• WSPaul Lautman

    WSPaul Lautman


    Viewing 2 replies - 211 through 212 (of 212 total)
    • in reply to: Counting (mon)days between 2 dates (Excel 2000) #872563

      > Can achieve the same results with Cpearson’s array formula :
      > =INT(((B2-A2)+7-MOD(C2-A2,7))/7)

      Surely this isn’t an array formula. (and there is no Tuesday in your list)

      But, if you don’t mind using slightly different numbers for your dates, I can achieve this with an even simpler formula:


      A2 Starting date of the interval
      B2 Ending date of the interval
      C2 contains the day-of-week number (6=Monday,7=Tuesday,1=Wednesday, 2=Thursday,3=Friday, 4=Saturday, 5=Sunday)

    • in reply to: Counting (mon)days between 2 dates (Excel 2000) #872564

      > Can achieve the same results with Cpearson’s array formula :
      > =INT(((B2-A2)+7-MOD(C2-A2,7))/7)

      Surely this isn’t an array formula. (and there is no Tuesday in your list)

      But, if you don’t mind using slightly different numbers for your dates, I can achieve this with an even simpler formula:


      A2 Starting date of the interval
      B2 Ending date of the interval
      C2 contains the day-of-week number (6=Monday,7=Tuesday,1=Wednesday, 2=Thursday,3=Friday, 4=Saturday, 5=Sunday)

    Viewing 2 replies - 211 through 212 (of 212 total)