I shall store Jezza’s and Aladin’s ideas away for future use.

      Thanks once again.

    • in reply to: COUNTIF ” (2002 SP3) #1004199


      =sum(if(A$1:A$35 “”,1)

      [/indent] That is equivalent to =SUMPRODUCT((A1:A35″”)*1) since SUMPRODUCT is an implicit array function.



      [/indent] won’t work because the cells are equal to “” (from an if statement) rather than blank.

    • in reply to: Inconsistant Trendline (2002 SP3) #1001107

      Wow, thanks for that Hans.

    • in reply to: Inconsistant Trendline (2002 SP3) #1001038


      those in Chart3 can only be used to predict the height of a person from his or her shoe size, NOT to predict someone’s shoe size from his/her height


      But that is where I have the problem. If I predict that for a particular shoe size, someone will be of a particular height, I would feel that I have defined a relationship between the 2 values.

      Suppose I predict that someone with a shoe size of 7.35 should be of height 164. So I find a person with a shoe size of 7.35, find that their height is 164 and then say, “because your height is 164, I predict that your shoe size is 6.15”.

      It just doesn’t work????

    • in reply to: Inconsistant Trendline (2002 SP3) #1001036

      The thing that gets me here is that, whilst they all agree at the mean values, if I look at Chart3 it tells me that for a female of height 164 I should expect to see a shoe size of 7.35, however, looking at the same data on Chart1 it would predict a shoe size of about 6.15.

    • in reply to: Inconsistant Trendline (2002 SP3) #1001033

      Ahhhh, thanks for that Hans.

      I had asumed that the trend line was the “line of best fit” for the points on the scatter graph.

      Is it possible to display such a beast, which would then be independent of the orientation of the graph axes?


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