• WSMystcal1



    Viewing 6 replies - 136 through 141 (of 141 total)
    • in reply to: Screen Saver Problem in Windows XP #564908

      Yes I am referring to ‘Control Panel’ and screen saver selection in the Display Properties pop-up. Sorry, I forgot to mention that. Well I moved it System32, and rebooted.

      Unfortunately, NO LUCK!!!!!!! Do you think it could be because it is really optimized for WIN 95/98/ME? Like I said I tried compatibility Wizard and that didn’t work either.



    • in reply to: Re-install Outlook Express? #564907

      Hi: When you try to transfer from one operating system to another it doesn’t work because the registry does not recognize it. That is why you are getting the error message. I know because it happened to me. What you have to do is to re download Internet Explorer and then click on Custom, and check off ONLY Outlook Express. It will then re download the proper settings for Outlook Express so you can use it again. What I had to do was forward my emails to myself from the old computer so when I opened up the new computer the messages were there. As far as the contact list is concerned, that doesn’t work either. You have to email yourself your contact list and then input them in manually. The only ISP I know that saves the messages and addresses in the email address book is AOL, because they are using their own servers.

      Try doing the custom install, that will work; however, you still may be unable to open the old messages because they are from Win 98 and Win XP is actually running on an NT platform.

      I hope I helped you.

      Nancy angel

    • in reply to: Menu & Toolbars in Word (Office XP – SR-1) #564712

      It was just the menus & toolbars in Office XP, but YAY cheers I figured it out after Andrew gave me some help with the screen shot I sent him. It wasn’t actually in the Control Panel and Menu but it was. Whatever theme I selected was defaulting it to white. I just selected a different theme and now everything on the menu and toolbars in Word is back to black. I am soooooooooo happy; the white lettering was driving me crazy. Thanks everyone.

    • in reply to: Menu & Toolbars in Word (Office XP – SR-1) #564370

      Unfortunately the fonts are not corrupted. It just looks like the office suite is defaulting to white lettering

    • in reply to: Menu & Toolbars in Word (Office XP – SR-1) #564342

      I went there, all my text in 3D is Black. Yet, all the letters on the Toolbars are still White. Do you think it is a glitche?

    • in reply to: FONTS – MARGINS (MS Word 97) #564307

      In the real business world, the font is either Arial or Times Roman 12. Headers and Footers are usually 8 pt.
      Left and Right Margins are defaulted to 1.25, but 1″ is better.
      Paragraphs are NOT indented; they are always in block form. Top and Bottom Margins are 1″. Headers andn Footers and Gutters are defaulted; leave them alone. The best is to center the headings. Number and bullets lists are used from the toolbar and they automatically default how many inches they should be.
      Section Titles are Times New Roman usually.

    Viewing 6 replies - 136 through 141 (of 141 total)