• WSkjktoo



    Viewing 11 replies - 76 through 86 (of 86 total)
    • in reply to: Keyboard Shortcut to invoke clipboard in O2K #523628

      On the subject of clipboard extenders…I use ClipCache and get the same error message in Excel 2000, however it has always copied & pasted the entire selection for me despite the error messages.


    • in reply to: CONDITIONAL #522869

      Hi Andrew,

      I was copying these *very useful* functions into my personal library when I noticed two typos. So in case anyone else wants to do the same I thought I’d let you know.

      Function CellColorCount(fRange As Range, fCol) As Long
      Application.Volatile True
      Dim Rng As Range
      For Each Rng In fRange
       If Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = fCol And Rng.Value  "" Then
        ColorCount = ColorCount + 1
       End If
      End Function
      Function CellColorSum(fRange As Range, fCol) As Double
      Application.Volatile True
      Dim Rng As Range
      For Each Rng In fRange
       If Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = fCol Then
        ColorSum = ColorSum + Rng.Value
       End If
      End Function

      The lines reading

      ColorSum = ColorSum + Rng.Value
      ColorCount = ColorCount + 1

      should read

      CellColorSum = CellColorSum + Rng.Value
      CellColorCount = CellColorCount + 1

      I appreciate all the effort you put in here at the Lounge to help out those less knowledgeable like myself.


      P.S. What does Application.Volatile True do?

    • in reply to: Detecting Shift-Click #522833


      Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. It took me a while to figure out that GetKeyState returns bit 8 on when a button is clicked with the shift key down, and bit 1 gets toggled by the key up event. Once I got that, the rest went well.


    • in reply to: SheetChange Event #522568

      Thanks to Andrew and Rory for their help.

      Here’s the final code I’m using. Seems to be working fine.

      Option Explicit
      Public Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
      Dim work As String
      Dim i As Long
      On Error GoTo Goodbye
      work = Target.Formula
      If Right(work, 1)  "-" Then Exit Sub
      work = Left(work, Len(work) - 1)
      If IsNumeric(work) Then
          work = "-" & work
          If Application.FixedDecimal = False Then
              Target.Formula = work
              Target.Formula = Val(work) * 0.01
          End If
      End If
      End Sub


    • in reply to: SheetChange Event #522245

      Thank you Andrew and Rory. I’ll get report back to you on this in a couple of days when I have a chance to try it.


    • in reply to: SheetChange Event #522214

      Andrew, Thanks much for responding. The macro is in the workbook module, and I added the lines you suggested. However, It still changes the cell below the one I just entered. Any more ideas would be appreciated.

      Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
      Dim i As Long
      Dim work As String
      Application.EnableEvents = False
      ' enter your code here
      work = ActiveCell.Formula
      If Right(work, 1) = "-" Then
          If IsNumeric(Left(work, Len(work) - 1)) Then
              ActiveCell.Formula = "-" & Left(work, Len(work) - 1)
          End If
      End If
      Application.EnableEvents = True
      End Sub


    • in reply to: Set Print Area Across Multiple Sheets #517164


      This is a little late, but it works in XL2K. Select all the identical sheets you want to print, then select the cells you want to print on the first sheet. Press Ctrl-P or do File | Print and click the “Print Selection” option button. Print Preview then shows that all the selected sheets will print just that selected area. No need to set a print area at all.


    • in reply to: Editing named ranges #512572

      When you click in the Refers to box are you in Edit Mode?
      Check the status bar. If not, press F2.

      Hope this is helpful.

    • in reply to: Editing named ranges #512583

      Hi again,

      Strange, what you say. After I click on the refers to box in the Define Name Dialog box, my status bar shows that F2 toggles between “Enter” and “Edit”. In the Edit mode I have no problem editing in the Refers To box.

    • in reply to: EditPad #510286

      Try this link to read about NotesPad


      I’ve used it for years and think its great.


    • in reply to: trailing minus sign in Excel #1774566

      Here’s what I use to fix trailing negatives. I also use it to fix negatives in angled brackets which I get if I import reports from the AS400 spool file. It also skips dashed lines that I get from those reports.

      I’m almost embarrassed. My code isn’t nearly as sophisticated as what I’ve seen so far, but it seems to work OK for me.

      Option Explicit
      Sub FixNeg()
      Dim myCell As Range
      Dim i As Long
      Dim Work As String
      For Each myCell In Selection
          myCell.Value = Trim(myCell.Value)
          If Right(myCell.Value, 1) = "-" And Right(myCell.Value, 2)  "--" _
                  Or Right(myCell.Value, 1) = ">" Then
              Work = "-"
              For i = 1 To Len(myCell.Value) - 1
                  If InStr(".0123456789", Mid(myCell.Value, i, 1)) > 0 Then
                      Work = Work & Mid(myCell.Value, i, 1)
                  End If
              Next i
              myCell.Value = Work
          End If
      Next myCell
      End Sub

      End Sub

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