• WSorganizer



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    • in reply to: W32.BadTrans virus question (Outlook 2000) #559139

      I also had some problems with this virus and Outlook in spite of NAV – though not exactly the problems you describe.
      This virus affected my program via the preview pane, which I have now turned off in all folders (the messages – also with no visible attachment – crashed the program every time I clicked on it to try to delete them).

      If you run into future problems with messages while downloading, and if you have a pop3 mail account, you can access your account through a website at http://www.mail2web.com and delete the offending e-mail directly from your server so you don’t have to download it onto your own computer. I have done this successfully in the past.

      Hope this helps in the future if its too late for this time.

    • in reply to: Email from hyperlink (Access 2000) #557784

      IT WORKS! Yay. clapping And I didn’t have to install Outlook 2000.
      Thank you very much for your many answers.

      One thing – I had to delete the line from the event procedure that said

      RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord

      because I kept getting an error message that SaveRecord was not available now (might have to do with the fact that that I have “allow edits” set to “no” unless you click a button, but I wasn’t getting that message yesterday – so I’m a little confused by it. Nevertheless, since the data is already saved, I’m assuming it won’t be a problem not having that in there.)

      Merci beaucoup – thank you very much,

    • in reply to: Email from hyperlink (Access 2000) #557569

      Ok – I’m still trying things. Yes – it sure is easy to forget what one has done with some code in the past!

      I added Francois’ code and now it stops at “openoutlook” in the event procedure and I get the error message “expected variable or procedure, not module”. Did I put it in the wrong place?

      Here is the code I put in my event procedure on the form:

      Private Sub HomeE_mail_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

      ‘Open Outlook and put this email address in the “to” field
      RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
      If Not IsNull(Me.[HomeE-Mail]) Then
      OpenOutlook (Me.[HomeE-Mail])
      End If

      End Sub

      This is the code I put in the module:

      Sub OpenOutlook(txtTO As String)
      Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
      Dim myOLItem As Outlook.MailItem
      Set myOLItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
      myOLItem.To = txtTO
      End Sub

      I notice in the example I have been trying to work from this afternoon that they also have a line up in the “defninitions” in the module, so I tried putting up there:
      Public olkApp As Outlook.Application
      But I still get the same error message when I double-click the field.

      Here is the example from the book, in case it gives anyone any ideas:
      This is their module (obviously this code runs in a different database than the one described above, and they are doing a couple additional things here – like filling in the subject line):
      Option Compare Database
      Option Explicit

      Public olkApp As Outlook.Application
      Public olkNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace

      Sub ap_CreateOLMailItem(strRecipient As String, strSubject As String)

      Dim objMailItem As Outlook.MailItem

      Set olkApp = New Outlook.Application

      Set olkNameSpace = olkApp.GetNamespace(“MAPI”)
      Set objMailItem = olkApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

      With objMailItem
      .To = strRecipient
      .Subject = “This is the subject line”
      .Body = “Here is the body”
      End With

      Set objMailItem = Nothing
      Set olkNameSpace = Nothing
      Set olkApp = Nothing

      End Sub

      And here is there code for the button on the form (they are using a button, not a text field)

      Private Sub cmdOutlookMailItemDemo_Click()

      ap_CreateOLMailItem “v-sbark”, “Testing”

      End Sub

      As I mentioned, this code from the book gives me the error message: “Can’t find project or library”

      Any more ideas? I’m determined to get this to work! These Office products are SUPPOSED to work together. I don’t see any point in maintaining the membership of our organization in both our database and my e-mail address book – which doubles the possibility of missing updates.

      Merci beaucoup (thank you very much)!

    • in reply to: Changing Field Names Throughout Database (97/2000) #557560

      Thank you. That is what I suspected.
      Since I seem to have only two such fields, I guess I’ll leave well enough alone smile


    • in reply to: Email from hyperlink (Access 2000) #557521

      Merci! Fixed that problem. I can access the references. But I’m still getting the error message.
      Here’s what I’ve tried, and I think this is the last question:

      I am using Outlook 98 – I do not have Outlook 2000 installed (It won’t share an address book with Outlook Express, which I need it to do). I am now suspecting that this is the problem. Here is what I’ve tried and what happens:

      When I go to the references I have an “Outlook 98 Type Library” (checked)
      “Microsoft Office 9.0 Object Library” (checked)
      “Micorsoft Outlook Express 5.0 Type Library” (when I check it and click “ok” I get an error message “Error in loading DLL”, so it is not checked)
      There isn’t a “Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library” so I can’t check it.

      I found some code for a similar function in one of my books. That code sets up a public module to launch the e-mail mesage, and then calls the public module from the form event. When I run THAT code, it stops on the first line of the public module “Public olkApp as Outlook.Application” and I get the error message: “compile error: Can’t find project or library”
      When I click “help” on the error message I get a blank box.

      Am I going to have to install Outlook 2000 to get this to work? I’m assuming that since it won’t even load the Outlook Express Library (as mentioned above) that I should abandon that option.

      Thanks very much for the assistance.

    • in reply to: Email from hyperlink (Access 2000) #557504

      I have put this code in, but when it gets to the line
      OpenOutlook (Me.HomeEmail) (where “HomeEMail” is the field for the e-mail address)
      I get an error message “Sub or Function not defined”

      When I go to Tools, the choice of “References” is not available (it’s gray). Does this mean my computer person neglected to install this function? (I normally do my own installations, but because I run both Access 97 and 2000, I let the pros handle this one!)

    • in reply to: Email from hyperlink (Access 2000) #557501

      Thank you! I’ll try that.
      For my group mailings, I have been using a query which I then “select all” and copy and paste into the BCC field of the e-mail message (Outlook Express) – and I just have to remember to delete the field name from the front of the list. IT works fine, but it isn’t very intuitive for other users using my database.


    • in reply to: Email from hyperlink (Access 2000) #557496

      I had tried to do it with code, but even though the code successfully put the
      “mailto:” into the address, the hyperlink function still didn’t work unless I
      did it manually – as you did. Seems like it should be simpler than that, but that’s the best I’ve come up with so far.

      As I already mentioned it does mess up the addresses for either printing or bulk mail – so I’m still looking for a better solution – I want to be able to either send an e-mail to the individual OR include the individual’s address in a group mailing – and I also print the addresses in a membership directory.


    • in reply to: Email from hyperlink (Access 2000) #557340

      I have not totally figured out the hyperlink data type, but it seems like if you
      want to create an e-mail (rather than link to a web page) you have to enter the
      address with “mailto:” in front of it (no spaces in the whole thing – for example, mailto:address@isp.net). When I do
      that, my e-mail fields work to generate e-mail, and when I don’t, nothing
      happens, just like you describe.

      However, this is a problem if you want to – as I do – also use the data in that
      field for mailings to multiple addresses because “mailto:” is not really part of
      the address and so when you string them together, the e-mail program can’t read
      them anymore. It would also obviously be weird if you wanted to print those addresses in reports listing people’s e-mail addresses.

      That’s as far as I’ve gotten (aside from a few failed experiments to address the problems I identified). Hope it helps.

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