AskWoody LoungerThere are several places to look for macros to help manage onerous document tasks or just large documents.
I use both free and paid for macros from the Editorium.com, run by Jack Lyon. My favorite from the Editor’s Toolkit is smart title case. –Ever wonder why Word’s grammar checker knows that “Of” is wrong but the title case feature does it anyway?– Jack’s macros have been around for a while; they are reliable and work in W2010 and W2013. I have used Megareplacer, an expanded find and replace tool, and some of his other paid ones for years.
A relative newcomer is Paul Beverly, who offers his 400 and growing macros in Macros for Writers and Editors for free. His most popular one is FRedit also an expanded find and replace tool. He is working on another macro that will search for several terms at “once” and stop at the next one in the text stream. (I used word processing software that did this many years ago. It was very useful.)
Among the paid software is PerfectIt, a consistency checker (for such things as different presentations of the same word, say, caps and initial caps, treatment of numbers, placement of or missing captions). It is also a pretty good collector of acronyms (but so far in my evaluation, AcroWizard (very nearly dead software but it still works & is still for sale) finds more). On the other hand, fixing problems—acronym introduced more than once, not defined on first use, spell out used after it is introduced, and such—is very easy in PerfectIt but a manual process with AcroWizard.
There are likely very many more. These are ones whose macros I’ve used.
AskWoody LoungerMarch 7, 2014 at 7:35 pm in reply to: Word 2010 Save as PDF problem: Cannot create bookmarks using Headings #1442960That would puzzle me too. Have you checked the paragraph outline levels of the headings in your second document?
AskWoody LoungerThe inserted characters may not be available in Century Schoolbook, which has fewer than 700 characters covering only the basic Latin and Latin 1 supplement Unicode ranges. To have all needed characters in the same font, you may need to use another regular text font.
AskWoody LoungerMarch 7, 2014 at 9:14 am in reply to: Word 2010 Save as PDF problem: Cannot create bookmarks using Headings #1442843In addition to the built-in headings, custom headings with paragraph outline levels 1 to 9 assigned can also be used to automatically generate PDF-style bookmarks. It appears that your document uses custom headings, so your simplest change is to modify each custom heading style appropriately.
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 9, 2014 at 9:42 pm in reply to: Need help creating a list of tables in Word 2007, or getting table captions to appear in ToC #1438078Create a new style, called, say CaptionTable, that is based on your caption style (so it will look the same if that’s what you want). Apply your new caption style to all table captions. I have manually numbered captions in this situation, and if your tables are already numbered, that may be the simpler solution. To insert table TOC, on the references tab click Insert Table of Figures. In the TOF dialog, click Options. Choose your style from the list under Build table of figures from. Word will automatically select the check box for Style.
I don’t know much about medical conventions, but in science journal (physics, math, engineering research) conventions, all parts (a, b, etc.) of a table or figure appear under one caption, consisting of an an overall description of what is shown followed by descriptions of the parts. The parts only have their labels ((a), etc.) affixed. For example,
Table 2.—Metrics and measures. (a) Length. (b) Mass weight. (c) Volume.If you can do something like that, you can use the caption numbering feature after all.
AskWoody LoungerI’m glad you found your answer.
AskWoody LoungerWhat you are doing is what the programmers had in mind for run-in heads. I’ve never used it because it doesn’t work with multilevel list numbering. Even without numbering, it does not work in W2003 and apparently not on a MAC either. So it may be safer to use the style separator, as Andrew suggests. The style separator is special hidden formatting applied to a paragraph mark. If the formatting survives a round trip to your other programs, you can insert it at any time.
If not, then I suggest you format your heading 3s conventionally, that is, on separate lines. When your content is nearly complete, search for each heading 3 and with the cursor anywhere in it, press Ctrl+Alt+Enter to apply the style separator formatting to the next paragraph mark after the cursor. Note that when using the style separator, the line justification and space after for both styles should be the same.
AskWoody LoungerYou can also create an autotext for each number level beyond heading 9. An autotext name like “10heading” will allow you type just the first 4 characters of the name and press Enter to insert a heading 10 paragraph, for example.
AskWoody LoungerTo use the caption feature with this method of appendix numbering, see this Shauna Kelly site
AskWoody LoungerYou could have gotten the language direction from something you copied or a file you received. Language is font formatting, I believe. I’d look for it in that first heading 1 or in the direct formatting of the first TOC entry. Something along those lines.
AskWoody LoungerIf Heading 1 is not linked to a numbering level, you’ll need to use Heading 2.
But if heading 1s are your chapters 1,2 etc. and you want to call them that,
Link Heading 1 to number level 1, set theEffects to hidden (click the Font button in the Define New Multilevel List or Define/Modify New List Style dialog), and follow the number with nothing.
Link Heading 2 & following (ff) to number levels 2 & ff with the conventional number format setting (in other words, don’t bother to touch them unless you have to).Setting the figure chapter numbering to Heading 1 should give you Figure 1-1, Figure 2-3, etc.
AskWoody LoungerThis looks like a right to left language issue. Though why it would happen only for the first line of your TOC escapes me. I only have one language installed on my computer (English) and so am unable to do any testing to help you. Sorry.
AskWoody LoungerI agree with Andrew. Table styles are very powerful and are great time savers, but like everything else about Word you have to learn the ins and outs.
I used to hand code html many years ago. I created tables in Word or Excel and converted them into html as a coding shortcut. This was before Word tried to get helpful by adding all that code to make the html look exactly like the Word doc–which I never wanted. I just wanted the bare code because I wanted my CSS to apply my formatting. I’m betting that CSS and HTML have progressed since then, so please don’t think that I know very much about what you are doing today only that I get the gist of it.
AskWoody LoungerIf you create a table in a Heading 4 paragraph or a paragaph with, say, double underscore direct formatting, all cells in the table will have the Heading 4 paragraph style or double underscoring. This is the way Word works with any insertion. To clear this formatting, select the table and click the Clear Formatting button on the Home tab. So I’d start there to try to eliminate the problem.
As long as the normal paragraph’s font settings (including line and paragraph spacing) are the same as the defaults, they will not override the table style settings–unless, of course, you apply them to table text.
AskWoody LoungerTo gather the new headings into the TOC, assign them all to TOC level 9 in the Table of Contents Options Dialog. If you want them to look different from other levels (I wouldn’t), create a TOC style for each new level and apply it appropriately to its TOC entries. You’ll have to apply the styles every time you update the the TOC (that’s why I wouldn’t—the numbers are differentiators enough, don’t you think?).
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