• WSNYIntensity



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 1,177 total)
    • in reply to: Notebook Set-up #1196618

      I’m a firm believer that locks and keys only keep “honest people honest”. Personally, I don’t like some of the issues that arise with WPA-PSK, so I use a combination of WEP, MAC filtering, and I do not broadcast my SSID. Right now, because you don’t have a notebook, I’d just shut off the wireless. After you buy your notebook, you can figure out what will work best for you.

    • in reply to: Notebook Set-up #1196582

      Well, you *do* have the ability to set up a wireless network. If you haven’t done any of the wireless configuration, you might just be providing free wireless to anyone in the immediate vicinity of your home. Use these steps to configure your wireless security. When you purchase your devices (I don’t know if any manufacturer makes a laptop without a wireless card built in nowadays), you ought to be able to use a wireless connection wizard to connect your notebook to the router. It will be easier to help you with those steps once you make your purchase decisions. The BLUF (bottom line up front) is that every situation is different, and until you have your devices (or a good idea of what your purchases will include), any recommendations are just informational, and not for action. Hope this helps!

    • in reply to: can't move files in XP #1196169

      My default answer to this kind of issue would be virus/malware scans – can you provide us with more information though, such as machine type (desktop, laptop), manufacturer, model, and age?

      For your scans, I would recommend Malwarebytes and bitdefender’s free online scanner.

    • in reply to: Notebook Set-up #1196160

      What model router is your netgear?

    • in reply to: Access 2007 – print envelopes #1196155

      Hi Carl, and welcome to the lounge! Have you tried working through the mail merge wizard in Microsoft Word to accomplish this? Try working through the steps found in this article. If you have questions, let us know!

    • in reply to: Confused about networks #1175474

      100 Mbps is the fastest you’ll get from an ethernet port on that Netgear router. It’s a bit academic anyway, because you will probably be getting less than 10 Mbps from your ADSL connection to your ISP

      Does your printer have an ethernet port? If so, yes, you also connect that to one of the four available ethernet sockets on the router.

      But the transfer of files between networked computers….oh boy

    • in reply to: Access Regedit Without Using Run #1175473

      Or, better, and with identical results, C:windowsregedit.exe !

      Hmm. I didn’t know that was there

    • in reply to: I Have Mail #1175459

      Uuuurrrggghh Chris that noise is the equivalent of nails scraping down a blackboard

      As a support guy; I find MickeyMouse’s contribution MUCH more offensive

    • in reply to: Access Regedit Without Using Run #1175458

      Doh! . I was thinking of the thing that schedules tasks. I knew about ctr+alt+del but not ctrl+shift+esc. I hadn’t noticed the new task option off the file menu before. Using AutoHotKey will be quicker but it’s good to know that option. Thanks for filling in a big gap in my knowledge.


      You can also activate task manager by right clicking on the taskbar, and then clicking ‘Task Manager’.

      You can open regedit by navigating to c:windowssystem32regedt32.exe

    • in reply to: Shift Not bypassing auto log on #1175457

      Hello, I used tweakUI to set up auto log on. The problem is that pressing the shift key does not stop auto logon. Does anyone know how to make this work or alternatively bring up the old style logon (I know about pressing ctrl + alt+del twice when the Logon screen is up but the screen is now currently bypassed because of tweakUI.


      Chris (Hunt)

      Chris: this is a shot in the dark, but check the registry for HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinLogon for a key called AutoAdminLogon. The value should be set at 1; change it to 0 and you’ll get your login menu back.

    • in reply to: Ubuntu, lessons learned #1158219

      I installed Ubuntu last night, and I’m tickled pink. It’s a wholly new experience (I still work primarily on Windows, as it is my main source of income), but I’ve made the leap and installed ubuntu on my *only* computer. I had downloaded an older distro, so there was an upgrade immediately, but it only took about 45 minutes to download and install. It recognized all of my hardware immediately, which is something Windows would never dream of doing. I guess over the next few weeks I’ll see how I feel about it; I’ve used Knoppix (a Live CD) for data recovery before and thoroughly enjoyed it, I found it very intuitive. I may try to find a similar installable distribution. I suppose it is to each his own, and sometimes, the old dog just doesn’t WANT to learn a new trick

    • in reply to: parameter query (2003) #1147809

      Linda, if you’re only looking for managers with ‘Gain’ records (no user input on the query, other than manager name) you could use something as shown below):

      If you want more user interaction, the only way I can think of to prompt for input in a query (without a prompt for each field) would be to use a form. The concept of defining a variable is stomping loudly in my brain, but I don’t know how to do it/use it in a query. I can show you how to set up the form though.

      Edit: as I was tinkering further with this; apparently, so long as your prompt text (ie [Enter ‘Gain’ or ‘Loss’]) is exactly the same in each field you are searching, your user will not be prompted multiple times.

    • in reply to: Extra Large #1147632

      I’m 24 and old enough to have had a 14.4kbps modem….

      does that make me *gasp*… old?!

    • in reply to: Whats wrong in the picture? #1147534

      The bike doesn’t have gears, so it would have the older style brake (you know, apply reverse pressure to the pedal).

    • in reply to: What lounged would this be? #1147514

      If I were to guess, I’d have to say it starts with a ‘H’…

      and ends in ‘ansV’?

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