AskWoody LoungerI also had some problems with this virus and Outlook in spite of NAV – though not exactly the problems you describe.
This virus affected my program via the preview pane, which I have now turned off in all folders (the messages – also with no visible attachment – crashed the program every time I clicked on it to try to delete them).If you run into future problems with messages while downloading, and if you have a pop3 mail account, you can access your account through a website at http://www.mail2web.com and delete the offending e-mail directly from your server so you don’t have to download it onto your own computer. I have done this successfully in the past.
Hope this helps in the future if its too late for this time.
-cynthia -
AskWoody LoungerIT WORKS! Yay.
And I didn’t have to install Outlook 2000.
Thank you very much for your many answers.One thing – I had to delete the line from the event procedure that said
RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
because I kept getting an error message that SaveRecord was not available now (might have to do with the fact that that I have “allow edits” set to “no” unless you click a button, but I wasn’t getting that message yesterday – so I’m a little confused by it. Nevertheless, since the data is already saved, I’m assuming it won’t be a problem not having that in there.)
Merci beaucoup – thank you very much,
-cynthia -
AskWoody LoungerOk – I’m still trying things. Yes – it sure is easy to forget what one has done with some code in the past!
I added Francois’ code and now it stops at “openoutlook” in the event procedure and I get the error message “expected variable or procedure, not module”. Did I put it in the wrong place?
Here is the code I put in my event procedure on the form:
Private Sub HomeE_mail_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
‘Open Outlook and put this email address in the “to” field
RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
If Not IsNull(Me.[HomeE-Mail]) Then
OpenOutlook (Me.[HomeE-Mail])
End IfEnd Sub
This is the code I put in the module:
Sub OpenOutlook(txtTO As String)
Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim myOLItem As Outlook.MailItem
Set myOLItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
myOLItem.To = txtTO
End SubI notice in the example I have been trying to work from this afternoon that they also have a line up in the “defninitions” in the module, so I tried putting up there:
Public olkApp As Outlook.Application
But I still get the same error message when I double-click the field.Here is the example from the book, in case it gives anyone any ideas:
This is their module (obviously this code runs in a different database than the one described above, and they are doing a couple additional things here – like filling in the subject line):
Option Compare Database
Option ExplicitPublic olkApp As Outlook.Application
Public olkNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpaceSub ap_CreateOLMailItem(strRecipient As String, strSubject As String)
Dim objMailItem As Outlook.MailItem
Set olkApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olkNameSpace = olkApp.GetNamespace(“MAPI”)
Set objMailItem = olkApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)With objMailItem
.To = strRecipient
.Subject = “This is the subject line”
.Body = “Here is the body”
End WithSet objMailItem = Nothing
Set olkNameSpace = Nothing
Set olkApp = NothingEnd Sub
And here is there code for the button on the form (they are using a button, not a text field)
Private Sub cmdOutlookMailItemDemo_Click()
ap_CreateOLMailItem “v-sbark”, “Testing”
End Sub
As I mentioned, this code from the book gives me the error message: “Can’t find project or library”
Any more ideas? I’m determined to get this to work! These Office products are SUPPOSED to work together. I don’t see any point in maintaining the membership of our organization in both our database and my e-mail address book – which doubles the possibility of missing updates.
Merci beaucoup (thank you very much)!
-cynthia -
AskWoody LoungerDecember 11, 2001 at 6:29 pm in reply to: Changing Field Names Throughout Database (97/2000) #557560Thank you. That is what I suspected.
Since I seem to have only two such fields, I guess I’ll leave well enough alone-cynthia
AskWoody LoungerMerci! Fixed that problem. I can access the references. But I’m still getting the error message.
Here’s what I’ve tried, and I think this is the last question:I am using Outlook 98 – I do not have Outlook 2000 installed (It won’t share an address book with Outlook Express, which I need it to do). I am now suspecting that this is the problem. Here is what I’ve tried and what happens:
When I go to the references I have an “Outlook 98 Type Library” (checked)
“Microsoft Office 9.0 Object Library” (checked)
“Micorsoft Outlook Express 5.0 Type Library” (when I check it and click “ok” I get an error message “Error in loading DLL”, so it is not checked)
There isn’t a “Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library” so I can’t check it.I found some code for a similar function in one of my books. That code sets up a public module to launch the e-mail mesage, and then calls the public module from the form event. When I run THAT code, it stops on the first line of the public module “Public olkApp as Outlook.Application” and I get the error message: “compile error: Can’t find project or library”
When I click “help” on the error message I get a blank box.Am I going to have to install Outlook 2000 to get this to work? I’m assuming that since it won’t even load the Outlook Express Library (as mentioned above) that I should abandon that option.
Thanks very much for the assistance.
AskWoody LoungerI have put this code in, but when it gets to the line
OpenOutlook (Me.HomeEmail) (where “HomeEMail” is the field for the e-mail address)
I get an error message “Sub or Function not defined”When I go to Tools, the choice of “References” is not available (it’s gray). Does this mean my computer person neglected to install this function? (I normally do my own installations, but because I run both Access 97 and 2000, I let the pros handle this one!)
AskWoody LoungerThank you! I’ll try that.
For my group mailings, I have been using a query which I then “select all” and copy and paste into the BCC field of the e-mail message (Outlook Express) – and I just have to remember to delete the field name from the front of the list. IT works fine, but it isn’t very intuitive for other users using my database.-cynthia
AskWoody LoungerI had tried to do it with code, but even though the code successfully put the
“mailto:” into the address, the hyperlink function still didn’t work unless I
did it manually – as you did. Seems like it should be simpler than that, but that’s the best I’ve come up with so far.As I already mentioned it does mess up the addresses for either printing or bulk mail – so I’m still looking for a better solution – I want to be able to either send an e-mail to the individual OR include the individual’s address in a group mailing – and I also print the addresses in a membership directory.
AskWoody LoungerI have not totally figured out the hyperlink data type, but it seems like if you
want to create an e-mail (rather than link to a web page) you have to enter the
address with “mailto:” in front of it (no spaces in the whole thing – for example, mailto:address@isp.net). When I do
that, my e-mail fields work to generate e-mail, and when I don’t, nothing
happens, just like you describe.However, this is a problem if you want to – as I do – also use the data in that
field for mailings to multiple addresses because “mailto:” is not really part of
the address and so when you string them together, the e-mail program can’t read
them anymore. It would also obviously be weird if you wanted to print those addresses in reports listing people’s e-mail addresses.That’s as far as I’ve gotten (aside from a few failed experiments to address the problems I identified). Hope it helps.
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