• WSkjktoo



    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 86 total)
    • in reply to: Fiscal years and pivot tables (Excel 2000) #915735

      Thanks. I thought it would be something simple. Duh.

    • in reply to: Conditional Summing (2000) #904880

      Explanation in attachment.

      Happy Thanksgiving!

    • in reply to: Conditional Summing (2000) #904881

      Explanation in attachment.

      Happy Thanksgiving!

    • in reply to: Conditional Summing (2000) #902744

      Here’s a solution without VBA. Your list will have to be sorted by case, and you need to use a summary area on the sheet with a unique list of cases. Unwanted columns can be hidden.


    • in reply to: Conditional Summing (2000) #902745

      Here’s a solution without VBA. Your list will have to be sorted by case, and you need to use a summary area on the sheet with a unique list of cases. Unwanted columns can be hidden.


    • in reply to: Excel crashes when copying sheet (97 sp2) #896507

      This is an old thread, but probably still an occasional issue for some. I have a workbook that would not let me copy or insert a new sheet, but always crashed due to the worksheet code names being too long. Neither could I rename the sheet code names in VBA as anything I renamed it to was reported as invalid.

      I fixed the problem by saving the wookbood in 5.0/95 format…it renamed all the sheet code names for me. There was of course a warning that some formatting would be lost, but that was a trivial problem in this case.

    • in reply to: Excel crashes when copying sheet (97 sp2) #896508

      This is an old thread, but probably still an occasional issue for some. I have a workbook that would not let me copy or insert a new sheet, but always crashed due to the worksheet code names being too long. Neither could I rename the sheet code names in VBA as anything I renamed it to was reported as invalid.

      I fixed the problem by saving the wookbood in 5.0/95 format…it renamed all the sheet code names for me. There was of course a warning that some formatting would be lost, but that was a trivial problem in this case.

    • in reply to: Copy replace worksheet (Excel XP) #878763


      That won’t work if the area being copied contains formulas. The formulas will refer back to the sheet they were copied form, not the sheet they are pasted to.


      Here’s a couple of macros to work around this problem if cell references don’t need to be adjusted. Select the area to copy and run ApostropheInsert. After copying and pasting run ApostropheRemove while cells are still selected. Run it again on the original selection to restore formulas


      Sub ApostropheInsert()
      Dim rngCell As Range
      For Each rngCell In Selection
          If rngCell.HasFormula Then
            rngCell.Value = "'" & rngCell.Formula
          End If
      End Sub
      Sub ApostropheRemove()
      Dim rngCell As Range
      For Each rngCell In Selection
          If Left(rngCell.Value, 1) = "=" Then
            rngCell.Formula = rngCell.Value
          End If
      End Sub
    • in reply to: Copy replace worksheet (Excel XP) #878764


      That won’t work if the area being copied contains formulas. The formulas will refer back to the sheet they were copied form, not the sheet they are pasted to.


      Here’s a couple of macros to work around this problem if cell references don’t need to be adjusted. Select the area to copy and run ApostropheInsert. After copying and pasting run ApostropheRemove while cells are still selected. Run it again on the original selection to restore formulas


      Sub ApostropheInsert()
      Dim rngCell As Range
      For Each rngCell In Selection
          If rngCell.HasFormula Then
            rngCell.Value = "'" & rngCell.Formula
          End If
      End Sub
      Sub ApostropheRemove()
      Dim rngCell As Range
      For Each rngCell In Selection
          If Left(rngCell.Value, 1) = "=" Then
            rngCell.Formula = rngCell.Value
          End If
      End Sub
    • Here’s a non-macro solution that will insert a blank row after each group of identical SSN’s.

      Easier to show than explain.


    • Here’s a non-macro solution that will insert a blank row after each group of identical SSN’s.

      Easier to show than explain.


    • in reply to: Formulas -> Values (2000 sp-3/ 98SE) #873180


      Here’s the macro I’ve been using. Seems to work OK on discontiguous selections

      Sub PasteValues()
      Dim rngFormulas As Range
      Dim rngCell As Range
      Set rngFormulas = Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
      For Each rngCell In rngFormulas
      rngCell.Formula = rngCell.Value
      Set rngFormulas = Nothing
      End Sub


    • in reply to: Formulas -> Values (2000 sp-3/ 98SE) #873181


      Here’s the macro I’ve been using. Seems to work OK on discontiguous selections

      Sub PasteValues()
      Dim rngFormulas As Range
      Dim rngCell As Range
      Set rngFormulas = Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
      For Each rngCell In rngFormulas
      rngCell.Formula = rngCell.Value
      Set rngFormulas = Nothing
      End Sub


    • in reply to: splitting a columm (excel 2003) #868941

      Here’s an alternative way without arrays.


    • in reply to: splitting a columm (excel 2003) #868943

      Here’s an alternative way without arrays.


    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 86 total)