• WSkjktoo



    Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 86 total)
    • in reply to: Reference Types (2000) #613192

      John, How about this version.
      First put this at the top of the module to contain the sub that follows:

      Private Type KeyboardBytes
          kbByte(0 To 255) As Byte
      End Type
      Dim kbArray As KeyboardBytes
      Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Long
      Private Declare Function GetKeyboardState Lib "user32" (kbArray As KeyboardBytes) As Long
      Private Declare Function SetKeyboardState Lib "user32" (kbArray As KeyboardBytes) As Long
      Const VK_NUMLOCK As Integer = &H90
      Const VK_SHIFT As Integer = &H10
      Const VK_CONTROL As Integer = &H11
      Const VK_MENU As Integer = &H12 'Alt key
      Const VK_CAPSLOCK As Integer = &H14

      Now here’s the sub. Attach it to a button and run it this way. Hold down control & shift and click the button to get $A$1, just the control key and click gives $A1, just the shift key and click gives A$1, and just a plain click gives A1.

      Sub RefSwitcher()
      Dim ShiftState As Long
      Dim CntrlState As Long
      ShiftState = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) And 128
      CntrlState = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) And 128
      If ShiftState = 128 And CntrlState = 128 Then
          With Selection
              .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(Formula:=.Formula, _
              fromreferencestyle:=xlA1, toreferencestyle:=xlA1, toabsolute:=xlAbsolute)
          End With
      ElseIf CntrlState = 128 Then
          With Selection
              .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(Formula:=.Formula, _
              fromreferencestyle:=xlA1, toreferencestyle:=xlA1, toabsolute:=xlRelRowAbsColumn)
          End With
      ElseIf ShiftState = 128 Then
          With Selection
              .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(Formula:=.Formula, _
              fromreferencestyle:=xlA1, toreferencestyle:=xlA1, toabsolute:=xlAbsRowRelColumn)
          End With
          With Selection
              .Formula = Application.ConvertFormula(Formula:=.Formula, _
              fromreferencestyle:=xlA1, toreferencestyle:=xlA1, toabsolute:=xlRelative)
          End With
      End If
      End Sub


    • in reply to: Excel VBA problem (XL2000 SR1) #611552


      Nope, no command button. I’m running it from the Macro dialog box, and also from a custom menu button.


    • in reply to: Excel VBA problem (XL2000 SR1) #611550

      Legare & Jan,

      Yes, the cancel button does give me that error too, but so does the OK button. I probably need to reinstall XL to fix this, but I’m not sure that it is worth the effort required. Thanks for your help.


    • in reply to: Excel VBA problem (XL2000 SR1) #611353

      Legare, Thanks for responding. Here’s my actual project…although I have the same problem with the snippet as with the actual project.
      It’s purpose is to extract the unique values from a selected 1 column list and write it to the target location. The error occurs on the
      “Set” statement.

      Public Sub Extract()
      Dim rngStartingCell As Range
      Set rngStartingCell = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Select a cell in a blank area _
       to start the list of unique items", Type:=8)
      Selection.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:="", _
      CopyToRange:=rngStartingCell, Unique:=True
      End Sub 
    • in reply to: Need Special Characters In Formulas (97) #590260


      Take a look at this macro which was written to help create math equations in Excel It uses special code characters in your equation to convert text to super, sub, italic, or characters from the Symbol font. You could probably customize it to suit your needs.


      As it stands it doesn’t run on cells with formulas. but if you disable that line it will run and convert the formula to a value.


    • in reply to: Beyond a vlookup (97/2000) #583053

      Take a look at this Chip Pearson page. Look for the heading

      Double Lookups

    • Alan,

      I’ve been experiencing the same difficultly when pasting from other applications. If I’ve used the TextToColumns wizard and identified a delimiter, any subsequent pastes continue to use it as a delimiter.

      Here’s a little macro that I wrote to “reset” the delimiters to nulls. Just attach it to a button, select the cell you want to paste to, run the macro, then paste away.

      Sub ResetTextPaste()
          Dim strAddress As String
          ActiveCell.Value = " "
          strAddress = ActiveCell.Address
          Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range(strAddress), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
              TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _
              Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo _
              :=Array(1, 1)
          ActiveCell.Value = ""
      End Sub

      For those who may be wondering what this is about, this is for when the Paste|Special option gives you these choices: BIFF format, SYLK format, HTML format, Unicode Format or Text format…and you want either Unicode Text or Text Format.

    • in reply to: Modify format of part of cell (2002) #579314


      I thought this would be an interesting project, but Jan had a solution before I had a chance to try anything. Anyway, since you still needed an improvement to the code, I (borrowing liberally from Jan smile) wrote this code which should detect and format all instances of a pair of formatting codes.

      Sub MyAttempt()
      Dim iChar() As Long
      Dim sCodeChar As String
      Dim sTestChar As String
      Dim sWork As String
      Dim i As Long
      Dim j As Long
      Dim k As Long
      Dim Index As Long
      Dim TextLength As Long
      Dim bFlag As Boolean
      Const sChars As String = "_^%&#"
      If Left(ActiveCell.Formula, 1) = "=" Then Exit Sub
      'Find number of pairs of formatting codes and redim array
      TextLength = Len(ActiveCell.Value)
      For i = 1 To TextLength
          If InStr(sChars, Mid(ActiveCell.Value, i, 1)) > 0 Then j = j + 1
      Next i
      If j  2  j / 2 Then
          MsgBox "Code pair is incomplete. Halt formatting procedure"
          Exit Sub
      End If
      j = j / 2 + 1
      ReDim iChar(j, 3)
      Index = 1  'initialize
      'loop through each formatting character
      For i = 1 To 5
          'remove all code chars except the relevant code character from text string
          'i is the index number for the formatting code
          sWork = ""
          sCodeChar = Mid(sChars, i, 1)
          For j = 1 To TextLength
              sTestChar = Mid(ActiveCell.Value, j, 1)
              If InStr(sChars, sTestChar) = 0 Then 'the char is not a formatting char
                  sWork = sWork + sTestChar
              ElseIf sTestChar = sCodeChar Then  'the char is the relevant formatting char
                  sWork = sWork + sTestChar
              End If
          Next j
          'Save the starting and ending positions for each actual segment of text to
          'be formatted and the formating character's index.  Use k to count the instances
          'of the formatting character.
          k = 0
          For j = 1 To Len(sWork)
              If Mid(sWork, j, 1) = sCodeChar Then
                  If Not bFlag Then 'First instance in a pair of codes
                      iChar(Index, 1) = j - k
                      bFlag = True
                      k = k + 1
                  Else              'Second instance in a pair of codes
                      iChar(Index, 2) = j - k - 1
                      bFlag = False
                      k = k + 1
                      iChar(Index, 3) = i
                      Index = Index + 1
                  End If
              End If
          Next j
      Next i
      'Remove all formatting characters from active cell contents
      sWork = ""
      For i = 1 To Len(ActiveCell.Value)
          If InStr(sChars, Mid(ActiveCell.Value, i, 1)) = 0 Then
              sWork = sWork + Mid(ActiveCell.Value, i, 1)
          End If
      Next i
      ActiveCell.Value = sWork
      'Apply formatting
      For i = 1 To Index - 1
          With ActiveCell.Characters(iChar(i, 1), iChar(i, 2) - iChar(i, 1) + 1)
              Select Case iChar(i, 3)
                  Case 1 ' Underscore
                      .Font.Subscript = True
                  Case 2 ' ^
                      .Font.Superscript = True
                  Case 3 ' %
                      .Font.Italic = True
                  Case 4 ' & fixed per JohnBF
                      .Font.Bold = True
                  Case 5 ' # Greek
                      .Font.Name = "Symbol"
               End Select
          End With
      Next i
      End Sub
    • in reply to: Modify format of part of cell (2002) #579488

      Sorry, but the “next step” is beyond my knowledge. Perhaps Jan, a true excel guru, can help.

      – edited –
      What you might consider is keeping a copy of the original formula with the formatting codes in a nearby cell and modify that cell with your new term, copy to the desired location and run the macro, then.


    • in reply to: Printing A4-ISO paper size on 8.5 X 11 (Excel 97/SR-2) #577630

      Copy Page Setup Instructions

    • in reply to: Select distinct entries from a list (2000 SR 1) #575478

      Here’s a link to Chip Pearsons Site decribing how to do this:

      Extracting Unique Entries

    • in reply to: View Distribution Lists (Outlook 98) #575476

      One way to do this is:
      1) open your address book
      2) in the main window, right click on the group
      3) choose Action|Send Mail

      A new email message appears with the individual addresses in the To: box rather than the list name.


    • in reply to: Average (2000) #575461

      Assuming your column of numbers starts in A1 and has no blanks except after the last number, you can use this formula to average the last five numbers in the column:



    • in reply to: Formula Bar (2000) #574241


      I like to build complex formulas first in multiple cells as you suggest. But then I use the following macro to do my “nesting” for me.

      I’ve used it on and off for a while and it works fine, but it hasn’t been fully tested, so it may break under some circumstances. I’m sure others can write more elegant code, but I’ve not noticed anything like this on the board. I’m sure others more expert could improve it and make it unbreakable.

      Sub ReferenceReplace()
      Dim RefMaster As Range
      Dim RefServant As Range
      Dim MasterFormula As String
      Dim ServantFormula As String
      Dim Work As String
      Dim i As Long
      Dim j As Long
      Dim k As Long
      Dim l As Long
      Dim x As Long
      Dim y As Long
      Dim NotFound As Boolean
      On Error GoTo Cancelled
      Set RefMaster = Application.InputBox("Select the cell containing the master formula", Type:=8)
      Set RefServant = Application.InputBox("Select the cell containing the servant formula", Type:=8)
      On Error GoTo 0
      If RefMaster.Count  1 Or RefServant.Count  1 Then
          MsgBox "The master and servant references may only be one cell each. Procedure cancelled"
          Exit Sub
      End If
      ServantFormula = RefServant.Formula
      'get rid of the equal sign in servant formula if it exists
      'add quotes to unquoted text string
      'do nothing to plain numbers
      If Left(ServantFormula, 1) = "=" Then
          ServantFormula = Right(ServantFormula, Len(ServantFormula) - 1)
      ElseIf IsNumeric(ServantFormula) Then
          'do nothing
          ServantFormula = Chr(34) & ServantFormula & Chr(34)
      End If
      NotFound = True
      For l = 1 To 4
      Select Case l
          Case 1
              x = 1: y = 1
          Case 2
              x = 0: y = 1
          Case 3
              x = 1: y = 0
          Case 4
              x = 0: y = 0
      End Select
          MasterFormula = RefMaster.Formula
          'Debug.Print RefServant.Address(x, y)
          i = InStr(MasterFormula, RefServant.Address(x, y))
          If i > 0 Then
              NotFound = False
              j = i + Len(RefServant.Address(x, y))
              k = Len(MasterFormula) - j + 1
              Work = Left(MasterFormula, i - 1) & ServantFormula
              Work = Work & Mid(MasterFormula, j, k)
              RefMaster.Formula = Work
          End If
      Loop Until i = 0
      Next l
      If NotFound Then
          MsgBox ("The servant formula reference was not found in the master formula")
      End If
      End Sub


    • in reply to: Sorting with hyphens in test (XL2K SR-1a) #572081

      Edited by kjktoo on 25-Feb-02 21:50.

      Edited to change the word “sheets” to “ranges”

      Jan Karel,

      Once again you hit the nail on the head in your response. The annoyance here is why Microsoft uses a default collating sequence in VBA that is different from the one used when sorting ranges. Just one more thing to annoy the unwary like me I guess. I suppose it has to do with making VBA consistent with VB or something like that. Anyway…

      Thanks for your help.


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