• WSMarkLiquorman



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 3,609 total)
    • in reply to: Search within a Macro #1592918

      I use Rick Fisher’s “Find & Replace”, found at http://www.RickWorld.com. This is an absolutely indispensable tool for Access developers.

    • in reply to: Test environment #1592492

      How did you insert the code like that? Is it an image?

    • in reply to: Test environment #1592490

      I use a different technique for linking:

         Set dbData = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(strDataLocationPath)
         txtConnection.Visible = True
         For Each mytdf In mydb.TableDefs
            If Left(mytdf.Name, 1)  "~" And Len(mytdf.Connect) > 0 And Left(mytdf.Connect, 1) = ";" Then
               strTableName = mytdf.Name
               txtConnection.Value = strTableName       'just shows progress
               mytdf.Connect = ";Database=" & strDataLocationPath
            End If
         txtConnection = "Linking Complete!"
         Set mydb = Nothing
         Set dbData = Nothing

      This technique automatically finds all linked tables; the assumption is that all linked tables are connected to the same backend (a little extra coding if that is not the case). “strDataLocationPath” is that backend location, which may come from different places. Usually I have a linking form that contains the path to the Backend; often a choice between a network location (for production) and a local location (for testing). I believe this technique of refreshing the connection string is faster especially if you have a lot of tables.

    • in reply to: How to save tables in a protected database (Access 97) #1591706

      Definitely not a stupid question. Exactly how are you blocked? Can you open the database with the Shift key depressed? Does it require a database password? If the latter, you should be able to find a 3rd party product to crack the db password.

    • in reply to: Incomplete drop down list #1591705

      Just out of curiousity, how many providers do you have? If there are a lot of rows, Access will delay fully populating a listbox. Just a way of managing resources.

    • in reply to: Help with a SQL Expression #1591237

      What is the error you are getting? Statement looks OK to me, if you realize that it will return NULL unless ‘Leicester’ is found. You might want to put in an ELSE statement.

    • in reply to: ACCESS 2007 Null and criteria query #1590432

      As I see it, the WHERE clause of your SQL should be:
      WHERE [Email1] Is Not Null AND [Citizen/Leg] IN (“SFL”, “YAL”, “C”,”F”)

      This says “I want to return all records that have an email value and that have 1 of 4 acceptable values for citizen/leg”. This assumes that the Email1 field can not contain a zero-length string. If it can, then use: WHERE [Email1] & “” “” AND …

      On a separate issue, you should get out of the habit of using special characters in your fieldnames, with the exception of the underscore character.

    • in reply to: Copy SQL Express DB to another PC #1590174

      If you’ve installed the SQL Server Management Studio, you can detach the database and then copy/move it.

    • in reply to: DoCmd Asks me twice #1590173

      Are you sure it is that routine that is asking you twice? Is it possible that in the form’s BeforeUpdate event you have another “Are you sure?”?

    • in reply to: Creating Expressions in Access (2010) Forms #1585548

      What was wrong with: format([Calc_Total],”currency”)

    • in reply to: Creating Expressions in Access (2010) Forms #1585379

      The Controlsource for a single textbox would be:

      =[Qty] & ” items purchased from ” & [Sold_By] & ” at a cost of ” & format([Calc_Total],”currency”)

    • in reply to: Data Validation – Rule? #1584315

      Status = Switch(Left([Stage],6)=”Closed”,”Closed”,[Client Priority]=”On Hold”,”Inactive”,[Client Priorty]=”Awaiting Client”,”Inactive”,True,”Active”)

    • in reply to: Data Validation – Rule? #1584233

      I don’t understand how Client_Priority and Stage are related. For example what if Client_Priority is “Low” (which yields an “Active” Status), but State is “Closed – Withdrawn” (“Closed” Status)?

    • in reply to: How to Query with User Prompt #1582498

      The quick way is to use: DateDiff(“yyyy”,[17 Init Date], [Enter Start date in format mm/dd/yyyy])

    • in reply to: Access textbox clearing out issue #1582496

      The IIF statement evaluates both “sides”; that is, even if the condition is met, the other condition is also evaluated. So in your example, if Text40 is Null, then Val(text40) will fail. You might try Val(text40 + “”).

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 3,609 total)