• WSMarkLiquorman



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    • in reply to: Proliferating .ldb files #529756

      Adding on to what Charlotte suggested, what is different about this database. Is it on a different drive? Is it in a different directory? What about the settings for the Norton utility? Does it allow you to specify drives, directories, and/or filenames to protect when deleted?

    • in reply to: Got the time? #529738

      Hmm, interesting question. As you said, the time “rolls-over” after each 24-hour period. However, this time is not lost, it has merely incremented the date portion of the field. You can use DateDiff to get the difference between your starting date and the ending date, and then use that to help create your elapsed time for display (reported in days and time).

    • in reply to: Paramater requests #1784582

      The first thing is that you need to make sure you have specified [Grower Number] EXACTLY the same each time. Even a slight difference will cause Access to treat them as separate variables.

      You may not need to specify [Grower Number] in the subreports if you setup the subreport control specifying the master/child links.

      BTW, what sort of application is this?

    • in reply to: Autonumbering #1784517

      Q #1: Why is it necessary to have that separate daily table?

      Q #2: Is it necessary to carry-over the same ID number from the daily file to the main file when it gets posted there? (that is, why not have an autonumber field there?)

    • in reply to: SubForm Links #529576

      Whenever a subform works only when opened by itself, that usually means that you have made a reference to Forms!SubFormName that is NOT valid when it is actually a subform.

    • in reply to: Joins in Queries #1784507

      Let’s assume that tables A and B are linking one-to-many by and ID field. The INNER JOIN is easiest to understand: basically it outputs a record for each pair of records that having matching fields. So, for each record in table A, you get 1 record in the query for each of the matching records in table B. (but no record from table A if there are no matching records in .

      The OUTER JOIN provides at least 1 record in the query from table A EVEN IF there are no matching records in table B.

    • in reply to: Combo Box in form not showing update #1784504

      You need to force a requery of that Agent combo box. You should put cboAgent.requery in your form’s Current event (and also in AfterUpdate event of cboAgency).

    • in reply to: Autonumbering #1784503

      Are you deleting all the records in the table? And, what version of Access are you using? If A2000, make sure you have the SR-1 update.

    • in reply to: delete problem #529533

      I think you will find it easier to use
      RunCommand accmdDeleteRecord
      instead of those old DoMenuItem commands.

    • in reply to: SubForm Links #529532

      Where is the listbox, on main for subform? I don’t quite understand the situation, but you will have to force a requery of the subform. If you on the mainform, you can requery the subform via it’s control name:

      On the subform, just do:

    • in reply to: Access XP #529530

      It could very well be. I will be sure to ask from now on!

    • in reply to: Pulling Totals From One Form to Another #529482

      You talk about pulling information from different forms, but that’s not really what you need to do. You just need a query for [Invoices by Student Subform] that pulls the information you want. Try doing a select query, then select the Sum button and group the information by student and invoice. This query will be the recordsource for your subform.

    • in reply to: Access XP #529478

      >>But really, from what I’ve heard, A2000 does fine once configured properly and after applying SR1 (bug fix). <>Turn off client side caching of files (opportunistic locking under NT)<<

      I assume this is a workstations setting? But what effect will this have on other applications? Especially as it relates to local disk I/O?

    • in reply to: Access XP #529394

      Hi Jim, how have you been?

      You know “performance issues”! (I’m starting to talk like Microsoft!) As in “I take issue with the fact that performance generally sucks”!

    • in reply to: New User Question #1784453

      I’m not sure that you need a new query and a new report. Why not just put a selection criteria in your query, to select for the quarter you want? Then you only need 1 query and 1 report.

      As for the time to open your report, it could be a number of things. First of all, are you using a split database design in which you have a backend containing your tables and a frontend containing everything else? Are you working over a network? Have you compacted your database recently? Does your report have any embedded graphics? etc.

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