• WSkjktoo



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 86 total)
    • in reply to: SUMPRODUCT PROBLEM (XL2K SR1) #1066420

      Great solution, Hans. I didn’t even think to use SUMIF for this. Funny thing is that I was playing around with the problem today, and came across a solution using LOOKUP instead of VLOOKUP or MATCH/INDEX. Like this:


      However, I think your solution is preferable because LOOKUP is fussy about the search order and thus is more prone to error if something is not in the proper order.


    • in reply to: SUMPRODUCT PROBLEM (XL2K SR1) #1065926

      Thanks to all for the input. Looks like I’ll be using an intermediate column.


    • in reply to: VBA UDF question (xl2k sr1) #1059504

      Thanks Jezza, Rory, and Hans. Got lots of options now.


    • in reply to: Trim-Parse troubleshoot (2003) #1059427

      Here’s an array formula that will find the last “/” no matter how many owners. Enter using Ctrl-Shift plus Enter



    • in reply to: Linking Question (Excel 2003 SP1) #1056568

      An alternative would be to enter an apostrophe in the blank linked cell which forces excel to see null text.

    • in reply to: BOOK1 load (Excel2003) #1042752

      for my verson of Excel (2000) if I append /e to the command in the shortcut Excel opens with no workbook.


    • in reply to: =sum in variable (2003) #1022599

      Here’s a more generic version that I assigned a hot key to. Just select any group of cells, hit the hot key and paste the sum where you will.

      Sub SelectionSumCopy()
      ‘may need to create and delete a userform in order
      ‘to force a reference to MS Forms 2.0 Object Lib
      Dim MyData As DataObject
      Set MyData = New DataObject
      MyData.SetText Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Selection)
      End Sub

    • in reply to: Lookup ‘close’ to next row (any) #1010129


      Here is a version with conditional formatting that highlights only grades just below the threshold of a higher grade.


    • in reply to: Lease Calculation (Exel 2000 sr1) #1003856

      Thank you!


    • in reply to: Eliminate Error Messages (Excel 2003) #967642

      See if this VBA subroutine will help.
      AddISERROR will take a formula and wrap “=IF(ISERROR(FORMULA),””,FORMULA)” if there is no ISERROR already in the formula. If you have a really long formula this might create a resulting formula too long for XL to handle.

      Sub AddISERROR()
      Dim rngCell As Range
      Dim I As Long
      Dim iCalculationState As Integer
      Dim Work As String
      iCalculationState = Application.Calculation
      Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
      For Each rngCell In Selection
          If rngCell.HasFormula Then
              If InStr(rngCell.Formula, "ISERROR") = 0 Then
                  Work = Right(rngCell.Formula, Len(rngCell.Formula) - 1)
                  rngCell.Formula = "=IF(ISERROR(" & Work _
                                         & "),""""," & Work & ")"
              End If
          End If
      Application.Calculation = iCalculationState
      End Sub

      Also, I recall some months back a user-defined error function created by some loungers
      that only required one instance of the formula being tested, not two.
      Later Found it!: post 87,625

    • in reply to: Upgrade 97 to XP Problem (Office XP) #954316

      I emailed a copy of the troublesome template to MIS who checked it on his machine using the same printer driver as I had and he did not have a problem printing. Then, later I came across a prior version of the template I had saved, so I tested it…it printed fine. Then I updated the old version with the changed code in the newer troublesome version. Problem solved. Seems there was a corruption in my template that didn’t show up under 97 that did show up under XP.

    • in reply to: Pasting Text (xl2000 sr1) #939717

      Indeed a more elegant solution. The problem is that the delimiter is (as far as I can tell, and I’m no expert in VBA) a “sticky” argument, but not an accessible property. If there’s a way to do what you suggest, I’d really like to know what it is. Reapplying the TextToColumns method with a different delimiter is the only way I’ve been able to get around it.


    • in reply to: Pasting Text (xl2000 sr1) #939438

      Thank you for the response. Seems the retention of TextToColumns delimiter characters is another MS feature that can be a nuisance. To resolve the problem I decided to use the principle that a program should clean up after itself. So in my macro that used the TextToColumns method, added at the end, I had it run a “dummy” run of the method by 1) forcing the selection to a single cell, 2) saving the contents in a variable, 3) putting a space character in the cell, 4) running the TextToColumns method using a space as the delimiter on the single cell, and 5) restoring the contents of the active cell. This resets the delimiter data in Excel so it ignores decimal points previously used.

    • in reply to: Extract Trendline Equation (2000 sr1) #929780

      Thanks Hans! Works Great.!

    • in reply to: Fiscal years and pivot tables (Excel 2000) #915734

      Thanks. I thought it would be something simple. Duh.

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