• WSPamCaswell



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 680 total)
    • in reply to: Need help with cut-off text at top of doc #1503893

      The at least setting works as expected when the caption is not at the top of a page. By the way, your C-Body Text behaves the same way at the top of a page.

      I tried changing several other settings in your document both as as direct formatting and as mods to the style, but nothing else fixed the problem. Then, I tried to recreate the problem in a new W2013 document, but could not. I mean, the top line is not chopped off. Can you get this behavior in a different document? If no, try copying all but the last paragraph mark into a new, empty document. If the problem disappears, there’s your fix.

    • in reply to: Need help with cut-off text at top of doc #1503840

      Changing the line spacing in your caption style from at least to single seems to fix the problem. Mind you, the at least should have worked and I’m pretty sure it did in W2003&07.

    • Take a look at the code on this Editorium site. I use the version of this macro that comes with Editorium’s Editor’s Toolkit. As Jack writes, you may want to omit some or the longer prepositions.

    • in reply to: A – # appendix footer numbering and the TOC #1499057

      Also see http://word.mvps.org/faqs/tblsfldsfms/appendixcaptions.htm for how to do this with user defined styles.

    • in reply to: Dot Leaders Disappear in Word 2013 Index #1496277

      I see this fairly often with TOC styles. Most of the time the right tab on the right margin is still there and you can just click the radio button for dot leaders in the tabs dialog. Both sets of styles (TOC and index) are set to automatically update, but they do not update all types of formatting. If they do not update the dot leaders or other tab changes, you can update them yourself by placing the cursor in the index X paragraph you changed, going to the index X style in the Styles pane and, clicking update Index X to match selection.

    • in reply to: TOC with paragraph numbers #1494162

      The TOC collects the heading text from the body and displays it in TOC styles. Typically, the Heading 1 paragraph style gets displayed in the TOC 1 paragraph style. The TOC styles, by default, autocorrect and are hidden until used. So the simpler thing to go is to ahead and apply the formatting you want to each TOC level.

      If for some reason this doesn’t work, I’ll explain how to modify the TOC styles directly.


    • in reply to: Copy and paste issue #1494065

      Is the right indent marker on the ruler just to the right of the :Filter Single Character First Name:, and are there no paragraph marks at the ends of the lines? That may account for the cursor behavior.

    • in reply to: Copy and paste issue #1494007

      I am trying to copy and paste a page from my company website to a word document and then type additional verbiage within the document. However because of formatting, it doesn’t allow me to do it. I’m not a beginner, but I’m no expert either so this is really stumping me. Any ideas?

      What do you mean by “it doesn’t allow me to do it”? What happens when you put the cursor between any two words and type?

    • in reply to: multi-level list tab not working #1493573

      Here are the steps for fixing this on a PC; I hhope they work on a Mac: File tab > Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options > AutoFormat As You Type tab. Put a check in the box for Set left- and first-indent with tabs and backspaces.


    • in reply to: Deleting headers and footers #1490798

      Thanks for the info Pam. Yes, this thread has evolved a long way from the original question.

      I haven’t seen what you describe and I wasn’t even aware that there was such a thing as the ‘default font’ which is independent of the style settings. Do you mean the option to ‘Use draft font in draft and outline views’ or is this default font something else altogether. You say the defaults were hard coded prior to 2007 – are they configurable now? Is it defined at application, document or template level?

      Hi, Andrew. The defaults are paragraph settings (font, font size, font color, paragraph position (indention and such), and paragraph spacing (incl. line spacing)). According to the 2008 Word Team blogs, they could not be changed by the user in W2003 and before. With W2007 they became document properties that can be changed by users. You can see them by going here: Styles Pane > Manage Styles > Defaults tab. You can change them there, through the Change Styles selections on the Home tab > Styles group in W2007 &10, or the Document Formatting group selections on the Design tab of W2013.

      Did clearing the local font settings (ie Ctrl-Space) not resolve the abnormal font issue in the documents affected by the problem?

      No. Clear formatting did nothing. What I did in W2003 was apply direct formatting that matched what my client wanted normal to look like or I retyped the passage. In W2007-13, I change the defaults to match whatever is in normal. Doing that is a quick and dirty fix, but it works.

    • in reply to: Deleting headers and footers #1490669

      Interesting, the turns this conversation has taken. I think that, early on, people avoided normal because of a long-standing (W’95 or ’97?) flaw in Word where the default font and other properties show up unbidden in a document. It happens when the normal style does not have the same settings as the defaults. An example of this is pasting a paragraph or passage into a paragraph in a different document. Both paragraphs are in the normal style but with different font settings. Neither has the default settings of the target document. The pasted passage gets the default settings (TNR etc. in W2003, Calibri etc. in W2007-13), and Word identifies its paragraph style as normal. Another example is that some styles based on normal show up in the document in the default settings instead of the settings in normal.

      Pre-W2007, the defaults were hard coded for the version, so the only way to avoid the flaw was to avoid normal. When I started freelancing 12 years ago, most of my corporate clients, particularly their pubs departments, did not use normal. As far as I know, they still don’t. Now that the defaults are document properties, we can avoid or fix normal/default mismatches (the flaw’s cause), and we don’t have to avoid using normal unless we want to.

    • in reply to: Deleting headers and footers #1488877

      Thanks for the referral to pagination. Very helpful. So, my 350 pg ms. in Word 10 is coming along. The page numbers are great: i – xix in the front matter, 1-330 in body. The recto headers are set, looking good. Now the problem. I reinserted the section breaks. I’m working on the verso pgs with chapter names. The link to previous is greyed out. Any idea why?

      Yes. A header can only link to a header of the same type ((main) header, different first page, odd (recto/right) page, or even (verso/left) page). So since you were in the first verso header in the document, there was no previous one.

    • in reply to: List format renumber also redefines style #1488764

      The fix is to set the indents in the numbering, not the paragraph or, if the paragraph indent is already set, make the start-at value for the number level the same as the indent. When they are the same, you’ll get the same indent when you restart of change the number value.

      When you set the number level’s start-at and link a paragraph style to it, Word changes the paragraph indent to the same value–if a paragraph indent has not been set. Setting a paragraph indent does not affect a number level start-at value though.

    • Hi, Paul,

      With your code and with the code I tried to modify, I’m getting an “Object variable or block variable not set error” message.


    • Thanks, Paul. The client won’t allow anyone to insert a thumb drive or other device. Their security software doesn’t even like it when someone charges their phone via a USB port. They are my only client that is so strict. A few insist on running antivirus software on the thumb drive, but most give me permission to install the add-ons—with my promise to remove them when the job is done.

      The really interesting thing is how different yesterday’s recorded macro is from the one recorded in 2004. I recall re-recording several macros in 2007 using W2007. They were the same as those recorded using W2003 (and used Word basic commands).

      Just by reading, I see that your macro does the first part of what my recorded macro does. The second part—to return to the first document with the cursor position just past the previously selected text. I’ll try to add that later today.

      Thanks very much,

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