• WSmark4man



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    • in reply to: Do You Want To Open or Save…??? #1405181


      checked it out…nothing unusual in startup group.

      this just started w/ IE10



    • in reply to: 2 Networks…NO Connectivity #1343866

      know what finally fixed my problem…???

      well…it WAS NOT microsoft or any response I received in any windows 7 forum (although…I do appreciate them all, truly…especially you guyz here at woody’s).

      but the problem w/ microsoft & all their brainiacs is that…at the end of the day…they don’t have a clue, because the whole shebang has become bigger & more complex than they are…like frankenstein’s monster.

      it’s like…when you’re a kid & you tell your Dad about a really big problem you’re having & he doesn’t really have an answer so he says: ‘just do the best you can, son’.

      I had one microsoft phone support technician…who was gonna charge me 99 dollars to fix the problem…after he told me it was an ‘inherant’ flaw within the operating system itself, for which they would need to patch into my system remotely and replace a faulty system file…in other words…charge me money for a flaw…a bug…in the core code of the OS…which microsoft not only wrote…but will also not acknowledge.

      so…this is the state today, of not only microsoft…but of most of the corporate west…too big for their britches & not giving a sh_t.

      anyway…I ran System Mechanic 11 ONCE…& it was repaired

      thanx, microsoft

    • in reply to: 2 Networks…NO Connectivity #1341048

      i don’t have that…running win 7 pro…I have ‘network & sharing center’.

      it’s not a wireless setup, anyway…it’s a wired modem



    • in reply to: Office 2010 configuration on each program load #1334172

      thanx all…

      wanted to let everyone know that I finally phoned MS support & got this resolved.

      The problem was 2-fold…

      1) MS Office 2010 Starter was still installed, corrupted (& uninstallable) & corrupting the configuration of MS Office Home & Business 2010.

      2) MS Installer was, for some unexplained reason, gone (?).

      FIX) after uninstalling all apps related to office, due to MS Installer being kaput, a newly downloaded version of Office Home & Business could not be installed. the tech(s) installed it (Installer) from my OEM disc by initiating a repair of the OS (while saving all files, folders, settings, etc.)
      once that occured, office was installed anew; & WORD is now working correctly

      (also…as a result of the repair…Programs & Features is also now working correctly).

      thanx for ur help,


      btw – don’t believe cross-posting is an etiquitte problem or any other kind of problem…if you’re referring to posting a support question in multiple different forum sites. the problem isn’t one originating w/ the poster (who just want’s to gain answers)…it originates w/ the forum members (who also) visit multiple sites & just get mad (for some reason) they’re seeing it somewhere else.

      UPDATE: Oh…I get the cross-posting thing now…just indicate it IS one, in fact, so volunteers don’t waste their time in other forums answering the same question…got it…sorry…disregard above

    • in reply to: Office 2010 configuration on each program load #1334000

      no, but I have MS Office Starter 2010…which will not uninstall, for some reason.

      when I try, I get a ‘Click-2-Run’ error:


    • in reply to: Office 2010 configuration on each program load #1333676

      i can’t take it, man…this is crackin’ me up (& I don’t mean in a humorous way)…

      uninstalled & reinstalled ms office home & business 2010…still the same thing…first, the stupid microsoft single image window…then…the entire app must be configured before it will even open…this is HORRIBLE…!!!

      I also tried a ‘repair’, whereby Word runs from my computer…& that didn’t work (think I did it correctly…not sure).

      someone please help…thanx,


    • in reply to: Office 2010 configuration on each program load #1333202

      I actually wanted to do that…but I also have a problem w/ Click-2-Run Manager. In Uninstall/Reinstall Programs…the options never go beyond ‘Change’…when I highlight a program & click Change…nothing happens…& I get a Click-2-Run configuration error

    • in reply to: RECYCLE BIN Bues…missing AUDIO files! #1331296

      used an app called GetDataBack; & one called ZAR…they found about half of the missing files. they were in one of the RECYCLE folders discovered, in & under their own heirarchy.

      the others…(which disappeared the exact same way)…have no clue, as nothing was written to drive from immediately after realizing the data was missing. at least I got back some.



    • in reply to: Two networks…intermittant loss of connectivity #1291514


      it’s not a verizon problem…it’s a WINDOWS 7 problem…!!!

      this does not happen on my old machine…which was running XP.

      it has happened on TWO new PC’s (ASUS) from Best Buy…so it’s not a PC problem.

      it has happened w/ TWO new modems…so it’s not a verizon modem problem

      the tech that verizon sent me was a moron…I’ve had much better luck w/ the phone-based techs.

      As I said at the outset…(in the other thread, actually…the one u closed)…the phone-based verizon tech asked me what I did when I first powered up the computer, in the original Network Setup dialog. When he asked that question, I remembered that I DID in fact choose a Public Network.

      He said, ah-ha…I should have chosen the Home Network. He said that when I reboot, the machine looks for the Public Network, because of my original choice; & that it was being confused & combining the two…(which is also why both Networks disappear when I disabled only the Public Network).

      So now…I’m really close to solving this problem…the only thing left to be done is to UNDO that original selection…please, HOW IS THIS
      ACCOMPLISHED…??? that’s all I need, man.



    • in reply to: Two networks…intermittant loss of connectivity #1291315

      Is the NIC integrated on the motherboard or discrete?


      UPDATE: Under Advanced System Details in System Information…under Network, I have 2 Adapters, 2 Protocols & 2 Winsocks…& this is when i’m connected & only have the Home network going in Network & Sharing Center.

      is this normal…???


    • in reply to: Two networks…intermittant loss of connectivity #1291287

      Is this from a cold (i.e. power off) boot or just a re-boot?


      Does this happen after sleep or hibernation?

      those do not activate for an hour…so…i’m not sure

    • in reply to: Two networks…intermittant loss of connectivity #1291262


      Can you tell what is trying to connect to what now?

      1) when I have no connectivity…there are TWO networks…Home & Public…they both show up as ‘not connected’

      2) I disable my Local Area Connection under ‘Adapter Settings’ in ‘Network Sharing Center’… & then re-enable it …& I then have ONE network (Home)…& immediate connectivity


      Did the Epson Event Manager get back into the start up group? Try What’s In Startup if so.

      No…that wasn’t in there after I unchecked it in msconfig…(& I hadn’t checked prior to that so I din’t know if it was in there prior)…but the only thing in that folder (C:UsersDefaultAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup) was an app from Best Buy related to connecting to the geek squad to sell me service



    • never mind…

      it worked twice & then reverted back to the old problem

      I’m really frustrrated w/ this, man…!!!…where is startup, ted…???



    • in reply to: Two networks…intermittant loss of connectivity #1291154

      never mind…

      it worked twice & then reverted back to the old problem

      I’m really frustrrated w/ this, man…!!!



    • in reply to: Two networks…intermittant loss of connectivity #1291011


      1st…I reset my Windows Firewall to default…(have no idea why I did this, other than I suspected it was a major part of the problem & was groping for answers)

      2) when I did this…next time I fired up the PC…a message came up from Windows Firewall asking me about EPSON EVENT MANAGER…that it was attempting to connect to a PUBLIC network.

      3) rather that attempt to go about changing the network settings for this EPSON EVENT MANAGER…I simply went into msconfig & removed it from the Startup Item list

      PROBLEM GONE…now when I boot up, I have instant connectivity…to ONE network…!!!

      thanx for all the help,


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