• WSNathan H

    WSNathan H


    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 83 total)
    • in reply to: Unread email #1490630

      ‘Search Folders’ is an even faster way. It is a powerful feature that is often under utilized. Not only can it show you all your unread mail broken down by folders, I use it all the time to show me emails with attachments, or with large attachments. Right click on Search Folders and build your own custom searches!


    • in reply to: OL2007 Find distribution list(s) email address is in #1389906

      Hi Mike,

      One way is to add all the email addresses in a DL to the notes field, they will then be searchable. A quick way to do this is start an email with the DL, expand it (using the + by the DL name), and copy the addresses. Paste the addresses into the notes field and save. Now when you search for a name or email address, the DLs with those names should show up. If you have a nested DL you’ll either have to copy those emails into the notes field, too. Might be a lot of work to maintain?

      Hope that helps.



    • in reply to: Outlook IMAP to POP #1389904

      I’m thinking you can just set up the same account in Outlook twice, one IMAP and one POP3, then copy the messages from the IMAP account to a folder you create in the POP3. You can also export the folders to a PST file, open the file, and copy the mail to your POP3 account.



    • in reply to: How to find Office 2007 product key #1375195

      You are probably looking at the Product ID which is 20 digits, the actual product key is 25 digits. If you have your old PC running, Nirsoft makes a small utility that will show you your Office 2007 Product key (http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/product_cd_key_viewer.html).

      They make a bunch of very handy tools!



    • in reply to: Outlook 2013 #1375194

      In Outlook 2013 Click on the View tab and in the layout group click ‘Reading Pane’ and choose ‘Bottom’ or ‘Right’, depending on your preference. Emails will display in this preview pane on a single click, but still open to their own window on a double click. There is no way to have the email open in its own window on a single click.

      You can make the preview pane bigger or smaller with a click-hold-drag on the line separating the email and preview panes.



    • Why would you want Google to know your daily itinerary? Do you really trust them?

      Companion Link will synchronize everything including Journal.

      Hmmmm, depends. Possible not if I’m scheduling my nightly recurrence of my world domination plans…

      Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
      The same thing we do every night, Pinky – try to take over the world!

    • in reply to: change how Outlook opens up #1374772

      In Outlook 2010 goto File -> Options -> Advanced, then look for the option to “Start Outlook in this folder:”



    • I’ve used gSyncit, costs $20, but gives a lot more features than Google Sync ever had (contacts, tasks, calendars etc). Updated to support Outlook 2013 and Win8.

    • I’ve used gSyncit, costs $20, but gives a lot more features than Google Sync ever had (contacts, tasks, calendars etc). Updated to support Outlook 2013 and Win8.

    • in reply to: Outlook 2010 – searching part of a phone number #1367264

      To do this on Outlook 2010 ;

      1. Open Advanced Find (keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+F)
      2. Select the Advanced tab
      3. Press Field and select a field to search, for example: Frequently-used fields-> Mobile Phone
      4. Set Condition: to “Contains”
      5. Set Value: to “4321”
      6. Press “Add to List”
      7. Press “Find Now”

    • The only way you can do that is to use Recurrence, set the start and end time, set it to daily, then set the ‘Range of recurrence’ to ‘No end date’.

      Hope that’s what your looking for!



    • in reply to: Suggested Contents folder #1345965

      Hi HH,

      As far as Outlook itself is concerned, the Suggested Contacts folder is just another database of names that is searched as needed, and will cause no performance hit in Outlook, regardless of how many names are in it. There are other considerations, though:
      1. If you enter an email address wrong, it will be stored and keep showing up in the auto-complete.
      2. If someones information changes in your address book, they might also be in the ‘Suggested Contacts’ with the wrong email address.
      3. If you are on an Exchange Server with Outlook 2010, that folder, like your email has to be transferred to any new PC you log on to (even a large number should only take a few seconds though)
      4. If you are synching your phone Exchange, all those contacts get transferred to your phone, and if you get a lot of them, the phone may not handle it too well (have seen iPhone 3G crap out on 10000+ contacts!)

      TL;DR – No problem unless synching with a phone!



    • You need to find the .NK2 file from your old install and rename it to the profile of your new install.

      With Outlook closed, look in C:Documents and Settingsuser nameApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook for the newest .NK2 file and rename it .OLD. Find the old .NK2 file and name the same as the new one was.

      If you’re on Windows 7 the location is C:Usersuser nameAppDataRoamingMicrosoftOutlook

      ie Outlook2.nk2 -> Outlook2.old and Outlook.nk2 -> Outlook2.nk2

      If you can’t find the old one, it may have been overwritten.



    • in reply to: Activating Signature when required #1323595

      Not out of the box. There are Outlook addins that will do this, such as http://www.standss.com/signatureswitch/outlook-add-on

      Might be better ones or free ones out there, you’d have to search.



    • in reply to: Copy/Paste in Same Folder #1315467

      Don’t think you can, but there are a few freeware tools than might help. To just select the files with “- Copy” in them I would user the free “Everything Search Tool” from Voidtools, handy for all sorts of things. If your files where in C:FilesDocsExcel you could search *Excel*- Copy* and it would just show you the copies, which you can select and move or delete.

      You could also use the BatchRename tool, select all the files, and say set it to append Copy to the front of all files that contain “- Copy”

      Just a few work arounds anyway, I’m sure there are others!



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