• WSorganizer



    Viewing 15 replies - 211 through 225 (of 234 total)
    • in reply to: Can you index the range of data on a page? (2000) #627482

      Sorry. That is over my head.
      I am usually pretty good at following the instructions for how to do something in the help files – but none of the keywords I have tried to put in have led to any relevant examples.

      I do know what the format event is, and where to find it for the page and detail sections (and if I knew what the code was, I would know how to put it in there – but writing code for that from scratch would be beyond my ability). I was hoping it was going to be a simple line, similar to telling it how to put the “page 1 of 50” – but I’m guessing from your suggestion that I’m out of luck on that wish.


    • in reply to: how to strip +four from US Zip Codes (2000) #625422

      Thank you!
      The only zips which were causing me problems were those with the extra five characters – so I’ve done a query to find those and will put the extra digits in a separate field and strip it out of the zip field for those records.
      thanks again,

    • in reply to: Display of Grouping Levels on Report (2000) #623216

      Thank you. I think I’ve got it.
      I had one problem. When I set the height of the group headers for Zip and CD to .0007″ and left the SD header at 0″, everything did what I wanted except:
      IF a zip had more than one CD, then the zip reappeared once in front of each CD. This did NOT happen for a CD with more than one SD. I changed the height of the CD header back to 0″ (still leaving the SD header height at 0″), and now it appears to be working as it should (I don’t understand it – I expected that action might cause the CD to malfunction again, but apparently not so!)

      Thanks also for the explanation of what the wizard was doing. It was the “hide duplicates” property of the data field that I had not figured out in my explorations.

      Thanks again,

    • in reply to: ‘Page Setup’ changes itself (2000) #621173

      Thank you very much. I’ll turn of the Name Autocorrect for now, and put the update on the “to do” list for the next time we have the technician come in. And thank you for the extra explanations.


    • in reply to: ‘Page Setup’ changes itself (2000) #621138

      Thank you very much. Looking at these articles, I have an additional question. Because we have a somewhat non-standard installation of Office 2000, it looks like installing the update is something I should call our technician to do. But it isn’t clear to me whether perhaps simply unchecking the “Name Autocorrect” function might work.
      My questions are:
      1) What function do I lose if I uncheck the name autocorrect function? It is not clear to me from the “what’s this” explanation precisely what this function does.
      2) Will simply unchecking this function solve the problem? If so, would there be any reason not to simply do this?
      3) If I install the updates, do I ALSO need to uncheck the function?


    • in reply to: New records in filtered group (97/2000) #614980

      Well! I am quite sure that I tried that earlier today – but I must have done something wrong in the reference. After reading your note, I decided to try it again before just replying that I tried it and it didn’t work – but VOILA! It seems to work just fine now. Thanks so much. If it still works in the morning when I add more records, I’ll be golden!
      (I’m still baffled about how I got that other form to work – there is NOTHING in the default value property on that one. It’s a mystery. But I made that one almost two years ago).

      Thanks again,

    • in reply to: New records in filtered group (97/2000) #614979

      T_people is one-to-many with T_ContactDetails, and T_ContactTypes is one-to-many with T_ContactDetails
      I have done this before without a subform (I have a form where you use a combobox to choose a program, and then it filters for all the people who have participated in that program – that is a completely separate database for an unrelated project) and its been working fine for many months.
      I use subforms a lot, but didn’t want to use them on this form. Maybe I don’t know enough of the flexibility of subforms, but I was trying to avoid them becuase I don’t know how to get the space they occupy on the main form to grow and shrink for more or less records, and also I want some buttons and subforms seem to work better in a datasheet format, and that does not allow for buttons)

    • in reply to: How to create an email address field? (2002) #588447

      You can set the format to hyperlink, and be sure to put mailto: (with the colon) directly in front of the email address, as Thomas W suggested (but I do it in a hyperlink field, not a text field). Then you can just click on it and it generates an email message using your default email client.

      This will not work, as near as I can tell, if you will be combining email addresses for mailing to multiple addresses, and it will look funny if you intend to print those addresses in an address list or something, but if you need to do that I have some workarounds that we use that I can help you with.


    • in reply to: If IsNull question (simple, I think) (2000) #588428

      Thank you! I now see that no amount of experimenting on my part would have gotten me to a workable solution – I don’t know that much about the hyperlink fields yet!

      I put this code in and it appears to do just what I need.
      Thanks again.

    • in reply to: Basic FrontEnd/BackEnd Question (2000) #570138

      Thanks! That probably explains my situation. We have the sharing for the C drive set up as “depends on password”.
      So – assuming that I understand correctly, and if we change the drive sharing to full priveleges with no passwords, is there any relatively simple way to set up the copy of the frontend Access Database that we put on some people’s computers to be “read only”?

      thanks again,

    • in reply to: Problem with Filter on Update (2000) #563786

      Oh well! I think with your latest I at least understand it enough that I can fix it if it shows up again, even if it does baffle me!
      Funny thing – with my original code, when I convert it to 2000 it doesn’t work. But then if I convert it back to 97, it works again!
      What quirks we run into.

      Thank you very much for your help!

    • in reply to: Problem with Filter on Update (2000) #563232

      That works! clapping
      And yes, ProgramID is a number (primary key autonumber in the table).
      Can you explain anything about why this changed between 97 and 2000 so I can understand what I need to do if I run into it in other databases (which I’m sure to since I go back and forth between the two all the time!)?
      Thank you very much,

    • in reply to: Problem with Filter on Update (2000) #563222

      We’re not quite there yet –
      I cut and pasted that line directly out of your message and replaced my original line. Now when I update the FindProgram combobox I now get an error message “Run-Time Error ‘2501’: The ApplyFilter action was canceled.”

      Is there something else I should try?

    • in reply to: Wierd Button Behavior (2000) #561176

      Thanks for the suggestions. Can’t try them ’til the service guy leaves, and as I’m off now for four days, that will probably be Monday.

      Couple questions, though. I DID make some changes to the references two weeks ago – I did it on MY computer, but I was assuming that I was making a change to the database and it would be reflected anywhere we ran the database (I added the references to MSOutlook so we could launch e-mail automatically – haven’t finished it yet so haven’t tried that on her computer, only mine). If I make a change to the references, do I need to make those changes on every computer that accesses the database? And could ADDING a reference to Outlook on my computer mess up the reference to trimming (or whatever it is that might now be missing) on her computer? (Her computer hosts the database).

      Might be a case of a little knowlege being a dangerous thing here! Maybe I should have left those e-mail addresses alone!

      I’m also interested in the split database option. This is something I know nothing about, though I’ve picked up a bit just in various posts here that it has been a factor. Does that mean I would have my tables all in one database, and that the database containing all the forms, queries, etc would then link to those tables? I’m intrigued.

      Back Monday,

    • in reply to: How to carry some data into new record? (97, 2000) #559144

      Thanks for all the replies!
      The info on the microsoft site that you suggest looks like what I need. This project is on the back shelf until this weekend, so I’ll put some more time in on it then and see if I can make it work.
      Thanks again,

    Viewing 15 replies - 211 through 225 (of 234 total)